Reference record for OID

parent (tmnxDS1PortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxDS1PortTable(23) tmnxDS1PortEntry(1) tmnxDS1PortLbo(5)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxDS1PortTable(23) tmnxDS1PortEntry(1) tmnxDS1PortLbo(5)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxDS1PortTable(23) tmnxDS1PortEntry(1) tmnxDS1PortLbo(5)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxDS1PortTable(23) tmnxDS1PortEntry(1) tmnxDS1PortLbo(5)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxDS1PortTable(23) tmnxDS1PortEntry(1) tmnxDS1PortLbo(5)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxDS1PortTable(23) tmnxDS1PortEntry(1) tmnxDS1PortLbo(5)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxDS1PortTable/tmnxDS1PortEntry/tmnxDS1PortLbo
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxDS1PortTable/tmnxDS1PortEntry/tmnxDS1PortLbo
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxDS1PortTable/tmnxDS1PortEntry/tmnxDS1PortLbo
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxDS1PortTable/tmnxDS1PortEntry/tmnxDS1PortLbo
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxDS1PortTable/tmnxDS1PortEntry/tmnxDS1PortLbo
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxDS1PortTable/tmnxDS1PortEntry/tmnxDS1PortLbo
  • Description by circitor

    tmnxDS1PortLbo configuration only applies to a ds1 port
    configured with a 'long' buildout. tmnxDS1PortLbo configures the
    number of decibels(dB) the transmission signal decreases over the line.
    For 'short' buildout the following values are valid:
    lboNotApplicable - Not applicable
    For 'long' buildout the following values are valid:
    lbo0dB - For 0 dB
    lboNeg7p5dB - For -7.5 dB
    lboNeg15p0dB - For -15.0 dB
    lboNeg22p5dB - For -22.5 dB
    The default for 'short' build out is 'lboNotApplicable' while the
    default for 'long' buildout is 'lbo0dB'

    Parsed from file TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    tmnxDS1PortLbo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { lboNotApplicable (1), lbo0dB (2), lboNeg7p5dB (3), lboNeg15p0dB (4), lboNeg22p5dB (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tmnxDS1PortLbo configuration only applies to a ds1 port configured with a 'long' buildout. tmnxDS1PortLbo configures the number of decibels(dB) the transmission signal decreases over the line. For 'short' buildout the following values are valid: lboNotApplicable - Not applicable For 'long' buildout the following values are valid: lbo0dB - For 0 dB lboNeg7p5dB - For -7.5 dB lboNeg15p0dB - For -15.0 dB lboNeg22p5dB - For -22.5 dB The default for 'short' build out is 'lboNotApplicable' while the default for 'long' buildout is 'lbo0dB'" ::= { tmnxDS1PortEntry 5 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Marcelo Mourier

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jason Sterne

    Brothers (5)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription tmnxDS1PortBuildout 0 0 tmnxDS1PortBuildout configures the cable buildout length. A ds1 port
    has two settings for the DS1 cable buildout: a 'short' set… tmnxDS1PortLastChangeTime 0 0 The tmnxDS1PortLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime
    value of the most recently modified writable variable in the
    tmnxDS… tmnxDS1PortType 0 0 tmnxDS1PortType configures the type of the physical port to 'ds1',
    'e1' or 'j1'. tmnxDS1PortLineLength 0 0 tmnxDS1PortLineLength configuration only applies to a ds1 port
    configured with a 'short' buildout. tmnxDS1PortLineLength config… tmnxDS1PortDbGain 0 0 tmnxDS1PortDbGain only applies to a ds1 port configured with a
    'long' buildout. tmnxDS1PortDbGain shows the number of decibels