Reference record for OID

parent (ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoICsuDsuMIB(44) ciscoICsuDsuObjects(1) ciscoICsuDsuGeneral(1) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable(2) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry(1) ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern(9)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoICsuDsuMIB(44) ciscoICsuDsuObjects(1) ciscoICsuDsuGeneral(1) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable(2) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry(1) ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern(9)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoICsuDsuMIB(44) ciscoICsuDsuObjects(1) ciscoICsuDsuGeneral(1) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable(2) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry(1) ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern(9)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoICsuDsuMIB(44) ciscoICsuDsuObjects(1) ciscoICsuDsuGeneral(1) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable(2) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry(1) ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern(9)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoICsuDsuMIB(44) ciscoICsuDsuObjects(1) ciscoICsuDsuGeneral(1) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable(2) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry(1) ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern(9)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoICsuDsuMIB(44) ciscoICsuDsuObjects(1) ciscoICsuDsuGeneral(1) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable(2) ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry(1) ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern(9)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoICsuDsuMIB/ciscoICsuDsuObjects/ciscoICsuDsuGeneral/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry/ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoICsuDsuMIB/ciscoICsuDsuObjects/ciscoICsuDsuGeneral/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry/ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoICsuDsuMIB/ciscoICsuDsuObjects/ciscoICsuDsuGeneral/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry/ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoICsuDsuMIB/ciscoICsuDsuObjects/ciscoICsuDsuGeneral/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry/ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoICsuDsuMIB/ciscoICsuDsuObjects/ciscoICsuDsuGeneral/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry/ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoICsuDsuMIB/ciscoICsuDsuObjects/ciscoICsuDsuGeneral/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportTable/ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry/ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback.
    Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed.

    Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by
    the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data.

    Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU:
    patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to
    measure Bit Error Rates.
    pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros.
    Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning
    of the T1 facility.
    pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones.
    Typically used for signal power measurements.
    pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically
    used in testing for bridge taps.
    pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically
    used to terminate a remote loopback.
    pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically
    used to put the remote unit in loopback.
    pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'.
    Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits
    of repeaters and other intermediate equipment.
    pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of
    '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'.
    Typically used to test for one's density
    (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines.
    patternUser - user defined pattern.

    Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones.
    pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones.
    patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1.
    patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2.
    patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3.
    patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4.

    Parsed from file CISCO-ICSUDSU-MIB.mib

    Description by cisco_v1

    Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback.
    Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed.

    Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by
    the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data.

    Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU:
    patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to
    measure Bit Error Rates.
    pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros.
    Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning
    of the T1 facility.
    pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones.
    Typically used for signal power measurements.
    pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically
    used in testing for bridge taps.
    pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically
    used to terminate a remote loopback.
    pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically
    used to put the remote unit in loopback.
    pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'.
    Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits
    of repeaters and other intermediate equipment.
    pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of
    '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'.
    Typically used to test for one's density
    (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines.
    patternUser - user defined pattern.

    Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones.
    pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones.
    patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1.
    patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2.
    patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3.
    patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4.

    Description by oid_info

    ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern OBJECT-TYPE
    noPattern (1),
    patternQRW (2),
    pattern0In1 (3),
    pattern1In1 (4),
    pattern1In2 (5),
    pattern1In3 (6),
    pattern1In5 (7),
    pattern1In8 (8),
    pattern3In24 (9),
    patternUser (10),
    pattern2047 (11),
    pattern511 (12),
    patternStressDDS1 (13),
    patternStressDDS2 (14),
    patternStressDDS3 (15),
    patternStressDDS4 (16)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
    "Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback.
    Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed.
    Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by
    the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data.
    Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU:
    patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to
    measure Bit Error Rates.
    pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback.
    Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed.

    Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by
    the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data.

    Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU:
    patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to
    measure Bit Error Rates.
    pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros.
    Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning
    of the T1 facility.
    pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones.
    Typically used for signal power measurements.
    pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically
    used in testing for bridge taps.
    pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically
    used to terminate a remote loopback.
    pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically
    used to put the remote unit in loopback.
    pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'.
    Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits
    of repeaters and other intermediate equipment.
    pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of
    '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'.
    Typically used to test for one's density
    (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines.
    patternUser - user defined pattern.

    Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones.
    pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones.
    patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1.
    patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2.
    patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3.
    patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4.

    Parsed from file
    Company: None

    Description by cisco

    Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback.
    Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed.

    Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by
    the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data.

    Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU:
    patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to
    measure Bit Error Rates.
    pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros.
    Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning
    of the T1 facility.
    pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones.
    Typically used for signal power measurements.
    pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically
    used in testing for bridge taps.
    pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically
    used to terminate a remote loopback.
    pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically
    used to put the remote unit in loopback.
    pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'.
    Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits
    of repeaters and other intermediate equipment.
    pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of
    '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'.
    Typically used to test for one's density
    (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines.
    patternUser - user defined pattern.

    Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU:
    pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones.
    pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a
    maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones.
    patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1.
    patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2.
    patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3.
    patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4.

