Reference record for OID

parent (sapTlsInfoEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSapObjs(3) sapTlsInfoTable(3) sapTlsInfoEntry(1) sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation(52)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSapObjs(3) sapTlsInfoTable(3) sapTlsInfoEntry(1) sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation(52)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSapObjs(3) sapTlsInfoTable(3) sapTlsInfoEntry(1) sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation(52)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSapObjs(3) sapTlsInfoTable(3) sapTlsInfoEntry(1) sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation(52)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSapObjs(3) sapTlsInfoTable(3) sapTlsInfoEntry(1) sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation(52)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSapObjs(3) sapTlsInfoTable(3) sapTlsInfoEntry(1) sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation(52)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSapObjs/sapTlsInfoTable/sapTlsInfoEntry/sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSapObjs/sapTlsInfoTable/sapTlsInfoEntry/sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSapObjs/sapTlsInfoTable/sapTlsInfoEntry/sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSapObjs/sapTlsInfoTable/sapTlsInfoEntry/sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSapObjs/sapTlsInfoTable/sapTlsInfoEntry/sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSapObjs/sapTlsInfoTable/sapTlsInfoEntry/sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation
  • Description by circitor

    The value of the object sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation
    indicates whether there is a root-guard violation at the
    present time. This can only happen when sapTlsStpRootGuard
    is set to true.

    Parsed from file TIMETRA-SAP-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object sapTlsStpRootGuardViolation indicates whether there is a root-guard violation at the present time. This can only happen when sapTlsStpRootGuard is set to true." ::= { sapTlsInfoEntry 52 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Marcelo Mourier

