Reference record for OID

parent (tmnxPortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxPortTable(2) tmnxPortEntry(1) tmnxPortEncapType(12)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxPortTable(2) tmnxPortEntry(1) tmnxPortEncapType(12)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxPortTable(2) tmnxPortEntry(1) tmnxPortEncapType(12)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxPortTable(2) tmnxPortEntry(1) tmnxPortEncapType(12)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxPortTable(2) tmnxPortEntry(1) tmnxPortEncapType(12)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxPortTable(2) tmnxPortEntry(1) tmnxPortEncapType(12)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxPortTable/tmnxPortEntry/tmnxPortEncapType
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxPortTable/tmnxPortEntry/tmnxPortEncapType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxPortTable/tmnxPortEntry/tmnxPortEncapType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxPortTable/tmnxPortEntry/tmnxPortEncapType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxPortTable/tmnxPortEntry/tmnxPortEncapType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxPortTable/tmnxPortEntry/tmnxPortEncapType
  • Description by circitor

    The type of encapsulation protocol configured on this
    port's network interface. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value
    of 'nullEncap', frames received will not carry any tags
    or labels and as a result only one service can be
    configured on this port. Sometimes this is referred to
    as raw Ethernet packets.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'qEncap', ingress frames
    carry 802.1q tags where each different tag can signify a
    different service. This is not a valid value if
    tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'bcpNullEncap',
    Bcp is used on the sonet path as the NCP control protocol.
    The BCP IEEE 802 Tagged Frame Configuration Option (type 8)
    is negotiated to 'enabled'. VLAN tagged frames are
    allowed into the sonet path. Only a single SAP can
    be associated with the sonet path. 'bcpNullEncap' is
    valid only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'bcpDot1qEncap',
    BCP is used as the NCP control protocol. The BCP IEEE 802
    Tagged Frame Configuration Option (type 8) is negotiated to
    'enabled'. VLAN tagged frames are allowed on the sonet path.
    This encapsulation type is required when multiple SAPs are
    defined on the sonet path where each one is service
    delimited by a provisioned Dot1q tag. When 'bcpDot1qEncap'
    is specified, BCP does not enter the 'open' state unless
    the far end peer also supports 'bcpDot1qEncap'. This allows
    a LCP negotiation to transmit configuration request and
    confirmation messages to enable this feature. 'bcpDot1qEncap'
    is a valid value only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'ipcpEncap',
    BCP will not be used on this sonet path. IPCP NCP is used
    instead. 'ipcpEncap' is a valid only if tmnxPortClass has
    a value of 'sonetPath'.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'frEncap', Frame Relay is
    the expected encapsulation.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'pppAutoEncap', IPCP is
    automatically enabled. This encap type is only valid on
    ports/paths in network mode.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'atmEncap', the encapsulation
    on the port is ATM. The 'atmEncap' is also used when mirroring
    ATM ports.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'wanMirrorEncap', the
    port is used for mirroring of frame-relay and POS ports. On such
    ports no link management protocol would run.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'ciscoHDLCEncap', the Cisco HDLC
    encapsulation is applied. This encap type is only valid if
    TmnxPortClass has a value of 'tdm' or 'sonet'.

    If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'cemEncap', encapsulation of
    frames will be circuit emulation. This is used to support transparent
    transmission of frames. This encap type is only valid
    if TmnxPortClass has a value of 'tdm' or 'sonet' in access mode.

    tmnxPortEncapType is set to 'unknown' for physical SONET/SDH and
    TDM ports.

