Reference record for OID

parent (lgpPduPsLineTable)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This entry defines the attributes to be populated in the
    various columns of the 'lgpPduPsLineTable'.
    The table is index by three indexes which taken together
    uniquely identify line/phase information for a given power source
    within a PDU. The 'lgpPduEntryIndex' is an index into the
    'lpgPduTable'. This identifies the PDU that the power source
    is on. The 'lgpPduPsEntryIndex' is an index that together with
    the 'lgpPduEntryIndex' uniquely identifies the power source
    with in the PDU that the row in this table represents. The final
    index 'lgpPduPsLineEntryIndex' identifies the particular
    line/phase that the measurement applies to within the identified
    power source.

    Parsed from file LIEBERT_GP_PDU.MIB.txt
    Company: liebert

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Liebert
    Type: ENTRY
    Access: not-accessible
    Syntax: LgpPduPsLineEntry

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    lgpPduPsLineEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LgpPduPsLineEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry defines the attributes to be populated in the various columns of the 'lgpPduPsLineTable'. The table is index by three indexes which taken together uniquely identify line/phase information for a given power source within a PDU. The 'lgpPduEntryIndex' is an index into the 'lpgPduTable'. This identifies the PDU that the power source is on. The 'lgpPduPsEntryIndex' is an index that together with the 'lgpPduEntryIndex' uniquely identifies the power source with in the PDU that the row in this table represents. The final index 'lgpPduPsLineEntryIndex' identifies the particular line/phase that the measurement applies to within the identified power source." INDEX { lgpPduEntryIndex, lgpPduPsEntryIndex, lgpPduPsLineEntryIndex } ::= { lgpPduPsLineTable 1 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    [email protected]

    Children (15)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription lgpPduPsLineEntryIndex 0 0 This is the index that indicates the line/phase of the measurements
    in the given row of the 'lgpPduPsLineTable'. lgpPduPsLineEntryId 0 0 Unique identifier (within a PDU) for the PDU's power source.
    The object may not be available in non-modular systems. lgpPduPsLineEntryLine 0 0 The line number (phase) that the measurement represents for all
    measurements in a given row of the table. Note that this always… lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLNTenths 0 0 Alternating Current RMS Line to Neutral Electrical Potential
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corre… lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLN 0 0 Alternating Current RMS Line to Neutral Electrical Potential
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corre… lgpPduPsLineEntryEc 0 0 Total input line-to-neutral electrical current.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntry… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcHundredths 0 0 Total input line-to-neutral electrical current.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntry… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcThrshldUndrAlarm 0 0 The threshold at which an under current alarm is activated. If
    the measured current (lgpPduPsLineEntryEc) is equal to or below
    t… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcThrshldOvrWarn 0 0 The threshold at which an over current warning is activated. If
    the measured current (lgpPduPsLineEntryEc) is equal to or over
    t… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcThrshldOvrAlarm 0 0 The threshold at which an over current alarm is activated. If
    the measured current (lgpPduPsLineEntryEc) is equal to or over
    thi… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcAvailBeforeAlarm 0 0 The amount that the current/amperage may increase from its present
    value before an over current alarm occurs. lgpPduPsLineEntryEcUsedBeforeAlarm 0 0 The percent of current utilization relative to the over current
    alarm threshold. lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLL 0 0 Line to Line Electrical Potential.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntryLine value of… lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLLTenths 0 0 Line to Line Electrical Potential.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntryLine value of… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcAvailBeforeAlarmHundredths 0 0 The amount that the current/amperage may increase from its present
    value before an over current alarm occurs.