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jason Sterne

    Brothers (72)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription sapTlsStpAdminStatus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpAdminStatus specifies
    whether this SAP participates in the TLS's Spanning Tree
    Protocol. sapTlsStpPriority 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpPriority specifies
    the value of the port priority field which is contained in
    the most significa… sapTlsStpPortNum 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpPortNum specifies the
    value of the port number field which is contained in the
    least significant… sapTlsStpPathCost 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpPathCost specifies the
    contribution of this port to the path cost of paths
    towards the spanning… sapTlsStpRapidStart 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpRapidStart specifies
    whether Rapid Start is enabled on this SAP. When the value
    is 'enabled' the… sapTlsStpBpduEncap 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpBpduEncap specifies the
    type of encapsulation used on BPDUs sent out and received
    on this SAP. sapTlsStpPortState 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpPortState indicates the
    port's current state as defined by application of the
    Spanning Tree Prot… sapTlsStpDesignatedBridge 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpDesignatedBridge
    indicates the Bridge Identifier of the bridge which this
    port considers to be … sapTlsStpDesignatedPort 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpDesignatedPort indicates
    the Port Identifier of the port on the Designated Bridge
    for this port'… sapTlsStpForwardTransitions 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpForwardTransitions
    indicates the number of times this port has transitioned
    from the Learning st… sapTlsStpInConfigBpdus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpInConfigBpdus indicates
    the number of Configuration BPDUs received on this SAP. sapTlsStpInTcnBpdus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpInTcnBpdus indicates the
    number of Topology Change Notification BPDUs received on
    this SAP. sapTlsStpInBadBpdus 0 0 This object specifies the number of bad
    BPDUs received on this SAP. sapTlsStpOutConfigBpdus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpOutConfigBpdus indicates
    the number of Configuration BPDUs sent out this SAP. sapTlsStpOutTcnBpdus 0 0 This object specifies the number of Topology
    Change Notification BPDUs sent out this SAP. sapTlsStpOperBpduEncap 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpOperBpduEncap indicates
    the operating encapsulation type used on BPDUs sent out
    and received on… sapTlsVpnId 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsVpnId indicates the VPN ID
    of the associated service. sapTlsCustId 0 0 The Customer ID of the associated service. sapTlsMacAddressLimit 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsMacAddressLimit specifies
    the maximum number of learned and static entries allowed
    in the FDB of th… sapTlsNumMacAddresses 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsNumMacAddresses indicates
    the number of MAC addresses currently present in the FDB
    that belong to … sapTlsNumStaticMacAddresses 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsNumStaticMacAddresses
    indicates the number of static MAC addresses currently
    present in the FDB tha… sapTlsMacLearning 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsMacLearning specifies
    whether the MAC learning process is enabled for this SAP.
    The value is ignor… sapTlsMacAgeing 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsMacAgeing specifies whether
    the MAC aging process is enabled for this SAP. the value
    is ignored if… sapTlsStpOperEdge 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpOperEdge indicates the
    operational value of the Edge Port parameter. The object
    is initialized t… sapTlsStpAdminPointToPoint 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpAdminPointToPoint
    specifies the administrative point-to-point status of
    the LAN segment attach… sapTlsStpPortRole 0 0 sapTlsStpPortRole indicates the current role of the
    sap as defined by the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. sapTlsStpAutoEdge 0 0 sapTlsStpAutoEdge specifies whether this SAP
    is enabled for auto-edge detection as defined by Rapid
    Spanning Tree Protocol. sapTlsStpOperProtocol 0 0 sapTlsStpOperProtocol indicates whether stp, rstp or
    mstp is running on this SAP. If the protocol is not
    enabled on this SAP… sapTlsStpInRstBpdus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpInRstBpdus indicates
    the number of Rapid Spanning Tree (RST) BPDUs received on
    this SAP. sapTlsStpOutRstBpdus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpOutRstBpdus indicates
    the number of Rapid Spanning Tree (RST) BPDUs sent out on
    this SAP. sapTlsLimitMacMove 0 0 When sapTlsLimitMacMove value is set to 'blockable'
    the agent will monitor the MAC relearn rate on this
    SAP, and it will blo… sapTlsDhcpSnooping 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsDhcpSnooping specifies
    whether or not DHCP packets received on this SAP will be
    snooped. This objec… sapTlsMacPinning 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsMacPinning specifies whether
    or not MAC address pinning is active on this SAP. The
    value will be se… sapTlsDiscardUnknownSource 0 0 with the object sapTlsMacAddressLimit a limit can be
    configured for the max number of MAC addresses that
    will be learned on… sapTlsMvplsPruneState 0 0 The value of sapTlsMvplsPruneState indicates the mVPLS
    prune state of the SAP. The object will be set to
    notApplicable if the SAP… sapTlsMvplsMgmtService 0 0 The value of sapTlsMvplsMgmtService indicates the
    service Id of the service where the STP instance is
    running that is managing th… sapTlsMvplsMgmtPortId 0 0 The value of sapTlsMvplsMgmtPortId indicates the SAP
