Reference record for OID

parent (alVars)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) al(3) alVars(1) alResendTrapId(6)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) al(3) alVars(1) alResendTrapId(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) al(3) alVars(1) alResendTrapId(6)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) al(3) alVars(1) alResendTrapId(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) al(3) alVars(1) alResendTrapId(6)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) nokia(94) nokiaProducts(1) ntcCommon(16) ntcCommonAlarm(1) al(3) alVars(1) alResendTrapId(6)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/al/alVars/alResendTrapId
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/al/alVars/alResendTrapId
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/al/alVars/alResendTrapId
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/al/alVars/alResendTrapId
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/al/alVars/alResendTrapId
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/nokia/nokiaProducts/ntcCommon/ntcCommonAlarm/al/alVars/alResendTrapId
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    alResendTrapId OBJECT-TYPE
    ACCESS read-write
    STATUS mandatory
    "This variable contains value of the caTrapId of the last successfully
    resent alarm trap. Initially this variable has value 0. When NMS sets
    this variable, the NE shall resend the alarm trap whose caTrapId
    equals to the value provided by NMS, if the corresponding alarm trap
    is still available in the internal alarm log in NE (e.g. the
    corresponding log entry has not yet been lost in the alarm log
    because of wrapping). If this operation fails, the value of this
    variable is not changed to the value provided by NMS.
    Note that in addition to this variable, NMS has to set the values of
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort to the
    correct value so that the traps shall be sent to the correct
    destination. It is preferred that the NMS sets these three variables
    in the single SNMP SET message in order this operation to be atomic.
    In these cases the NE must guarantee that the
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort are
    logically set to given values before the value of alResendTrapId is
    set (This is because at the moment of setting the value of
    alResendTrapId to the value given by NMS the trap shall be issued to
    the destination address/port found in variables
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort).
    The value of community string shall be known by NE based on the
    contents of trap destination MIB."

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    This variable contains value of the caTrapId of the last successfully
    resent alarm trap. Initially this variable has value 0. When NMS sets
    this variable, the NE shall resend the alarm trap whose caTrapId equals
    to the value provided by NMS, if the corresponding alarm trap is still
    available in the internal alarm log in NE (e.g. the corresponding log
    entry has not yet been lost in the alarm log because of wrapping). If
    this operation fails, the value of this variable is not changed to the
    value provided by NMS.
    Note that in addition to this variable, NMS has to set the values of
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort to the
    correct value so that the traps shall be sent to the correct
    destination. It is preferred that the NMS sets these three variables
    in the single SNMP SET message in order this operation to be atomic.
    In these cases the NE must guarantee that the
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort are
    logically set to given values before the value of alResendTrapId is
    set (This is because at the moment of setting the value of
    alResendTrapId to the value given by NMS the trap shall be issued to
    the destination address/port found in variables
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort).
    The value of community string shall be known by NE based on the
    contents of trap destination MIB.

    Parsed from file
    Company: None

    Description by circitor

    This variable contains value of the caTrapId of the last successfully
    resent alarm trap. Initially this variable has value 0. When NMS sets
    this variable, the NE shall resend the alarm trap whose caTrapId equals
    to the value provided by NMS, if the corresponding alarm trap is still
    available in the internal alarm log in NE (e.g. the corresponding log
    entry has not yet been lost in the alarm log because of wrapping). If
    this operation fails, the value of this variable is not changed to the
    value provided by NMS.
    Note that in addition to this variable, NMS has to set the values of
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort to the
    correct value so that the traps shall be sent to the correct
    destination. It is preferred that the NMS sets these three variables
    in the single SNMP SET message in order this operation to be atomic.
    In these cases the NE must guarantee that the
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort are
    logically set to given values before the value of alResendTrapId is
    set (This is because at the moment of setting the value of
    alResendTrapId to the value given by NMS the trap shall be issued to
    the destination address/port found in variables
    alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort).
    The value of community string shall be known by NE based on the
    contents of trap destination MIB.


    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from a module checked by a user of the Asnp syntax-checking tool

    Information by mibdepot

    alResendTrapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable contains value of the caTrapId of the last successfully resent alarm trap. Initially this variable has value 0. When NMS sets this variable, the NE shall resend the alarm trap whose caTrapId equals to the value provided by NMS, if the corresponding alarm trap is still available in the internal alarm log in NE (e.g. the corresponding log entry has not yet been lost in the alarm log because of wrapping). If this operation fails, the value of this variable is not changed to the value provided by NMS. Note that in addition to this variable, NMS has to set the values of alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort to the correct value so that the traps shall be sent to the correct destination. It is preferred that the NMS sets these three variables in the single SNMP SET message in order this operation to be atomic. In these cases the NE must guarantee that the alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort are logically set to given values before the value of alResendTrapId is set (This is because at the moment of setting the value of alResendTrapId to the value given by NMS the trap shall be issued to the destination address/port found in variables alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort). The value of community string shall be known by NE based on the contents of trap destination MIB." ::= {alVars 6}

    Information by circitor

    alResendTrapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable contains value of the caTrapId of the last successfully resent alarm trap. Initially this variable has value 0. When NMS sets this variable, the NE shall resend the alarm trap whose caTrapId equals to the value provided by NMS, if the corresponding alarm trap is still available in the internal alarm log in NE (e.g. the corresponding log entry has not yet been lost in the alarm log because of wrapping). If this operation fails, the value of this variable is not changed to the value provided by NMS. Note that in addition to this variable, NMS has to set the values of alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort to the correct value so that the traps shall be sent to the correct destination. It is preferred that the NMS sets these three variables in the single SNMP SET message in order this operation to be atomic. In these cases the NE must guarantee that the alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort are logically set to given values before the value of alResendTrapId is set (This is because at the moment of setting the value of alResendTrapId to the value given by NMS the trap shall be issued to the destination address/port found in variables alResendTrapDestinationAddr and alResendTrapDestinationPort). The value of community string shall be known by NE based on the contents of trap destination MIB." ::= {alVars 6}

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Heinz-Guenter Boettger

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription alResendTrapId 0 0 None

    Brothers (5)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription alAlarmLogEntryCount 1 1 This variable equals to the number of entries in the Alarm Log.
    When the log is empty, this variable is 0. alAlarmLogMaxSize 1 1 This variable contains the number of entries the alarm log shall
    contain. The current number of entries in the Alarm Log
    (alAlarm… alLogFullAction 1 1 This variable control the behaviour of the log when the log shall
    become full. Possible values are wrap (1) and halt (2). The de… alResendTrapDestinationAddr 1 1 This variable contains the IP address of the destination to which
    the trap shall be sent, when the manager sets the value of
    alRe… alResendTrapDestinationPort 1 1 This variable contains the port number of the destination to
    which the trap shall be sent, when the manager sets the value
    of alR…