Reference record for OID

parent (ciscoMgmt)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB(585)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB(585)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB(585)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB(585)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB(585)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB(585)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    This MIB module consists of two parts.

    1) Auto-Ethernet-CFM Control:

    2) ethernetJitter Stats:

    The first part defines a mechanism to manage IP SLA
    Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation.

    IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for
    network perfomance. It can be used for network
    troubleshooting, network assessment and health monitoring.

    IEEE 802.1ag defines Connection Fault Management (CFM) for
    Ethernet layer. CFM can be used to detect, isolate and report
    the connectivity faults, and allows discovery and verification
    of the path through briges and LANs.

    Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation integrates the capabilities of
    IP SLA and IEEE 802.1ag. It's capable of discovering all the
    existing MEPs in a specified VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection
    within a specified maintenance domain. After which, it creates,
    configures, and schedules an IP SLA operation for each MEP

    IP SLA currently supports two types of operations for
    end-to-end Ethernet connectivity - 'ethernetPing' and

    'ethernetPing' can be used to monitor the connectivity and
    measure RTT by sending the regular 802.1ag loopback frame
    to a particular MEP.

    'ethernetJitter' can be used to measure metrics such as
    RTT, Jitter, frame loss, one-way latency by sending multiple
    enhanced CFM frames at specified interval to a particular MEP.

    Without Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations
    can also be created, configured, and scheduled manually through
    CISCO-RTTMON-MIB by specifing the target MEP's identifier
    in addition to the VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection and
    Maintenance Domain.

    With Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations
    will be created automatically. The Auto-Ethernet-CFM will pass
    all the values specified in this module to the corresponding
    objects in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB for each MEP discovered.


    ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlTable -> rttMonCtrlAdminTable
    -> rttMonEchoAdminTable

    ipslaEthernetGrpReactTable -> rttMonReactTable

    The second part defines a collection of statistics resulting
    from 'ethernetJitter' operation created either manually or

    CFM - Connection Fault Management
    DSAP - Domain Service Access Point: A member of a set of
    SAPs at which a Maintenance Domain is capable of
    offering connectivity to systems outside the Maintenance
    IP SLA - Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements
    IP SLA operation - Refers to the 'ethernetPing' or
    'ethernetJitter' operation supported by IP SLA.
    MEP - Maintenance association End Point: An actively managed
    CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a
    service instance, which can generate and receive CFM
    PDUs and track any responses.
    maintenance domain - The network or the part of the network
    for which faults in connectivity are to be managed.
    The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is defined by a set
    of DSAPs, each of which can become a point of connectivity
    to a service instance.
    Maintenance Domain Name - The identifier, unique over the
    domain for which CFM is to protect against accidental
    concatenation of service instances, of a particular
    Maintenance Domain.
    RTT - Round Trip Time
    SAP - Service Access Point at which a service is offered.
    service instance - A service instance is a set of SAPs,
    selected from among the DSAPs defining a Maintenance
    Domain, such that a Data.Request primitive presented
    to one SAP can result in a Data.Indication primitive
    occurring at one or more of the other SAPs in the set.
    It corresponds to a VLAN or an Ethernet Virtual Connection.
    TLV - Stands for Type, Length, Value, and denotes a method of
    encoding variable-length and/or optional information in a
    PDU. TLVs are not aligned to any particular word or octet
    boundary. TLVs follow each other with no padding between
    VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network: A subset of the active
    topology of a Bridged Local Area Network. Associated
    with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier.

    IEEE 802.1ag Draft 6.0 'Virtual Briged Local Area Networks
    - Amendments 5: Connectivity Fault Management' July 2006

    Parsed from file CISCO-IPSLA-ETHERNET-MIB.mib

    Description by mibdepot

    This MIB module consists of two parts.

    1) Auto-Ethernet-CFM Control:

    2) ethernetJitter Stats:

    The first part defines a mechanism to manage IP SLA
    Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation.

    IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for
    network perfomance. It can be used for network
    troubleshooting, network assessment and health monitoring.

    IEEE 802.1ag defines Connection Fault Management (CFM) for
    Ethernet layer. CFM can be used to detect, isolate and report
    the connectivity faults, and allows discovery and verification
    of the path through briges and LANs.

    Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation integrates the capabilities of
    IP SLA and IEEE 802.1ag. It's capable of discovering all the
    existing MEPs in a specified VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection
    within a specified maintenance domain. After which, it creates,
    configures, and schedules an IP SLA operation for each MEP

    IP SLA currently supports two types of operations for
    end-to-end Ethernet connectivity - 'ethernetPing' and

    'ethernetPing' can be used to monitor the connectivity and
    measure RTT by sending the regular 802.1ag loopback frame
    to a particular MEP.

    'ethernetJitter' can be used to measure metrics such as
    RTT, Jitter, frame loss, one-way latency by sending multiple
    enhanced CFM frames at specified interval to a particular MEP.

    Without Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations
    can also be created, configured, and scheduled manually through
    CISCO-RTTMON-MIB by specifing the target MEP's identifier
    in addition to the VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection and
    Maintenance Domain.

    With Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations
    will be created automatically. The Auto-Ethernet-CFM will pass
    all the values specified in this module to the corresponding
    objects in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB for each MEP discovered.


    ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlTable -> rttMonCtrlAdminTable
    -> rttMonEchoAdminTable

    ipslaEthernetGrpReactTable -> rttMonReactTable

    The second part defines a collection of statistics resulting
    from 'ethernetJitter' operation created either manually or

    CFM - Connection Fault Management
    DSAP - Domain Service Access Point: A member of a set of
    SAPs at which a Maintenance Domain is capable of
    offering connectivity to systems outside the Maintenance
    IP SLA - Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements
    IP SLA operation - Refers to the 'ethernetPing' or
    'ethernetJitter' operation supported by IP SLA.
    MEP - Maintenance association End Point: An actively managed
    CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a
    service instance, which can generate and receive CFM
    PDUs and track any responses.
    maintenance domain - The network or the part of the network
    for which faults in connectivity are to be managed.
    The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is defined by a set
    of DSAPs, each of which can become a point of connectivity
    to a service instance.
    Maintenance Domain Name - The identifier, unique over the
    domain for which CFM is to protect against accidental
    concatenation of service instances, of a particular
    Maintenance Domain.
    RTT - Round Trip Time
    SAP - Service Access Point at which a service is offered.
    service instance - A service instance is a set of SAPs,
    selected from among the DSAPs defining a Maintenance
    Domain, such that a Data.Request primitive presented
    to one SAP can result in a Data.Indication primitive
    occurring at one or more of the other SAPs in the set.
    It corresponds to a VLAN or an Ethernet Virtual Connection.
    TLV - Stands for Type, Length, Value, and denotes a method of
    encoding variable-length and/or optional information in a
    PDU. TLVs are not aligned to any particular word or octet
    boundary. TLVs follow each other with no padding between
    VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network: A subset of the active
    topology of a Bridged Local Area Network. Associated
    with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier.

    IEEE 802.1ag Draft 6.0 'Virtual Briged Local Area Networks
    - Amendments 5: Connectivity Fault Management' July 2006

    Parsed from file
    Company: None

    Description by cisco

    This MIB module consists of two parts.

    1) Auto-Ethernet-CFM Control:

    2) ethernetJitter Stats:

    The first part defines a mechanism to manage IP SLA
    Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation.

    IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for
    network perfomance. It can be used for network
    troubleshooting, network assessment and health monitoring.

    IEEE 802.1ag defines Connection Fault Management (CFM) for
    Ethernet layer. CFM can be used to detect, isolate and report
    the connectivity faults, and allows discovery and verification
    of the path through briges and LANs.

    Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation integrates the capabilities of
    IP SLA and IEEE 802.1ag. It's capable of discovering all the
    existing MEPs in a specified VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection
    within a specified maintenance domain. After which, it creates,
    configures, and schedules an IP SLA operation for each MEP

    IP SLA currently supports two types of operations for
    end-to-end Ethernet connectivity - 'ethernetPing' and

    'ethernetPing' can be used to monitor the connectivity and
    measure RTT by sending the regular 802.1ag loopback frame
    to a particular MEP.

    'ethernetJitter' can be used to measure metrics such as
    RTT, Jitter, frame loss, one-way latency by sending multiple
    enhanced CFM frames at specified interval to a particular MEP.

    Without Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations
    can also be created, configured, and scheduled manually through
    CISCO-RTTMON-MIB by specifing the target MEP's identifier
    in addition to the VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection and
    Maintenance Domain.

    With Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations
    will be created automatically. The Auto-Ethernet-CFM will pass
    all the values specified in this module to the corresponding
    objects in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB for each MEP discovered.


    ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlTable -> rttMonCtrlAdminTable
    -> rttMonEchoAdminTable

    ipslaEthernetGrpReactTable -> rttMonReactTable

    The second part defines a collection of statistics resulting
    from 'ethernetJitter' operation created either manually or

    CFM - Connection Fault Management
    DSAP - Domain Service Access Point: A member of a set of
    SAPs at which a Maintenance Domain is capable of
    offering connectivity to systems outside the Maintenance
    IP SLA - Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements
    IP SLA operation - Refers to the 'ethernetPing' or
    'ethernetJitter' operation supported by IP SLA.
    MEP - Maintenance association End Point: An actively managed
    CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a
    service instance, which can generate and receive CFM
    PDUs and track any responses.
    maintenance domain - The network or the part of the network
    for which faults in connectivity are to be managed.
    The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is defined by a set
    of DSAPs, each of which can become a point of connectivity
    to a service instance.
    Maintenance Domain Name - The identifier, unique over the
    domain for which CFM is to protect against accidental
    concatenation of service instances, of a particular
    Maintenance Domain.
    RTT - Round Trip Time
    SAP - Service Access Point at which a service is offered.
    service instance - A service instance is a set of SAPs,
    selected from among the DSAPs defining a Maintenance
    Domain, such that a Data.Request primitive presented
    to one SAP can result in a Data.Indication primitive
    occurring at one or more of the other SAPs in the set.
    It corresponds to a VLAN or an Ethernet Virtual Connection.
    TLV - Stands for Type, Length, Value, and denotes a method of
    encoding variable-length and/or optional information in a
    PDU. TLVs are not aligned to any particular word or octet
    boundary. TLVs follow each other with no padding between
    VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network: A subset of the active
    topology of a Bridged Local Area Network. Associated
    with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier.

    IEEE 802.1ag Draft 6.0 'Virtual Briged Local Area Networks
    - Amendments 5: Connectivity Fault Management' July 2006

