Reference record for OID

parent (fclX25CfaSignallingEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) pce(866) frxSoftware(20) frxConfig(1) fcLogicalPorts(20) fclX25Configurations(50) fclX25ConfigAccess(1) fclX25CfaSignallingTable(30) fclX25CfaSignallingEntry(1) fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer(22)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) pce(866) frxSoftware(20) frxConfig(1) fcLogicalPorts(20) fclX25Configurations(50) fclX25ConfigAccess(1) fclX25CfaSignallingTable(30) fclX25CfaSignallingEntry(1) fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer(22)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) pce(866) frxSoftware(20) frxConfig(1) fcLogicalPorts(20) fclX25Configurations(50) fclX25ConfigAccess(1) fclX25CfaSignallingTable(30) fclX25CfaSignallingEntry(1) fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer(22)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) pce(866) frxSoftware(20) frxConfig(1) fcLogicalPorts(20) fclX25Configurations(50) fclX25ConfigAccess(1) fclX25CfaSignallingTable(30) fclX25CfaSignallingEntry(1) fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer(22)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) pce(866) frxSoftware(20) frxConfig(1) fcLogicalPorts(20) fclX25Configurations(50) fclX25ConfigAccess(1) fclX25CfaSignallingTable(30) fclX25CfaSignallingEntry(1) fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer(22)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) pce(866) frxSoftware(20) frxConfig(1) fcLogicalPorts(20) fclX25Configurations(50) fclX25ConfigAccess(1) fclX25CfaSignallingTable(30) fclX25CfaSignallingEntry(1) fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer(22)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/pce/frxSoftware/frxConfig/fcLogicalPorts/fclX25Configurations/fclX25ConfigAccess/fclX25CfaSignallingTable/fclX25CfaSignallingEntry/fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/pce/frxSoftware/frxConfig/fcLogicalPorts/fclX25Configurations/fclX25ConfigAccess/fclX25CfaSignallingTable/fclX25CfaSignallingEntry/fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/pce/frxSoftware/frxConfig/fcLogicalPorts/fclX25Configurations/fclX25ConfigAccess/fclX25CfaSignallingTable/fclX25CfaSignallingEntry/fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/pce/frxSoftware/frxConfig/fcLogicalPorts/fclX25Configurations/fclX25ConfigAccess/fclX25CfaSignallingTable/fclX25CfaSignallingEntry/fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/pce/frxSoftware/frxConfig/fcLogicalPorts/fclX25Configurations/fclX25ConfigAccess/fclX25CfaSignallingTable/fclX25CfaSignallingEntry/fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/pce/frxSoftware/frxConfig/fcLogicalPorts/fclX25Configurations/fclX25ConfigAccess/fclX25CfaSignallingTable/fclX25CfaSignallingEntry/fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The value of this object is the maximum time (in
    seconds) the equipment will wait for a response to
    a call request packet sent on the link. A clear
    packet is sent if there is no response after this
    time. The authorized values are '10..2500' by step
    of 10. The default value is '200'.

    Parsed from file v42ami1e.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: PCE-MIB

    Description by circitor

    The value of this object is the maximum time (in
    seconds) the equipment will wait for a response to
    a call request packet sent on the link. A clear
    packet is sent if there is no response after this
    time. The authorized values are '10..2500' by step
    of 10. The default value is '200'.

    Parsed from file PCE-MIB.mib
    Module: PCE-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Philips Communication d'Entreprise Claude Lubin
    Module: PCE-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (10..2500) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is the maximum time (in seconds) the equipment will wait for a response to a call request packet sent on the link. A clear packet is sent if there is no response after this time. The authorized values are '10..2500' by step of 10. The default value is '200'." ::= { fclX25CfaSignallingEntry 22 }

    Information by circitor

    fclX25CfaSigT11CallResponseTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (10..2500) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is the maximum time (in seconds) the equipment will wait for a response to a call request packet sent on the link. A clear packet is sent if there is no response after this time. The authorized values are '10..2500' by step of 10. The default value is '200'." ::= { fclX25CfaSignallingEntry 22 }

    Brothers (17)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription fclX25CfaSigConfigId 0 0 The value of this object identifies one and only
    one X25 access configuration. The possible values
    are : '0..199. If it is unused… fclX25CfaSigType 0 0 The value of this object defines the signalling
    processing behaviour over the connected line. The
    authorized values are 'x25Netwo… fclX25CfaSigPacketAddressCount 0 0 The value of this object is the number of
    addresses in call request packets sent or
    received. The authorized values are '1..2'. T… fclX25CfaSigSubAddressTransmission 0 0 The value of this object indicates whether the
    sub-address of the called address field of the
    call request packet received on a P… fclX25CfaSigPdnIndicator 0 0 The value of this object specifies the behaviour
    of the equipment with respect to a PDNL (Public
    Data Network Link). The authoriz… fclX25CfaSigConversionAimedPoint 0 0 The value of this object indicates whether the
    'aimed point' address conversion is enabled or
    not. This conversion consists in ma… fclX25CfaSigConversionIncomingCall 0 0 The value of this object indicates which address
    field are converted on an incoming call. The
    authorized values are :
    off : no add… fclX25CfaSigConversionOutgoingCall 0 0 The value of this object indicates which address
    field are converted on an outgoing call. The
    authorized values are :
    off : no add… fclX25CfaSigConversionAddressCheck 0 0 The value of this object indicates the behaviour
    of the equipment when a requested address
    conversion can not be made because the… fclX25CfaSigConvMultiCalledAddrInCall 0 0 Numero d'identification pour conversion d'adresse
    d'appele multi-criteres en entree fclX25CfaSigConvMultiCallingAddrInCall 0 0 Numero d'identification pour conversion d'adresse
    d'appelant multi-criteres en entree fclX25CfaSigConvMultiCalledAddrOutCall 0 0 Numero d'identification pour conversion d'adresse
    d'appele multi-criteres en sortie fclX25CfaSigConvMultiCallingAddrOutCall 0 0 Numero d'identification pour conversion d'adresse
    d'appelant multi-criteres en sortie fclX25CfaSigOutPacketCauseField 0 0 The value of this object describes which operation
    the equipment makes on the cause field of reset,
    clear, and restart request an… fclX25CfaSigInPacketCauseField 0 0 The value of this object describes which operation
    the equipment makes on the cause field of reset,
    clear, and restart request an… fclX25CfaSigCallAcceptedFormat 0 0 The value of this object defines the format of an
    outgoing call connected packet. The authorized
    values are :
    noFacilitiesNoAddres… fclX25CfaSigClearFormat 0 0 The value of this object defines the format of an
    outgoing call connected packet. The authorized
    values are :