    port Id of the SAP in the mVPLS instance specified in
    sapTlsMvplsMgmtService… sapTlsMvplsMgmtEncapValue 0 0 The value of sapTlsMvplsMgmtEncapValue indicates the
    SAP Encap value of the SAP in the mVPLS instance
    specified in sapTlsMvplsMgm… sapTlsArpReplyAgent 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsArpReplyAgent specifies
    the status of the special ARP response mechanism in the
    system for ARP requ… sapTlsStpException 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpException indicates
    whether an STP exception condition is present on this
    - none : no except… sapTlsAuthenticationPolicy 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsAuthenticationPolicy specifies
    which subscriber authentication policy must be applied when
    a DHCP… sapTlsL2ptTermination 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsL2ptTermination specifies
    whether received L2 Protocol Tunnel pdu's are terminated
    on this port or … sapTlsBpduTranslation 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsBpduTranslation specifies
    whether received L2 Protocol Tunnel pdu's are
    translated before being sen… sapTlsStpRootGuard 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpRootGuard specifies
    whether this port is allowed to become STP root port.
    It corresponds to the … sapTlsStpInsideRegion 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpInsideRegion indicates
    whether the network connected to the SAP is in the same
    MST region. It co… sapTlsEgressMcastGroup 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsEgressMcastGroup specifies
    the Egress Multicast Group this SAP belongs to. sapTlsStpInMstBpdus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpInMstBpdus indicates
    the number of Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) BPDUs received
    on this SAP. sapTlsStpOutMstBpdus 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpOutMstBpdus indicates
    the number of Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) BPDUs sent out
    on this SAP. sapTlsRestProtSrcMac 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsRestProtSrcMac specifies
    how the agent will handle relearn requests for protected
    MAC addresses. Wh… sapTlsRestUnprotDstMac 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsRestUnprotDstMac specifies
    how the system will forward packets destined to an
    unprotected MAC addre… sapTlsStpRxdDesigBridge 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsStpRxdDesigBridge
    indicates the designated Bridge Identifier in the last
    BPDU which was received o… sapTlsShcvAction 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsShcvAction
    indicates whether any action should be triggered when
    the connectivity check fails. sapTlsShcvSrcIp 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsShcvSrcIp
    specifies the source IP address used when doing the
    connectivity check. The value… sapTlsShcvSrcMac 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsShcvSrcMac
    specifies the MAC address used when doing the connectivity
    check. The value 0:0:0:0:0:0 … sapTlsShcvInterval 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsShcvInterval specifies
    the interval in minutes between connectivity checks.
    Zero means no connectiv… sapTlsMvplsMgmtMsti 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsMvplsMgmtMsti indicates the
    MST-instance in the mVPLS instance specified in
    sapTlsMvplsMgmtService … sapTlsMacMoveNextUpTime 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsMacMoveNextUpTime counts down
    the time in seconds until a SAP that has been brought down
    due to exc… sapTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsMacMoveRateExcdLeft
    counts down the number of times this SAP can exceed the
    TLS svcTlsMacMoveMaxRat… sapTlsRestProtSrcMacAction 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsRestProtSrcMacAction
    indicates the action to take whenever a relearn request
    for a protected MAC is… sapTlsL2ptForceBoundary 0 0 The value of sapTlsL2ptForceBoundary specifies if
    sapTlsL2ptTermination is enforced for its managed SAP's.
    Setting the value of t… sapTlsLimitMacMoveLevel 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsLimitMacMoveLevel
    specifies the hierarchy in which SAPs are
    blocked when a MAC-move limit is exceed… sapTlsBpduTransOper 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsBpduTransOper indicates
    the operational bpdu encapsulation used for BPDU
    translated frames. sapTlsDefMsapPolicy 0 0 The value of sapTlsDefMsapPolicy specifies the
    default Managed SAP policy to use to create
    Managed SAPs when the response from th… sapTlsL2ptProtocols 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsL2ptTermination specifies
    which L2 Protocol Tunnel pdu's are terminated
    on this port or sap sapTlsL2ptForceProtocols 0 0 The value of the object sapTlsL2ptForceProtocols specifies
    which L2 Protocol Tunnel pdu's must be terminated by
    SAP's managed by … sapTlsPppoeMsapTrigger 0 0 The value of sapTlsPppoeMsapTrigger specifies whether
    the receipt of PPPoE trigger packets on a VPLS SAP
    with a sapSubType value … sapTlsDhcpMsapTrigger 0 0 The value of sapTlsDhcpMsapTrigger specifies whether
    the receipt of DHCP trigger packets on this VPLS SAP
    with a sapSubType value… sapTlsMrpJoinTime 0 0 The value of sapTlsMrpJoinTime specifies a timer value in
    10ths of seconds which determines the maximum rate at
    which attribute j… sapTlsMrpLeaveTime 0 0 The value of sapTlsMrpLeaveTime specifies a timer value in
    10ths of seconds which determines the amount of time a
    registered attr… sapTlsMrpLeaveAllTime 0 0 The value of sapTlsMrpLeaveAllTime specifies the a timer
    value in 10ths of seconds which determines the frequency
    where all attri… sapTlsMrpPeriodicTime 0 0 The value of sapTlsMrpPeriodicTime specifies a timer value
    in 10ths of seconds which determines the frequency of
    re-transmission … sapTlsMrpPeriodicEnabled 0 0 The value of sapTlsMrpPeriodicEnabled specifies whether
    re-transmission of attribute declarations is enabled.