The SMTRMReport package is a set of attributes that are present if the STA supports the Radio Measurement service.
Parsed from file 802_11mib.txt
Company: ieee
Module: IEEE802dot11-MIB
dot11SMTRMReport OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dot11ChannelLoadRprtRqstToken, dot11ChannelLoadRprtIfIndex, dot11ChannelLoadMeasuringSTAAddr, dot11ChannelLoadRprtChanNumber, dot11ChannelLoadRprtOperatingClass, dot11ChannelLoadRprtActualStartTime, dot11ChannelLoadRprtMeasurementDuration, dot11ChannelLoadRprtChannelLoad, dot11ChannelLoadRprtVendorSpecific, dot11ChannelLoadRprtMeasurementMode, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtRqstToken, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIfIndex, dot11NoiseHistogramMeasuringSTAAddr, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtChanNumber, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtOperatingClass, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtActualStartTime, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtMeasurementDuration, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtAntennaID, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtANPI, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity0, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity1, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity2, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity3, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity4, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity5, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity6, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity7, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity8, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity9, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtIPIDensity10, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtVendorSpecific, dot11NoiseHistogramRprtMeasurementMode, dot11BeaconRprtRqstToken, dot11BeaconRprtIfIndex, dot11BeaconMeasuringSTAAddr, dot11BeaconRprtChanNumber, dot11BeaconRprtOperatingClass, dot11BeaconRprtActualStartTime, dot11BeaconRprtMeasurementDuration, dot11BeaconRprtPhyType, dot11BeaconRprtReportedFrameType, dot11BeaconRprtRCPI, dot11BeaconRprtRSNI, dot11BeaconRprtBSSID, dot11BeaconRprtAntennaID, dot11BeaconRprtParentTSF, dot11BeaconRprtReportedFrameBody, dot11BeaconRprtVendorSpecific, dot11BeaconRprtMeasurementMode, dot11FrameRprtIfIndex, dot11FrameRprtRqstToken, dot11FrameRprtChanNumber, dot11FrameRprtOperatingClass, dot11FrameRprtActualStartTime, dot11FrameRprtMeasurementDuration, dot11FrameRprtTransmitSTAAddress, dot11FrameRprtBSSID, dot11FrameRprtPhyType, dot11FrameRprtAvgRCPI, dot11FrameRprtLastRSNI, dot11FrameRprtLastRCPI, dot11FrameRprtAntennaID, dot11FrameRprtNumberFrames, dot11FrameRprtVendorSpecific, dot11FrameRptMeasurementMode, dot11STAStatisticsReportToken, dot11STAStatisticsIfIndex, dot11STAStatisticsSTAAddress, dot11STAStatisticsMeasurementDuration, dot11STAStatisticsGroupID, dot11STAStatisticsTransmittedFragmentCount, dot11STAStatisticsGroupTransmittedFrameCount, dot11STAStatisticsFailedCount, dot11STAStatisticsRetryCount, dot11STAStatisticsMultipleRetryCount, dot11STAStatisticsFrameDuplicateCount, dot11STAStatisticsRTSSuccessCount, dot11STAStatisticsRTSFailureCount, dot11STAStatisticsACKFailureCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosTransmittedFragmentCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosFailedCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosRetryCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosMultipleRetryCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosFrameDuplicateCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosRTSSuccessCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosRTSFailureCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosACKFailureCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosReceivedFragmentCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosTransmittedFrameCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosDiscardedFrameCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosMPDUsReceivedCount, dot11STAStatisticsQosRetriesReceivedCount, dot11STAStatisticsReceivedFragmentCount, dot11STAStatisticsGroupReceivedFrameCount, dot11STAStatisticsFCSErrorCount, dot11STAStatisticsTransmittedFrameCount, dot11STAStatisticsAPAverageAccessDelay, dot11STAStatisticsAverageAccessDelayBestEffort, dot11STAStatisticsAverageAccessDelayBackground, dot11STAStatisticsAverageAccessDelayVideo, dot11STAStatisticsAverageAccessDelayVoice, dot11STAStatisticsStationCount, dot11STAStatisticsChannelUtilization, dot11STAStatisticsVendorSpecific, dot11STAStatisticsRprtMeasurementMode, dot11LCIReportToken, dot11LCIIfIndex, dot11LCISTAAddress, dot11LCILatitudeResolution, dot11LCILatitudeInteger, dot11LCILatitudeFraction, dot11LCILongitudeResolution, dot11LCILongitudeInteger, dot11LCILongitudeFraction, dot11LCIAltitudeType, dot11LCIAltitudeResolution, dot11LCIAltitudeInteger, dot11LCIAltitudeFraction, dot11LCIDatum, dot11LCIAzimuthType, dot11LCIAzimuthResolution, dot11LCIAzimuth, dot11LCIVendorSpecific, dot11LCIRprtMeasurementMode, dot11TransmitStreamRprtRqstToken, dot11TransmitStreamRprtIfIndex, dot11TransmitStreamMeasuringSTAAddr, dot11TransmitStreamRprtActualStartTime, dot11TransmitStreamRprtMeasurementDuration, dot11TransmitStreamRprtPeerSTAAddress, dot11TransmitStreamRprtTID, dot11TransmitStreamRprtAverageQueueDelay, dot11TransmitStreamRprtAverageTransmitDelay, dot11TransmitStreamRprtTransmittedMSDUCount, dot11TransmitStreamRprtMSDUDiscardedCount, dot11TransmitStreamRprtMSDUFailedCount, dot11TransmitStreamRprtMultipleRetryCount, dot11TransmitStreamRprtCFPollsLostCount, dot11TransmitStreamRprtBin0Range, dot11TransmitStreamRprtDelayHistogram, dot11TransmitStreamRprtReason, dot11TransmitStreamRprtVendorSpecific, dot11TransmitStreamRprtMeasurementMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SMTRMReport package is a set of attributes that are present if the STA supports the Radio Measurement service." ::= { dot11Groups 38 }
