Reference record for OID

parent (cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgWeightFactor(8)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgWeightFactor(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgWeightFactor(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgWeightFactor(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgWeightFactor(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) codex(449) cdxProductSpecific(2) cdx6500(1) cdx6500Configuration(2) cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup(2) cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration(31) cdx6500QoSCfgTables(1) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable(11) cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry(1) QoSSPCfgWeightFactor(8)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgWeightFactor
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgWeightFactor
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgWeightFactor
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgWeightFactor
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgWeightFactor
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/codex/cdxProductSpecific/cdx6500/cdx6500Configuration/cdx6500CfgGeneralGroup/cdx6500GCTQoSConfiguration/cdx6500QoSCfgTables/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileTable/cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry/QoSSPCfgWeightFactor
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This parameter specifies the weight factor in term of
    negative power of 2, for computing average queue length.
    The weight factor determines the sensitivity of the average
    queue length to instantaneous changes in queue length.
    A value 0 means this parameter is skipped during configuration.

    Parsed from file qos.mib.txt
    Company: codex
    Module: QOS-OPT-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Codex
    Module: QOS-OPT-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    QoSSPCfgWeightFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (5..10) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter specifies the weight factor in term of negative power of 2, for computing average queue length. The weight factor determines the sensitivity of the average queue length to instantaneous changes in queue length. A value 0 means this parameter is skipped during configuration." DEFVAL { 9 } ::= { cdx6500QoSCfgServiceProfileEntry 8 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    McGinty Thomas

    Brothers (16)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription QoSSPCfgProfileNumber 0 0 Profile number used to reference this Service Profile. QoSSPCfgEntryNumber 0 0 Entry number used to reference this table record. QoSSPCfgService 0 0 This is the service configured.

    BE - The default best effort service. If CS is configured,
    CS0 PHB becomes the default best effo… QoSSPCfgClassSelecter 0 0 This parameter provides a choice between one of three
    implementations of CS PHB Group.

    BS8 - Each Class Selector PHB uses one ser… QoSSPCfgBandwidth 0 0 This parameter specifies the bandwidth in kbps, for the
    packets using this service. QoSSPCfgDelay 0 0 This parameter specifies the delay option for the service.

    MIN - Packets are expedited without queuing and they
    experience lowes… QoSSPCfgQLength 0 0 This parameter specifies the size of the queue in kilo bytes.
    A large queue size provides the ability to buffer a large
    number of… QoSSPCfgAFx1MinQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the minimum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx1 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx1MaxQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx1 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx1MaxDropProb 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum drop probability (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx1 PHB, where
    AFx is the… QoSSPCfgAFx2MinQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the minimum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx2 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx2MaxQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx2 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx2MaxDropProb 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum drop probability (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx2 PHB, where
    AFx is the… QoSSPCfgAFx3MinQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the minimum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx3 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx3MaxQThreshold 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum queue threshold (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx3 PHB, where
    AFx is the … QoSSPCfgAFx3MaxDropProb 0 0 This parameter specifies the maximum drop probability (in
    terms of percentage of the queue length) for AFx3 PHB, where
    AFx is the…