    Information by circitor

    ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201205150000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553 NETS Email: [email protected]" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module consists of two parts. 1) Auto-Ethernet-CFM Control: | | 2) ethernetJitter Stats: | | The first part defines a mechanism to manage IP SLA Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation. IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for network perfomance. It can be used for network troubleshooting, network assessment and health monitoring. IEEE 802.1ag defines Connection Fault Management (CFM) for Ethernet layer. CFM can be used to detect, isolate and report the connectivity faults, and allows discovery and verification of the path through briges and LANs. Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation integrates the capabilities of IP SLA and IEEE 802.1ag. It's capable of discovering all the existing MEPs in a specified VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection within a specified maintenance domain. After which, it creates, configures, and schedules an IP SLA operation for each MEP automatically. IP SLA currently supports two types of operations for end-to-end Ethernet connectivity - 'ethernetPing' and 'ethernetJitter'. 'ethernetPing' can be used to monitor the connectivity and measure RTT by sending the regular 802.1ag loopback frame to a particular MEP. 'ethernetJitter' can be used to measure metrics such as RTT, Jitter, frame loss, one-way latency by sending multiple enhanced CFM frames at specified interval to a particular MEP. Without Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations can also be created, configured, and scheduled manually through CISCO-RTTMON-MIB by specifing the target MEP's identifier in addition to the VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection and Maintenance Domain. With Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations will be created automatically. The Auto-Ethernet-CFM will pass all the values specified in this module to the corresponding objects in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB for each MEP discovered. CISCO-IPSLA-ETHERNET-MIB CISCO-RTTMON-MIB ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlTable -> rttMonCtrlAdminTable | -> rttMonEchoAdminTable ipslaEthernetGrpReactTable -> rttMonReactTable The second part defines a collection of statistics resulting from 'ethernetJitter' operation created either manually or automatically. Glossary: CFM - Connection Fault Management DSAP - Domain Service Access Point: A member of a set of SAPs at which a Maintenance Domain is capable of offering connectivity to systems outside the Maintenance Domain. IP SLA - Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements IP SLA operation - Refers to the 'ethernetPing' or 'ethernetJitter' operation supported by IP SLA. MEP - Maintenance association End Point: An actively managed CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a service instance, which can generate and receive CFM PDUs and track any responses. maintenance domain - The network or the part of the network for which faults in connectivity are to be managed. The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is defined by a set of DSAPs, each of which can become a point of connectivity to a service instance. Maintenance Domain Name - The identifier, unique over the domain for which CFM is to protect against accidental concatenation of service instances, of a particular Maintenance Domain. RTT - Round Trip Time SAP - Service Access Point at which a service is offered. service instance - A service instance is a set of SAPs, selected from among the DSAPs defining a Maintenance Domain, such that a Data.Request primitive presented to one SAP can result in a Data.Indication primitive occurring at one or more of the other SAPs in the set. It corresponds to a VLAN or an Ethernet Virtual Connection. TLV - Stands for Type, Length, Value, and denotes a method of encoding variable-length and/or optional information in a PDU. TLVs are not aligned to any particular word or octet boundary. TLVs follow each other with no padding between TLVs. VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network: A subset of the active topology of a Bridged Local Area Network. Associated with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier. REFERENCE: IEEE 802.1ag Draft 6.0 'Virtual Briged Local Area Networks - Amendments 5: Connectivity Fault Management' July 2006" REVISION "201205150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new object group ciscoIpSlaEthernetY1731Group. Added new compliance ciscoIpSlaEthernetComplianceRev3, which deprecates ciscoIpSlaEthenetComplianceRev2" REVISION "200801020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added object ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlEVC and ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlServiceInsType." REVISION "200602080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { ciscoMgmt 585 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMgmt 585 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Cisco

