Reference record for OID

parent (cmedGatewayStatsEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMegacoMIB(99999) ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects(1) cmedStatistics(2) cmedGatewayStatsTable(1) cmedGatewayStatsEntry(1) cmedTransportLastEvent(10)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMegacoMIB(99999) ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects(1) cmedStatistics(2) cmedGatewayStatsTable(1) cmedGatewayStatsEntry(1) cmedTransportLastEvent(10)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMegacoMIB(99999) ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects(1) cmedStatistics(2) cmedGatewayStatsTable(1) cmedGatewayStatsEntry(1) cmedTransportLastEvent(10)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMegacoMIB(99999) ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects(1) cmedStatistics(2) cmedGatewayStatsTable(1) cmedGatewayStatsEntry(1) cmedTransportLastEvent(10)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMegacoMIB(99999) ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects(1) cmedStatistics(2) cmedGatewayStatsTable(1) cmedGatewayStatsEntry(1) cmedTransportLastEvent(10)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) ciscoIetfMegacoMIB(99999) ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects(1) cmedStatistics(2) cmedGatewayStatsTable(1) cmedGatewayStatsEntry(1) cmedTransportLastEvent(10)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMegacoMIB/ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects/cmedStatistics/cmedGatewayStatsTable/cmedGatewayStatsEntry/cmedTransportLastEvent
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMegacoMIB/ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects/cmedStatistics/cmedGatewayStatsTable/cmedGatewayStatsEntry/cmedTransportLastEvent
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMegacoMIB/ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects/cmedStatistics/cmedGatewayStatsTable/cmedGatewayStatsEntry/cmedTransportLastEvent
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMegacoMIB/ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects/cmedStatistics/cmedGatewayStatsTable/cmedGatewayStatsEntry/cmedTransportLastEvent
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMegacoMIB/ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects/cmedStatistics/cmedGatewayStatsTable/cmedGatewayStatsEntry/cmedTransportLastEvent
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/ciscoIetfMegacoMIB/ciscoIetfMegacoMIBObjects/cmedStatistics/cmedGatewayStatsTable/cmedGatewayStatsEntry/cmedTransportLastEvent
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    Last event reported by the transport layer.
    notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown.
    other (2) - None from the list below.
    linkUp (3) - Transport link is up.
    linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss.
    persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error.
    linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down.
    switchOver (7) - Fail-over.

    Parsed from file CISCO-IETF-MEGACO-MIB.mib

    Description by cisco_v1

    Last event reported by the transport layer.
    notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown.
    other (2) - None from the list below.
    linkUp (3) - Transport link is up.
    linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss.
    persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error.
    linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down.
    switchOver (7) - Fail-over.

    Description by mibdepot

    Last event reported by the transport layer.
    notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown.
    other (2) - None from the list below.
    linkUp (3) - Transport link is up.
    linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss.
    persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error.
    linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down.
    switchOver (7) - Fail-over.

    Parsed from file
    Company: None

    Description by cisco

    Last event reported by the transport layer.
    notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown.
    other (2) - None from the list below.
    linkUp (3) - Transport link is up.
    linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss.
    persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error.
    linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down.
    switchOver (7) - Fail-over.

    Information by circitor

    cmedTransportLastEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (1), other (2), linkUp (3), linkLoss (4), persistentError (5), linkShutdown (6), switchOver (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last event reported by the transport layer. notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown. other (2) - None from the list below. linkUp (3) - Transport link is up. linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss. persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error. linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down. switchOver (7) - Fail-over." ::= { cmedGatewayStatsEntry 10 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    cmedTransportLastEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), other(2), linkUp(3), linkLoss(4), persistentError(5), linkShutdown(6), switchOver(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Last event reported by the transport layer. notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown. other (2) - None from the list below. linkUp (3) - Transport link is up. linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss. persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error. linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down. switchOver (7) - Fail-over." ::= { cmedGatewayStatsEntry 10 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Cisco

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    cmedTransportLastEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (1), other (2), linkUp (3), linkLoss (4), persistentError (5), linkShutdown (6), switchOver (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last event reported by the transport layer. notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown. other (2) - None from the list below. linkUp (3) - Transport link is up. linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss. persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error. linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down. switchOver (7) - Fail-over." ::= { cmedGatewayStatsEntry 10 }

    Information by cisco

    cmedTransportLastEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (1), other (2), linkUp (3), linkLoss (4), persistentError (5), linkShutdown (6), switchOver (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last event reported by the transport layer. notApplicable (1) - Invalid/unknown. other (2) - None from the list below. linkUp (3) - Transport link is up. linkLoss (4) - Transport link loss. persistentError (5) - No link - persistent error. linkShutdown (6) - Link is shut down. switchOver (7) - Fail-over." ::= { cmedGatewayStatsEntry 10 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Brothers (11)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription cmedNumInMessages 0 0 Total number of messages received on the link. cmedNumInOctets 0 0 Total number of octets received on the link. cmedNumOutMessages 0 0 Total number of messages sent on the link. cmedNumOutOctets 0 0 Total number of octets sent on the link. cmedNumErrors 0 0 Total number of signaling-level errors encountered.
    Includes, but is not limited to, number of bad
    messages received, number of f… cmedNumTimerRecovery 0 0 Total Number of timer recovery events since the
    statistics was last reset. This reflects all protocol
    timers that are supported (… cmedTransportNumLosses 0 0 Number of times a transport link was lost
    (excluding switch-over cases). A link loss is defined
    as loss of communication with the… cmedTransportNumSwitchover 0 0 Number of times when the signaling was switched
    over to an alternative link. This includes
    switchover due to the Handoffs initiat… cmedTransportTotalNumAlarms 0 0 Total number of all alarms issued for the transport
    layer. cmedTransportLastEventTime 0 0 The value of sysUpTime at the time when the event
    specified by cmedTransportLastEvent occurred.
    If the last event occurred prior … cmedLastStatisticsReset 0 0 The value of sysUpTime at the time when the
    statistics were reset. If the reset occurred prior to
    the last re-initialization of t…