Reference record for OID

parent (tmnxSapGroups)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRConfs(1) tmnxServConformance(4) tmnxSapConformance(3) tmnxSapGroups(2) tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group(101)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRConfs(1) tmnxServConformance(4) tmnxSapConformance(3) tmnxSapGroups(2) tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group(101)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRConfs(1) tmnxServConformance(4) tmnxSapConformance(3) tmnxSapGroups(2) tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group(101)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRConfs(1) tmnxServConformance(4) tmnxSapConformance(3) tmnxSapGroups(2) tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group(101)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRConfs(1) tmnxServConformance(4) tmnxSapConformance(3) tmnxSapGroups(2) tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group(101)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRConfs(1) tmnxServConformance(4) tmnxSapConformance(3) tmnxSapGroups(2) tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group(101)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRConfs/tmnxServConformance/tmnxSapConformance/tmnxSapGroups/tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRConfs/tmnxServConformance/tmnxSapConformance/tmnxSapGroups/tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRConfs/tmnxServConformance/tmnxSapConformance/tmnxSapGroups/tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRConfs/tmnxServConformance/tmnxSapConformance/tmnxSapGroups/tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRConfs/tmnxServConformance/tmnxSapConformance/tmnxSapGroups/tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRConfs/tmnxServConformance/tmnxSapConformance/tmnxSapGroups/tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group
  • Description by circitor

    The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    TLS capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems.

    Parsed from file TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    tmnxSapTlsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { sapTlsStpAdminStatus, sapTlsStpPriority, sapTlsStpPortNum, sapTlsStpPathCost, sapTlsStpRapidStart, sapTlsStpBpduEncap, sapTlsStpPortState, sapTlsStpDesignatedBridge, sapTlsStpDesignatedPort, sapTlsStpForwardTransitions, sapTlsStpInConfigBpdus, sapTlsStpInTcnBpdus, sapTlsStpInBadBpdus, sapTlsStpOutConfigBpdus, sapTlsStpOutTcnBpdus, sapTlsStpOperBpduEncap, sapTlsVpnId, sapTlsCustId, sapTlsMacAddressLimit, sapTlsNumMacAddresses, sapTlsNumStaticMacAddresses, sapTlsMacLearning, sapTlsMacAgeing, sapTlsStpOperEdge, sapTlsStpAdminPointToPoint, sapTlsStpPortRole, sapTlsStpAutoEdge, sapTlsStpOperProtocol, sapTlsStpInRstBpdus, sapTlsStpOutRstBpdus, sapTlsLimitMacMove, sapTlsMacPinning, sapTlsDiscardUnknownSource, sapTlsMvplsPruneState, sapTlsMvplsMgmtService, sapTlsMvplsMgmtPortId, sapTlsMvplsMgmtEncapValue, sapTlsArpReplyAgent, sapTlsStpException, sapTlsAuthenticationPolicy, sapTlsL2ptTermination, sapTlsBpduTranslation, sapTlsStpRootGuard, sapTlsStpInsideRegion, sapTlsEgressMcastGroup, sapTlsStpInMstBpdus, sapTlsStpOutMstBpdus, sapTlsRestProtSrcMac, sapTlsRestProtSrcMacAction, sapTlsRestUnprotDstMac, sapTlsStpRxdDesigBridge, sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation, sapTlsShcvAction, sapTlsShcvSrcIp, sapTlsShcvSrcMac, sapTlsShcvInterval, sapTlsMvplsMgmtMsti, sapTlsMacMoveNextUpTime, sapTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft, sapTlsL2ptForceBoundary, sapTlsLimitMacMoveLevel, sapTlsBpduTransOper, sapTlsDefMsapPolicy, sapTlsL2ptProtocols, sapTlsL2ptForceProtocols, sapTlsDhcpMsapTrigger, sapTlsDhcpProxyLeaseTime, sapTlsDhcpRemoteId, sapTlsMrpJoinTime, sapTlsMrpLeaveTime, sapTlsMrpLeaveAllTime, sapTlsMrpPeriodicTime, sapTlsMrpPeriodicEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of Sap TLS capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems." ::= { tmnxSapGroups 101 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Marcelo Mourier

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jason Sterne

    Brothers (23)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription tmnxSapV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    general capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapAtmV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    ATM capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapBaseV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    Base capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapQosV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    Ingress/Egress QoS capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapStaticHostV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    static host capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapDhcpV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    TLS DHCP capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapPortIdV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    Port ID capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapSubMgmtV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    Sub-management capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapMstiV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    TLS MSTI capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapIppipeV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    I-Pipe capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapPolicyV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    ingress/egress capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapCemV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    Cem capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapL2ptV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    TLS L2pt capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapMsapV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of
    managed SAP capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapMrpV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap
    MRP capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxTlsMsapPppoeV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting PPPOE on Managed SAPs
    feature on the Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapIpV6FilterV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of Sap Ingress Policy
    capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapBsxV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of BSX (Application
    Assurance) capabilities on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapNotificationObjV6v0Group 0 0 The group of objects supporting management of notifications
    on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapObsoletedV6v0Group 0 0 The group of obsolete objects for the services feature
    on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapNotifyGroup 0 0 The group of obsolete notifications for the Sap feature
    on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems. tmnxSapCemNotificationV6v0Group 0 0 The group of notifications supporting the CEM Sap feature
    on Alcatel 7710 SR series systems. tmnxSapObsoletedNotifyGroup 0 0 The group of obsolete notifications for the Sap feature
    on Alcatel 7x50 SR series systems.