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200801020000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553 NETS Email: [email protected]" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module consists of two parts. 1) Auto-Ethernet-CFM Control: | | 2) ethernetJitter Stats: | | The first part defines a mechanism to manage IP SLA Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation. IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for network perfomance. It can be used for network troubleshooting, network assessment and health monitoring. IEEE 802.1ag defines Connection Fault Management (CFM) for Ethernet layer. CFM can be used to detect, isolate and report the connectivity faults, and allows discovery and verification of the path through briges and LANs. Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation integrates the capabilities of IP SLA and IEEE 802.1ag. It's capable of discovering all the existing MEPs in a specified VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection within a specified maintenance domain. After which, it creates, configures, and schedules an IP SLA operation for each MEP automatically. IP SLA currently supports two types of operations for end-to-end Ethernet connectivity - 'ethernetPing' and 'ethernetJitter'. 'ethernetPing' can be used to monitor the connectivity and measure RTT by sending the regular 802.1ag loopback frame to a particular MEP. 'ethernetJitter' can be used to measure metrics such as RTT, Jitter, frame loss, one-way latency by sending multiple enhanced CFM frames at specified interval to a particular MEP. Without Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations can also be created, configured, and scheduled manually through CISCO-RTTMON-MIB by specifing the target MEP's identifier in addition to the VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection and Maintenance Domain. With Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations will be created automatically. The Auto-Ethernet-CFM will pass all the values specified in this module to the corresponding objects in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB for each MEP discovered. CISCO-IPSLA-ETHERNET-MIB CISCO-RTTMON-MIB ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlTable -> rttMonCtrlAdminTable | -> rttMonEchoAdminTable ipslaEthernetGrpReactTable -> rttMonReactTable The second part defines a collection of statistics resulting from 'ethernetJitter' operation created either manually or automatically. Glossary: CFM - Connection Fault Management DSAP - Domain Service Access Point: A member of a set of SAPs at which a Maintenance Domain is capable of offering connectivity to systems outside the Maintenance Domain. IP SLA - Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements IP SLA operation - Refers to the 'ethernetPing' or 'ethernetJitter' operation supported by IP SLA. MEP - Maintenance association End Point: An actively managed CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a service instance, which can generate and receive CFM PDUs and track any responses. maintenance domain - The network or the part of the network for which faults in connectivity are to be managed. The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is defined by a set of DSAPs, each of which can become a point of connectivity to a service instance. Maintenance Domain Name - The identifier, unique over the domain for which CFM is to protect against accidental concatenation of service instances, of a particular Maintenance Domain. RTT - Round Trip Time SAP - Service Access Point at which a service is offered. service instance - A service instance is a set of SAPs, selected from among the DSAPs defining a Maintenance Domain, such that a Data.Request primitive presented to one SAP can result in a Data.Indication primitive occurring at one or more of the other SAPs in the set. It corresponds to a VLAN or an Ethernet Virtual Connection. TLV - Stands for Type, Length, Value, and denotes a method of encoding variable-length and/or optional information in a PDU. TLVs are not aligned to any particular word or octet boundary. TLVs follow each other with no padding between TLVs. VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network: A subset of the active topology of a Bridged Local Area Network. Associated with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier. REFERENCE: IEEE 802.1ag Draft 6.0 'Virtual Briged Local Area Networks - Amendments 5: Connectivity Fault Management' July 2006" REVISION "200801020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added object ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlEVC and ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlServiceInsType." REVISION "200602080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { ciscoMgmt 585 }

