Reference record for OID

parent (caVars)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) ca(1) caVars(1) caAlarmText(3)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) ca(1) caVars(1) caAlarmText(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) ca(1) caVars(1) caAlarmText(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) ca(1) caVars(1) caAlarmText(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) ca(1) caVars(1) caAlarmText(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) ca(1) caVars(1) caAlarmText(3)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/ca/caVars/caAlarmText
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/ca/caVars/caAlarmText
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/ca/caVars/caAlarmText
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/ca/caVars/caAlarmText
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/ca/caVars/caAlarmText
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/ca/caVars/caAlarmText
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    caAlarmText OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
    ACCESS read-only
    STATUS mandatory
    "Alarm text of the last Nokia enterprise specific alarm
    trap emitted by the NE. This is textual description shown e.g. on
    user interface of NMS. The contents of this text shall not be
    processed in any way by NMS. In case of not supporting this variable,
    empty string shall be used.
    When this object is accessed using GET operation, this object shall
    contain the value of the corresponding variable in the last regularly
    sent alarm trap i.e. in cases of re-sending an alarm trap as a result
    of NMS operation (ie. via alResendTrapId object), this object shall
    not be updated."

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    Alarm text of the last Nokia enterprise specific alarm
    trap emitted by the NE. This is textual description shown e.g. on user
    interface of NMS. The contents of this text shall not be processed in
    any way by NMS. In case of not supporting this variable, empty string shall
    be used.

    When this object is accessed using GET operation, this object shall contain
    the value of the corresponding variable in the last regularly sent alarm
    trap i.e. in cases of re-sending an alarm trap as a result of NMS
    operation (ie. via alResendTrapId object), this object shall not be

    Parsed from file
    Company: None

    Description by circitor

    Alarm text of the last Nokia enterprise specific alarm
    trap emitted by the NE. This is textual description shown e.g. on user
    interface of NMS. The contents of this text shall not be processed in
    any way by NMS. In case of not supporting this variable, empty string shall
    be used.

    When this object is accessed using GET operation, this object shall contain
    the value of the corresponding variable in the last regularly sent alarm
    trap i.e. in cases of re-sending an alarm trap as a result of NMS
    operation (ie. via alResendTrapId object), this object shall not be


    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from a module checked by a user of the Asnp syntax-checking tool

    Information by mibdepot

    caAlarmText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm text of the last Nokia enterprise specific alarm trap emitted by the NE. This is textual description shown e.g. on user interface of NMS. The contents of this text shall not be processed in any way by NMS. In case of not supporting this variable, empty string shall be used. When this object is accessed using GET operation, this object shall contain the value of the corresponding variable in the last regularly sent alarm trap i.e. in cases of re-sending an alarm trap as a result of NMS operation (ie. via alResendTrapId object), this object shall not be updated." ::= {caVars 3}

    Information by circitor

    caAlarmText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm text of the last Nokia enterprise specific alarm trap emitted by the NE. This is textual description shown e.g. on user interface of NMS. The contents of this text shall not be processed in any way by NMS. In case of not supporting this variable, empty string shall be used. When this object is accessed using GET operation, this object shall contain the value of the corresponding variable in the last regularly sent alarm trap i.e. in cases of re-sending an alarm trap as a result of NMS operation (ie. via alResendTrapId object), this object shall not be updated." ::= {caVars 3}

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Heinz-Guenter Boettger

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription caAlarmText 0 0 None

    Brothers (9)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription caReportNokiaAlarmTraps 1 1 This NE wide variable is used to control if the NE reports alarms
    using Nokia Common Alarm syntax. When the value equals to enab… caReportLinkUpLinkDownTraps 1 1 This NE wide variable is used to control if the NE reports standard
    linkUp and linkDown traps. When the value equals to enabled,… caTrapId 1 1 caTrapId of the last Nokia enterprise specific alarm trap
    emitted by the NE.
    caTrapId shall be incremented by one in each trap se… caCorrelatedAlarmId 1 1 This variable shall be supported by an NE product if support for
    real-time current alarm list in NMS is expected. When supported… caColumnInTbl 1 1 The value of caColumnInTbl field of the last Nokia
    enterprise specific alarm trap emitted by the NE. The value is the
    name of the… caRowIdx 1 1 This variable contains value {0 0} for the time being.

    When this object is accessed using GET operation, this object shall conta… caSeverity 1 1 Severity of the last Nokia enterprise specific alarm trap
    emitted by the NE.

    When this object is accessed using GET operation, th… caNESpecificAlarmManualPageNbr 1 1 caNESpecificAlarmManualPageNbr of the last Nokia enterprise
    specific alarm trap emitted by the NE. The value is the alarm manual… caSupplementaryInfo 1 1 Supplementary information fields of the last Nokia enterprise
    specific alarm trap emitted by the NE. Alarm manual page contains