    Information by circitor

    ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPattern (1), patternQRW (2), pattern0In1 (3), pattern1In1 (4), pattern1In2 (5), pattern1In3 (6), pattern1In5 (7), pattern1In8 (8), pattern3In24 (9), patternUser (10), pattern2047 (11), pattern511 (12), patternStressDDS1 (13), patternStressDDS2 (14), patternStressDDS3 (15), patternStressDDS4 (16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback. Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed. Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU: noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data. Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU: patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to measure Bit Error Rates. pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros. Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning of the T1 facility. pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones. Typically used for signal power measurements. pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically used in testing for bridge taps. pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically used to terminate a remote loopback. pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically used to put the remote unit in loopback. pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'. Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits of repeaters and other intermediate equipment. pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'. Typically used to test for one's density (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines. patternUser - user defined pattern. Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU: pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones. pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones. patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1. patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2. patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3. patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4." ::= { ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry 9 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPattern(1), patternQRW(2), pattern0In1(3), pattern1In1(4), pattern1In2(5), pattern1In3(6), pattern1In5(7), pattern1In8(8), pattern3In24(9), patternUser(10), pattern2047(11), pattern511(12), patternStressDDS1(13), patternStressDDS2(14), patternStressDDS3(15), patternStressDDS4(16) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback. Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed. Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU: noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data. Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU: patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to measure Bit Error Rates. pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros. Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning of the T1 facility. pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones. Typically used for signal power measurements. pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically used in testing for bridge taps. pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically used to terminate a remote loopback. pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically used to put the remote unit in loopback. pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'. Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits of repeaters and other intermediate equipment. pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'. Typically used to test for one's density (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines. patternUser - user defined pattern. Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU: pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones. pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones. patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1. patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2. patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3. patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4." ::= { ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry 9 }

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from Cisco "SNMP v2 MIBs".

    Information by mibdepot

    ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPattern (1), patternQRW (2), pattern0In1 (3), pattern1In1 (4), pattern1In2 (5), pattern1In3 (6), pattern1In5 (7), pattern1In8 (8), pattern3In24 (9), patternUser (10), pattern2047 (11), pattern511 (12), patternStressDDS1 (13), patternStressDDS2 (14), patternStressDDS3 (15), patternStressDDS4 (16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback. Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed. Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU: noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data. Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU: patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to measure Bit Error Rates. pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros. Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning of the T1 facility. pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones. Typically used for signal power measurements. pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically used in testing for bridge taps. pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically used to terminate a remote loopback. pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically used to put the remote unit in loopback. pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'. Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits of repeaters and other intermediate equipment. pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'. Typically used to test for one's density (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines. patternUser - user defined pattern. Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU: pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones. pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones. patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1. patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2. patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3. patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4." ::= { ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry 9 }

    Information by cisco

    ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noPattern (1), patternQRW (2), pattern0In1 (3), pattern1In1 (4), pattern1In2 (5), pattern1In3 (6), pattern1In5 (7), pattern1In8 (8), pattern3In24 (9), patternUser (10), pattern2047 (11), pattern511 (12), patternStressDDS1 (13), patternStressDDS2 (14), patternStressDDS3 (15), patternStressDDS4 (16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback. Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed. Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU: noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data. Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU: patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to measure Bit Error Rates. pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros. Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning of the T1 facility. pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones. Typically used for signal power measurements. pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically used in testing for bridge taps. pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically used to terminate a remote loopback. pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically used to put the remote unit in loopback. pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'. Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits of repeaters and other intermediate equipment. pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'. Typically used to test for one's density (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines. patternUser - user defined pattern. Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU: pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones. pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones. patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1. patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2. patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3. patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4." ::= { ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry 9 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Brothers (11)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ciscoICsuDsuLastSelfTestResult 0 0 ciscoICsuDsuLastSelftestResult ciscoICsuDsuTimeOfLastSelfTest 0 0 SysUpTime of LastSelfTest execution. ciscoICsuDsuNumResets 0 0 Number of times CSU/DSU has been reset. ciscoICsuDsuTimeOfLastReset 0 0 SysUpTime of last CSU/DSU reset. ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackStatus 0 0 Current Status of Loopback. Remaining Loopback results
    are valid only if status is 'completed' or 'failed' or
    'noSyncWithTestPat… ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackNumErrors 0 0 Number of Bit errors that occurred in last successful loopback
    test. Valid only if remote loopback with pattern was
    performed an… ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackDuration 0 0 Duration of last successful loopback test in hundredths of
    seconds. Note that it is possible for the CSU/DSU to lose
    framing dur… ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPoint 0 0 Point in network where last loopback was performed.

    Meaning for t1 CSU/DSU:
    dtePayload - local DSU loopback. The configured 'fra… ciscoICsuDsuUserDefinedPattern 0 0 User Defined Loopback Pattern. Valid only if
    ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPattern is patternUser. ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackCode 0 0 LoopCode used to initiate last remote loopback. Valid only
    if a only if a remote loopback was last performed.
    standard - standar… ciscoICsuDsuEndTimeOfLastLoopback 0 0 SysUpTime of completion of last loopback test execution.