OID | Name | Sub children | Sub Nodes Total | Description |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.1 | dot11SMTbase | 0 | 0 | The SMT object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the STA such that the STA may work coop… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.2 | dot11SMTprivacy | 0 | 0 | The SMTPrivacy package is a set of attributes that are present if WEP is implemented in the STA. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.3 | dot11MACbase | 0 | 0 | The MAC object class provides the necessary support for the access control, generation, and verification of frame check sequences… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.4 | dot11MACStatistics | 0 | 0 | The MACStatistics package provides extended statistical information on the operation of the MAC. This package is completely opt… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.5 | dot11ResourceTypeID | 0 | 0 | Attributes used to identify a STA, its manufacturer, and various product names and versions. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.6 | dot11SmtAuthenticationAlgorithms | 0 | 0 | Authentication Algorithm Table. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.7 | dot11PhyOperationComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | PHY layer operations attributes. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.8 | dot11PhyAntennaComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes for Data Rates for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.9 | dot11PhyTxPowerComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes for Control and Management of transmit power. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.10 | dot11PhyFHSSComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the Frequency Hopping for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.11 | dot11PhyDSSSComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the DSSS for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.12 | dot11PhyIRComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the baseband IR for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.13 | dot11PhyRegDomainsSupportGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that specify the supported Regulation Domains. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.14 | dot11PhyAntennasListGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that specify the supported Regulation Domains. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.15 | dot11PhyRateGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes for Data Rates for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.16 | dot11CountersGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes from the dot11CountersGroup that are not described in the dot11MACStatistics group. These objects are mandatory. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.17 | dot11NotificationGroup | 0 | 0 | IEEE 802.11 notifications |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.18 | dot11SMTbase2 | 0 | 0 | The SMTbase2 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the STA such that the STA may work… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.19 | dot11PhyOFDMComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the OFDM for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.20 | dot11SMTbase3 | 0 | 0 | The SMTbase3 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the STA such that the STA may work… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.21 | dot11MultiDomainCapabilityGroup | 0 | 0 | The dot11MultiDomainCapabilityGroup object class provides the objects necessary to manage the channels usable by a STA, when th… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.22 | dot11PhyFHSSComplianceGroup2 | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the Frequency Hopping for IEEE 802.11 when multi-domain capability option is implemented. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.23 | dot11PhyHRDSSSComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the HRDSSS for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.24 | dot11PhyERPComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the ERP. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.25 | dot11RSNAadditions | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to manage RSNA functionality. Note that additional obj… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.26 | dot11SMTbase4 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11SMTbase5. The SMTbase4 object class provides the necessary support at the IEEE STA to manage the processes in… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.27 | dot11RSNBase | 0 | 0 | The dot11RSNBase object class provides the necessary support for managing RSNA functionality in the STA. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.28 | dot11RSNPMKcachingGroup | 0 | 0 | The dot11RSNPMKcachingGroup object class provides the necessary support for managing PMK caching functionality in the STA |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.29 | dot11RSNSMKcachingGroup | 0 | 0 | The dot11RSNSMKcachingGroup object class provides the necessary support for managing SMK caching functionality in the STA. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.30 | dot11SMTbase5 | 0 | 0 | The SMTbase5 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the STA so that the STA may work… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.31 | dot11MACbase2 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11MACbase3. The MAC object class provides the necessary support for the access control, generation, and verific… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.32 | dot11CountersGroup2 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11CountersGroup3. Attributes from the dot11CountersGroup that are not described in the dot11MACStatistics group… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.33 | dot11Qosadditions | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to manage QoS functionality. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.34 | dot11SMTbase6 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11SMTbase7. The SMTbase6 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the … |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.35 | dot11PhyOFDMComplianceGroup2 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11PhyOFDMComplianceGroup3. Attributes that configure the OFDM for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.36 | dot11SMTbase7 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11SMTbase8. The SMTbase7 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the … |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.37 | dot11SMTRMRequest | 0 | 0 | The SMTRMRequest package is a set of attributes that are present if the STA supports the Radio Measurement service. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.39 | dot11SMTRMConfig | 0 | 0 | The SMTRMConfig package is a set of attributes that are present if the STA supports the Radio Measurement service. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.40 | dot11FTComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to manage fast BSS transition functionality. Note that… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.41 | dot11SMTbase8 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11SMTbase9. The SMTbase8 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the … |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.42 | dot11PhyOFDMComplianceGroup3 | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the OFDM for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.43 | dot11SMTbase9 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11SMTbase10. The SMTbase9 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.44 | dot11PhyAntennaComplianceGroup2 | 0 | 0 | Attributes for Data Rates for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.45 | dot11MACbase3 | 0 | 0 | The MAC object class provides the necessary support for the access control, generation, and verification of frame check sequenc… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.46 | dot11CountersGroup3 | 0 | 0 | Attributes from the dot11CountersGroup that are not described in the dot11MACStatistics group. These objects are mandatory. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.47 | dot11SMTbase10 | 0 | 0 | Superceded by dot11SMTbase 11. The SMTbase10 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in t… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.48 | dot11PhyMCSGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes for MCS for IEEE 802.11 HT. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.49 | dot11PhyHTComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the HT for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.50 | dot11HTMACAdditions | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the HT for IEEE 802.11. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.51 | dot11TransmitBeamformingGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the Beamforming for IEEE 802.11 HT. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.53 | dot11SMTbase11 | 0 | 0 | Superseded by dot11SMTbase12. The SMTbase11 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in th… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.54 | dot11SMTWNMRequest | 0 | 0 | The SMTWNMRequest package is a set of attributes that shall be present if the STA supports the WNM service. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.55 | dot11SMTWNMReport | 0 | 0 | The SMTWNMReport package is a set of attributes that shall be present if the STA supports the WNM service. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.56 | dot11MeshComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to manage mandatory mesh functionality. Note that addi… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.57 | dot11SMTbase12 | 0 | 0 | The SMTbase12 object class provides the necessary support at the STA to manage the processes in the STA such that the STA may w… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.58 | dot11OperatingClassesGroup | 0 | 0 | Attributes that configure the OFDM for IEEE 802.11 in many regulatory domains. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.59 | dot11PhyOperationComplianceGroup2 | 0 | 0 | PHY layer operations attributes. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.60 | dot11MeshOptionGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to manage optional mesh functionality. Note that other… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.61 | dot11MeshHWMPComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to manage HWMP path selection functionality. Note that… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.62 | dot11PasswordAuthComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to manage password authentication. Note that other obj… |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.72 | dot11SpectrumManagementGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB for spectrum management. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.73 | dot11ProtectedManagementFrameGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to operate protected management frame. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.74 | dot11LCIDSEGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to enable 3650-3700 MHz Operation in USA. |
1.2.840.10036.5.1.75 | dot11TDLSComplianceGroup | 0 | 0 | This object class provides the objects from the IEEE 802.11 MIB required to operate tunneled direct link setup. |