    Parsed from file TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    tmnxPortEncapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), nullEncap (1), qEncap (2), mplsEncap (3), bcpNullEncap (4), bcpDot1qEncap (5), ipcpEncap (6), frEncap (7), pppAutoEncap (8), atmEncap (9), qinqEncap (10), wanMirrorEncap (11), ciscoHDLCEncap (12), cemEncap (13) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of encapsulation protocol configured on this port's network interface. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'nullEncap', frames received will not carry any tags or labels and as a result only one service can be configured on this port. Sometimes this is referred to as raw Ethernet packets. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'qEncap', ingress frames carry 802.1q tags where each different tag can signify a different service. This is not a valid value if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'bcpNullEncap', Bcp is used on the sonet path as the NCP control protocol. The BCP IEEE 802 Tagged Frame Configuration Option (type 8) is negotiated to 'enabled'. VLAN tagged frames are allowed into the sonet path. Only a single SAP can be associated with the sonet path. 'bcpNullEncap' is valid only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'bcpDot1qEncap', BCP is used as the NCP control protocol. The BCP IEEE 802 Tagged Frame Configuration Option (type 8) is negotiated to 'enabled'. VLAN tagged frames are allowed on the sonet path. This encapsulation type is required when multiple SAPs are defined on the sonet path where each one is service delimited by a provisioned Dot1q tag. When 'bcpDot1qEncap' is specified, BCP does not enter the 'open' state unless the far end peer also supports 'bcpDot1qEncap'. This allows a LCP negotiation to transmit configuration request and confirmation messages to enable this feature. 'bcpDot1qEncap' is a valid value only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'ipcpEncap', BCP will not be used on this sonet path. IPCP NCP is used instead. 'ipcpEncap' is a valid only if tmnxPortClass has a value of 'sonetPath'. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'frEncap', Frame Relay is the expected encapsulation. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'pppAutoEncap', IPCP is automatically enabled. This encap type is only valid on ports/paths in network mode. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'atmEncap', the encapsulation on the port is ATM. The 'atmEncap' is also used when mirroring ATM ports. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'wanMirrorEncap', the port is used for mirroring of frame-relay and POS ports. On such ports no link management protocol would run. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'ciscoHDLCEncap', the Cisco HDLC encapsulation is applied. This encap type is only valid if TmnxPortClass has a value of 'tdm' or 'sonet'. If tmnxPortEncapType has a value of 'cemEncap', encapsulation of frames will be circuit emulation. This is used to support transparent transmission of frames. This encap type is only valid if TmnxPortClass has a value of 'tdm' or 'sonet' in access mode. tmnxPortEncapType is set to 'unknown' for physical SONET/SDH and TDM ports. " ::= { tmnxPortEntry 12 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Marcelo Mourier

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jason Sterne

    Brothers (55)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription tmnxPortPortID 0 0 tmnxPortPortID is an index into this table. It maps this port to its
    entry in the mib-2 interfaces table. tmnxPortLastChangeTime 0 0 The tmnxPortLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime
    value of the most recently modified writable variable in the
    tmnxPortE… tmnxPortType 0 0 The type of port or optical pack installed. tmnxPortClass 0 0 The class of port or optical pack installed. This can be
    derived from tmnxPortType. tmnxPortDescription 0 0 A textual string containing user supplied information about the
    interface. tmnxPortName 0 0 The textual name of the interface. The value of this
    object should be the name of the interface as assigned by
    the local device … tmnxPortAlias 0 0 This object is an 'alias' name for the interface as
    specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile
    'handle' for the … tmnxPortUserAssignedMac 0 0 When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac has a value of 'true', the value of
    tmnxPortMacAddress has been explicitly assigned by a SNMP SET
    re… tmnxPortMacAddress 0 0 When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac has a value of 'true',
    tmnxPortMacAddress has the value that has been explicitly
    assigned by a SNMP … tmnxPortHwMacAddress 0 0 The interface's hardware or system assigned MAC address at its
    protocol sub-layer. When tmnxPortUserAssignedMac has a value of
    '… tmnxPortMode 0 0 The tmnxPortMode variable indicates if the interface on this port
    is configured as a service access port or a network access
    port… tmnxPortLagId 0 0 The value of tmnxPortLagId indicates which LAG or multi-link trunk
    (MLT) this port is assigned to. If this port is not associate… tmnxPortHoldTimeUp 0 0 The value of tmnxPortHoldTimeUp is used to configure the
    hold-timer for link up event dampening. This guards against
    reporting ex… tmnxPortHoldTimeDown 0 0 The value of tmnxPortHoldTimeDown is used to configure the
    hold-timer for link down event dampening. This guards against
    reportin… tmnxPortUpProtocols 0 0 The tmnxPortUpProtocols variable is a bitmap that indicates what
    protocols can be used on this port type. tmnxPortConnectorType 0 0 The type of connector installed on this port. tmnxPortTransceiverType 0 0 Type of the transceiver. tmnxPortTransceiverCode 0 0 The code for the transmission media.

