Reference record for OID

parent (iesIfEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSvcObjs(2) iesIfTable(5) iesIfEntry(1) iesIfVpnId(8)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSvcObjs(2) iesIfTable(5) iesIfEntry(1) iesIfVpnId(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSvcObjs(2) iesIfTable(5) iesIfEntry(1) iesIfVpnId(8)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSvcObjs(2) iesIfTable(5) iesIfEntry(1) iesIfVpnId(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSvcObjs(2) iesIfTable(5) iesIfEntry(1) iesIfVpnId(8)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSvcObjs(2) iesIfTable(5) iesIfEntry(1) iesIfVpnId(8)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSvcObjs/iesIfTable/iesIfEntry/iesIfVpnId
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSvcObjs/iesIfTable/iesIfEntry/iesIfVpnId
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSvcObjs/iesIfTable/iesIfEntry/iesIfVpnId
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSvcObjs/iesIfTable/iesIfEntry/iesIfVpnId
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSvcObjs/iesIfTable/iesIfEntry/iesIfVpnId
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSvcObjs/iesIfTable/iesIfEntry/iesIfVpnId
  • Description by circitor

    The value of the object iesIfVpnId indicates the VPN ID of
    the associated IES service.

    Parsed from file TIMETRA-SERV-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    iesIfVpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VpnId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object iesIfVpnId indicates the VPN ID of the associated IES service." ::= { iesIfEntry 8 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Marcelo Mourier

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jason Sterne

    Brothers (17)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription iesIfIndex 0 0 The secondary index of the row in the vRtrIfTable
    corresponding to this IES interface. The primary
    index is 1; i.e. all IES inter… iesIfRowStatus 0 0 The value of the object iesIfRowStatus specifies the
    status of this row.
    The only values supported during a set operation are
    'cre… iesIfName 0 0 The value of the object iesIfName specifies the name used
    to refer to this IES interface. This name must be unique
    within the Ba… iesIfDescription 0 0 The value of the object iesIfDescription specifies
    generic information about this IES interface. iesIfAdminStatus 0 0 The value of the object iesIfAdminStatus specifies the
    desired state of this IES interface. iesIfOperStatus 0 0 The value of the object iesIfOperStatus indicates the
    operating state of this IES interface. iesIfLastMgmtChange 0 0 The value of the object iesIfLastMgmtChange indicates the
    value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent
    management-initiated … iesIfCustId 0 0 The value of the object iesIfCustId indicates the Customer
    ID of the associated IES service. iesIfLoopback 0 0 When the value of iesIfLoopback is set to 'true',
    loopback is enabled on the IES interface represented
    by this row entry. When … iesIfLastStatusChange 0 0 The value of the object iesIfLastStatusChange indicates
    the value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent
    operating status ch… iesIfType 0 0 The value of iesIfType specifies the type
    of this IES interface. This object can only be set at
    row creation time.
    'service' -… iesIfParentIf 0 0 The value of iesIfParentIf specifies the ifIndex of
    this interface's parent. This value can only be set at
    row creation time, and… iesIfShcvSource 0 0 The value of iesIfShcvSource specifies the source used
    for subscriber host connectivity checking iesIfShcvAction 0 0 The value of iesIfShcvAction specifies the action to be
    taken for hosts on this interface whose host connectivity
    checking fails iesIfShcvInterval 0 0 The value of the object iesIfShcvInterval specifies
    the interval in minutes between connectivity checks.
    Zero means no in host-co… iesIfFwdServId 0 0 The value of iesIfFwdServId specifies the forwarding
    service ID for a subscriber interface in a retailer
    context. This value can … iesIfFwdSubIf 0 0 The value of iesIfFwdSubIf specifies the forwarding
    subscriber interface for a subscriber interface in a
    retailer context. This v…