Reference record for OID

parent (lgpPduPowerSource)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This table contains a list of PDU's power source line/phase
    measurements. The table contains zero, one, or many rows, depending
    upon the number of PDU's Power Sources being monitored.
    The NMS cannot create or delete rows in the table.
    The rows are created by the agent based upon the capabilities of the
    managed PDU's power supply(s). Each row in the table represents a
    particular phase/line measurement of a power supply for a
    given PDU.

    Parsed from file LIEBERT_GP_PDU.MIB.txt
    Company: liebert

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Liebert
    Type: TABLE
    Access: not-accessible
    Syntax: SEQUENCE OF

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    lgpPduPsLineTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LgpPduPsLineEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains a list of PDU's power source line/phase measurements. The table contains zero, one, or many rows, depending upon the number of PDU's Power Sources being monitored. The NMS cannot create or delete rows in the table. The rows are created by the agent based upon the capabilities of the managed PDU's power supply(s). Each row in the table represents a particular phase/line measurement of a power supply for a given PDU." ::= { lgpPduPowerSource 40 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    [email protected]

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription lgpPduPsLineEntry 15 15 This entry defines the attributes to be populated in the
    various columns of the 'lgpPduPsLineTable'.
    The table is index by three …

    Brothers (2)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription lgpPduPsTableCount 1 1 Number of power sources in the lgpPduPsTable. lgpPduPsTable 1 13 This table contains a list of the PDU's power source(s).
    The table contains zero, one, or more rows, depending
    upon the number of…