Reference record for OID 1.0

1 (iso)
node code
node names
  • standard
  • std
  • dot oid
    asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) standard(0)}
  • {iso(1) std(0)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/standard
  • /iso/std
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by oid_info

    ISO or IEC International Standards (not jointly published with ITU-T)
    View at

    Information by oid_info

    According to Rec. ITU-T X.660 | ISO/IEC 9834-1: "The arcs below standard shall each have the value of the number of an International Standard published by ISO or IEC. Where the International Standard is multi-part, there shall be an additional arc for the part number, unless this is specifically excluded in the text of the International Standard. Further arcs shall have values as defined in that International Standard.
    NOTE: If a non-multipart International Standard allocates object identifiers, and subsequently becomes a multipart International Standard, it shall continue to allocate object identifiers as if it were a single part International Standard."

    All OIDs defined in a given International Standard shall preferably be gathered in an Annex to that standard (which lists their ASN.1 notation and a description of what they reference). When needed, an ASN.1 module gathering all OIDs shall be specified in that Annex.

    Note: Section 5.2.1 of ISO/IEC 9070:1991 "Information technology -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) support facilities -- Registration procedures for public text owner identifiers" (editor: Charles Goldfarb) proposes that subsequent arcs should be of the form {iso(1) standard(0) nnnn pp yyyy} where:

    Information by mibdepot

    std OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 0 }

    Current Registration Authority

    ISO and IEC

    Address: Note: Each International Standard is its own Registration Authority (see the Information field above).