    tmnxPortOpticalCompliance is used instead of
    tmnxPortTransceiverCode.tmnxPortOpticalComplian… tmnxPortTransceiverLaserWaveLen 0 0 The light wavelength transmitted by the transceiver's laser.
    A value of zero indicates that the port is not equipped with
    the tra… tmnxPortTransceiverDiagCapable 0 0 Indicates if the transceiver is capable of doing diagnostics. tmnxPortTransceiverModelNumber 0 0 Model number of the transceiver. tmnxPortSFPConnectorCode 0 0 The external connector provided on the interface. tmnxPortSFPVendorOUI 0 0 The vendor organizationally unique identifier field (OUI)
    contains the IEEE company identifier for the vendor.
    A value of all zer… tmnxPortSFPVendorManufactureDate 0 0 The vendor's date code. tmnxPortSFPMedia 0 0 The media supported for the SFP. tmnxPortSFPEquipped 0 0 Indicates if the SFP is equipped. tmnxPortEquipped 0 0 Indicates if there is an optics pack installed in this
    port or not. tmnxPortLinkStatus 0 0 Indicates whether or not the port has a physical link. tmnxPortAdminStatus 0 0 The desired administrative status of this port. tmnxPortOperStatus 0 0 The current operational status of this port. tmnxPortState 0 0 The state level of this port. A value of 'none' indicates
    the port is either in its initial creation state or is
    just about to b… tmnxPortPrevState 0 0 The tmnxPortPrevState indicates the state level that the port
    transitioned from into the current tmnxPortState level. tmnxPortNumAlarms 0 0 The number of alarms currently outstanding on this port. tmnxPortAlarmState 0 0 The value of tmnxPortAlarmState indicates the current alarm
    state for this port. tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent 0 0 The value of tmnxPortLastAlarmEvent is an object identifier whose
    object name and instance values point to the row entry in the
    A… tmnxPortClearAlarms 0 0 Setting this action variable causes all the alarms
    associated with this port to be moved from the current
    alarm log to the histor… tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum 0 0 tmnxPortSFPVendorSerialNum contains ASCII characters,
    defining the vendor serial number.
    A value of all zero indicates that the v… tmnxPortSFPVendorPartNum 0 0 The vendor part number contains ASCII characters,
    defining the vendor part number or product name.
    A value of all zero indicates … tmnxPortLastStateChanged 0 0 The tmnxPortLastStateChanged variable contains the
    value of the sysUpTime the last time the operational status
    of the port change… tmnxPortNumChannels 0 0 For SONET/SDH paths or TDM channels, tmnxPortNumChannels
    contains the number of possible immediate children. For
    leaf paths or ch… tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues 0 0 tmnxPortNetworkEgrQueues contains the network egress queue policy
    if the tmnxPortMode is network. Otherwise this object has no
    si… tmnxPortBundleNumber 0 0 tmnxPortBundleNumber identifies the bundle for which this port is
    a member. If this port is not a member of any bundle, the valu… tmnxPortIsLeaf 0 0 tmnxPortIsLeaf is applicable only when the 'isSonet' and/or 'isTDM'
    bits in TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB:tmnxMDACapabilities are set.
    When… tmnxPortChanType 0 0 tmnxPortChanType is applicable only when the 'isSonet' and/or 'isTDM'
    bits in TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB:tmnxMDACapabilities are set. I… tmnxPortParentPortID 0 0 tmnxPortParentPortID is applicable only when the 'isSonet'
    and/or 'isTDM' bits in TIMETRA-CHASSIS-MIB:tmnxMDACapabilities are s… tmnxPortOpticalCompliance 0 0 tmnxPortOpticalCompliance is applicable only when the
    tmnxPortSFPEquipped is set to 'true'. The value of
    tmnxPortOpticalComplianc… tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm 0 0 The value of tmnxPortLoadBalanceAlgorithm specifies the load
    balancing algorithm to be used on this port. When the
    value is 'incl… tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy 0 0 The value of tmnxPortEgrPortSchedPlcy specifies the egress QoS
    port-scheduler policy for this port. This object must correspond
    t… tmnxPortLastClearedTime 0 0 The value of tmnxPortLastClearedTime indicates the sysUpTime
    when the counters in the IF-MIB:ifTable were last cleared. tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy 0 0 The value of tmnxPortIngNamedPoolPlcy specifies a named pool
    policy associated with an port ingress context. The policy
    governs t… tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy 0 0 The value of tmnxPortEgrNamedPoolPlcy specifies a named pool
    policy associated with an port egress context. The policy
    governs th… tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate 0 0 The value of tmnxPortIngPoolPercentRate specifies increment or
    decrement of the active bandwidth associated with the ingress por… tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate 0 0 The value of tmnxPortEgrPoolPercentRate specifies increment or
    decrement of the active bandwidth associated with the egress port… tmnxPortDDMEventSuppression 0 0 The value of tmnxPortDDMEventSuppression specifies whether or not an
    inserted SFP/XFP that supports Digital Diagnostic Monitorin… tmnxPortSFPStatus 0 0 The value of tmnxPortSFPStatus indicates the operational status of
    the inserted SFP/XFP. If tmnxPortSFPEquipped is false, the