    Children (87)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    1.0.639 639 3 3 Series of ISO 639 International Standards "Codes for the representation of names of languages"
    1.0.1087 1087 1 1 ISO 1087 series "Terminology work - Vocabulary"
    1.0.2022 2022 2 2 ISO/IEC 2022 "Information technology - Character code structure and extension techniques"
    1.0.2382 2382 1 1 ISO/IEC 2382 series "Information technology -- Vocabulary"
    1.0.3166 country-codes 3 14 ISO 3166 "Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions"
    1.0.4217 iso4217 0 0 ISO 4217 "Currency Codes"
    1.0.5218 human-sexes 0 0 ISO/IEC 5218 "Information technology -- Codes for the representation of human sexes"
    1.0.6523 iso6523 0 0 ISO/IEC 6523 "Information technology -- Structure for the identification of organizations and organization parts"
    1.0.7498 7498 1 1 ISO/IEC 7498 series "Information processing systems -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Basic Reference Model"
    1.0.7816 iso7816 3 4 ISO 7816 series "Information technology -- Identification cards -- Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts"
    1.0.8571 iso8571 5 23 OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) FTAM (File Transfer, Access and Management)
    1.0.8601 8601 0 0 ISO 8601 "Data elements and interchange formats -- Information interchange -- Representation of dates and times"
    1.0.8802 iso8802 3 1252 ISO/IEC 8802 "Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Local and metropolitan a…
    1.0.9040 vt-b 5 17 ISO/IEC 9040: Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Virtual Terminal Basic Class Service
    1.0.9041 iso9041 3 6 ISO/IEC 9041 series: Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Virtual Terminal Basic Class Protocol
    1.0.9069 9069 2 3 ISO 9069 "Information processing -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) support facilities -- SGML Document Interchange…
    1.0.9362 bic 0 0 ISO 9362 "Banking -- Banking telecommunication messages -- Business Identifier Code (BIC)"
    1.0.9506 iso9506 2 11 ISO 9506 Standard: Industrial automation systems -- Manufacturing Message Specification
    1.0.9796 signature-schemes 2 32 ISO/IEC 9796 International Standard: Information technology - Security techniques - Digital signature schemes giving message re…
    1.0.9797 message-authentication-codes 3 32 ISO/IEC 9797: Information technology -- Security techniques
    1.0.9798 iso9798 6 55 ISO 9798 series "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Entity authentication"
    1.0.9834 9834 2 9 ISO 9834 Series "Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Aut…
    1.0.9979 iso9979 24 24 ISO/IEC 9979: International Standard: Information Technology -- Security techniques -- Procedures for the registration of crypt…
    1.0.9992 mess 1 1 ISO/IEC 9992 series "Financial transaction cards -- Messages between the integrated circuit card and the card accepting Device"
    1.0.10021 mhs 1 9 ISO/IEC 10021ISO/IEC 10021 "Information Technology -- Message Handling System (MHS)"
    1.0.10116 modes-of-operation 1 15 ISO/IEC 10116 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Modes of operation for an n-bit block cipher"
    1.0.10118 hash-functions 4 30 ISO/IEC 10118: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Hash-functions
    1.0.10161 iso10161 2 4 ISO 10161 "Information and documentation -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Interlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specificatio…
    1.0.10166 10166 1 50 ISO/IEC 10166 International Standard: Information technology -- Text and office systems -- Document Filing and Retrieval (DFR)
    1.0.10374 10374 0 0 International Standard ISO 10374: Freight containers -- Automatic identification
    1.0.10646 iso10646 3 31 ISO/IEC 10646 "Information technology -- Universal multiple-octet coded Character Set (UCS)"
    1.0.10746 10746 1 1 ISO/IEC 10746 series "Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing -- Reference model"
    1.0.10891 10891 0 0 ISO/TS 10891: Freight containers -- Radio frequency identification (RFID) -- Licence plate tag
    1.0.11188 iso11188 1 6 ISO/IEC 11188 "Information technology -- International Standardized Profile -- Common upper layer requirements"
    1.0.11404 11404 0 0 ISO/IEC 11404 "Information technology -- Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces -- Language-i…
    1.0.11578 rpc 3 6 ISO/IEC 11578:1996: Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
    1.0.11582 pss1-generic-procedures 6 6 ISO/IEC 11582:2002: "Generic functional protocol for the support of supplementary services -- Inter-exchange signalling procedu…
    1.0.11770 key-management 6 196 ISO/IEC 11770: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Key management
    1.0.12813 12813 2 4 ISO 12813 "Electronic fee collection -- Compliance check communication for autonomous systems"
    1.0.12855 12855 3 7 ISO 12855: Electronic fee collection -- Information exchange between service provision and toll charging
    1.0.13141 13141 1 1 ISO 13141 "Electronic fee collection -- Localisation augmentation communication for autonomous systems"
    1.0.13616 iban 0 0 ISO 13616 "Financial services -- International Bank Account Number (IBAN)"
    1.0.13868 pss1-name 2 2 ISO/IEC 13868:2003: Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Private Integrated…
    1.0.13869 pss1-call-transfer 1 1 ISO 13869: Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Private Integrated Services…
    1.0.13873 pss1-call-diversion 2 2 ISO/IEC 13873: Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Private Integrated Serv…
    1.0.13888 non-repudiation 2 2 ISO/IEC 13888
    1.0.14813 iso14813 1 2 ISO/TR 14813 "Transport Information and Control Systems (TICS) - Reference model architecture(s) for the TICS sector"
    1.0.14816 iso14816 0 0 ASN.1 module named AVIAEINumberingAndDataStructures
    1.0.14888 digital-signature-with-appendix 2 27 ISO/IEC 14888 "Information Technology (IT) security techniques -- Digital signatures with appendix"
    1.0.14906 14906 2 8 ISO 14906: Road transport and traffic telematics -- Electronic fee collection -- Application interface definition for dedicated…
    1.0.15418 15418 2 2 ISO/IEC 15418:2009 "Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- GS1 Application Identifie…
    1.0.15434 iso15434 0 0 ISO/IEC 15434 'Transfer Syntax for High Capacity data carrier"
    1.0.15459 iso15459 3 24 ISO/IEC 15459 "Information technology -- Unique identification of transport units"
    1.0.15628 dsrc 2 2 ISO 15628 "Road transport and traffic telematics -- Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) -- DSRC application layer"
    1.0.15946 elliptic-curves 2 2 ISO/IEC 15946 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Cryptographic techniques based on elliptic curves"
    1.0.15961 rfid-data-protocol 12 675 ISO/IEC 15961 "Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture - Radio frequency identification (RFID) for i…
    1.0.16785 16785 1 40 ISO/TS 16785 "Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) -- Interface definition between 'Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)-On-Bo…
    1.0.17090 hcpki 3 4 ISO 17090 "Health informatics -- Public key infrastructure"
    1.0.17575 17575 3 7 ISO TS 17575: Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT) -- Electronic Fee Collection (EFC)
    1.0.18014 tss 6 39 ISO/IEC 18014: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Time-stamping services
    1.0.18031 random-bit-generation 0 0 ISO/IEC 18031
    1.0.18032 prime-number-generation 0 0 ISO/IEC 18032 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Prime number generation"
    1.0.18033 encryption-algorithms 4 68 ISO/IEC 18033: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Encryption algorithms
    1.0.18370 blind-digital-signatures-mechanisms 1 9 ISO/IEC 18370 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Blind digital signatures"
    1.0.19592 secret-sharing 1 17 ISO/IEC 19592 "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Secret Sharing"
    1.0.19772 authenticated-encryption 2 9 ISO/IEC 19772: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Authenticated encryption
    1.0.19785 cbeff 2 10 ISO/IEC 19785: Information Technology -- Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework
    1.0.19794 19794 1 6 ISO/IEC 19794 series "Information technology -- Biometric data
    interchange formats"
    1.0.20008 anonymous-digital-signatures 1 11 ISO/IEC 20008 "Information technology -- Security
    techniques -- Anonymous digital signature"
    1.0.20009 anonymous-entity-authentication 2 36 ISO/IEC 20009 series "Information technology -- Security techniques -- Anonymous entity authentication"
    1.0.20022 unifi 0 0 ISO 20022: Universal Financial Industry message scheme
    1.0.20248 20248 0 0 ISO/IEC 20248 "Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Data structures -- Digital Signature meta structure"
    1.0.20828 scm-standard 4 4 ASN.1 module named SecurityCertificateManagement
    1.0.21000 21000 1 1 ISO/IEC 21000 series "Information technology -- Multimedia framework (MPEG-21)"
    1.0.21091 21091 2 68 ISO 21091 "Health informatics -- Directory services for healthcare providers, subjects of care and other entities"
    1.0.21218 calm-ll-sap 1 1 ISO 21218 "Intelligent transport systems -- Communications Access for Land Mobiles (CALM) -- Medium service access points"
    1.0.22895 css 3 11 ISO 22895: Financial services - Security - Cryptographic syntax scheme
    1.0.24102 calm-management 1 1 ISO 24102 "Intelligent transport systems -- Communications Access for Land Mobiles (CALM) -- Management"
    1.0.24531 24531 0 0 ISO 24531 "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) -- System architecture, taxonomy and terminology -- Using eXtensible Markup Lang…
    1.0.24727 iso24727 2 29 ISO/IEC 24727: Identification cards -- Integrated circuit card programming interfaces
    1.0.24753 24753 2 34 ISO/IEC 24753:Information technology -- Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management -- Application protocol: enco…
    1.0.24761 acbio 2 13 ISO/IEC 24761: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Authentication context for biometrics
    1.0.29150 signcryption 2 8 ISO/IEC 29150: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Signcryption
    1.0.29192 lightweight-cryptography 4 39 ISO/IEC 29192-4: Information technology -- Security techniques -- Lightweight cryptography
    1.0.62351 62351 0 0 IEC 62351 "Power systems management and associated information exchange -- Data and communications security"
    1.0.62379 iec62379 1 108 IEC 62379: Common Control Interface
    1.0.62439 62439 6 24 MIB module named IEC-62439-3-MIB which defines the Network Management interfaces for the redundancy protocols defined by the IE…

    Brothers (3)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    1.1 registration-authority 15 80 Registration authorities
    1.2 member-body 30 4781 ISO Member Bodies
    1.3 identified-organization, org, iso-identified-organization 185 984040 Organization identification schemes registered according to ISO/IEC 6523-2