    Information by cisco

    ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201205150000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553 NETS Email: [email protected]" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module consists of two parts. 1) Auto-Ethernet-CFM Control: | | 2) ethernetJitter Stats: | | The first part defines a mechanism to manage IP SLA Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation. IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for network perfomance. It can be used for network troubleshooting, network assessment and health monitoring. IEEE 802.1ag defines Connection Fault Management (CFM) for Ethernet layer. CFM can be used to detect, isolate and report the connectivity faults, and allows discovery and verification of the path through briges and LANs. Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation integrates the capabilities of IP SLA and IEEE 802.1ag. It's capable of discovering all the existing MEPs in a specified VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection within a specified maintenance domain. After which, it creates, configures, and schedules an IP SLA operation for each MEP automatically. IP SLA currently supports two types of operations for end-to-end Ethernet connectivity - 'ethernetPing' and 'ethernetJitter'. 'ethernetPing' can be used to monitor the connectivity and measure RTT by sending the regular 802.1ag loopback frame to a particular MEP. 'ethernetJitter' can be used to measure metrics such as RTT, Jitter, frame loss, one-way latency by sending multiple enhanced CFM frames at specified interval to a particular MEP. Without Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations can also be created, configured, and scheduled manually through CISCO-RTTMON-MIB by specifing the target MEP's identifier in addition to the VLAN or Ethernet Virtual Connection and Maintenance Domain. With Auto-Ethernet-CFM operation, the two types of operations will be created automatically. The Auto-Ethernet-CFM will pass all the values specified in this module to the corresponding objects in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB for each MEP discovered. CISCO-IPSLA-ETHERNET-MIB CISCO-RTTMON-MIB ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlTable -> rttMonCtrlAdminTable | -> rttMonEchoAdminTable ipslaEthernetGrpReactTable -> rttMonReactTable The second part defines a collection of statistics resulting from 'ethernetJitter' operation created either manually or automatically. Glossary: CFM - Connection Fault Management DSAP - Domain Service Access Point: A member of a set of SAPs at which a Maintenance Domain is capable of offering connectivity to systems outside the Maintenance Domain. IP SLA - Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements IP SLA operation - Refers to the 'ethernetPing' or 'ethernetJitter' operation supported by IP SLA. MEP - Maintenance association End Point: An actively managed CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a service instance, which can generate and receive CFM PDUs and track any responses. maintenance domain - The network or the part of the network for which faults in connectivity are to be managed. The boundary of a Maintenance Domain is defined by a set of DSAPs, each of which can become a point of connectivity to a service instance. Maintenance Domain Name - The identifier, unique over the domain for which CFM is to protect against accidental concatenation of service instances, of a particular Maintenance Domain. RTT - Round Trip Time SAP - Service Access Point at which a service is offered. service instance - A service instance is a set of SAPs, selected from among the DSAPs defining a Maintenance Domain, such that a Data.Request primitive presented to one SAP can result in a Data.Indication primitive occurring at one or more of the other SAPs in the set. It corresponds to a VLAN or an Ethernet Virtual Connection. TLV - Stands for Type, Length, Value, and denotes a method of encoding variable-length and/or optional information in a PDU. TLVs are not aligned to any particular word or octet boundary. TLVs follow each other with no padding between TLVs. VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network: A subset of the active topology of a Bridged Local Area Network. Associated with each VLAN is a VLAN Identifier. REFERENCE: IEEE 802.1ag Draft 6.0 'Virtual Briged Local Area Networks - Amendments 5: Connectivity Fault Management' July 2006" REVISION "201205150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new object group ciscoIpSlaEthernetY1731Group. Added new compliance ciscoIpSlaEthernetComplianceRev3, which deprecates ciscoIpSlaEthenetComplianceRev2" REVISION "200801020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added object ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlEVC and ipslaEthernetGrpCtrlServiceInsType." REVISION "200602080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { ciscoMgmt 585 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Children (3)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIBNotifs 0 0 None ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIBObjects 3 182 None ciscoIpSlaEthernetMIBConform 2 9 None

    Brothers (645)

    To many brothers! Only 100 nearest brothers are shown.

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    ... ciscoLicenseMgmtMIB 3 131 The MIB module for managing licenses on the system.
    The licensing mechanism provides flexibility to
    enforce licensing for various… ciscoErrDisableMIB 3 43 This MIB module provides the ability for a Network
    Management Station (NMS) to configure and monitor the
    error-disable feature vi… ciscoRttMonIPExtMIB 2 38 This MIB contains extensions to tables in CISCO-RTTMON-MIB
    to support IP-layer extensions, specifically IPv6 addresses
    and other … ciscoQosTcMIB 0 0 This module defines the textual conventions used within
    Cisco Qos MIBs. ciscoLwappMobilityMIB 3 60 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers (CC) that

    terminate the Light Weight… ciscoLwappAclMIB 3 26 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers (CC) that
    terminate the Light Weight… ciscoRoutePoliciesMIB 3 5 This module provides a subtree to define OIDs so that
    various routing 'policies' used by Cisco routers can be
    expressed. This mod… ciscoSwitchQosMIB 3 295 This MIB module extends the CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB
    by defining configuration and statistics information
    specific to the qualit… ciscoGslbTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines Textual Conventions and
    OBJECT-IDENTITIES for use in documents defining
    management information base (MIBs… ciscoEntityDiagTcMIB 0 0 This module defines the textual conventions used within
    Cisco Entity Diag MIB. ciscoNotificationControlMIB 2 28 This MIB provides network management support to regulate
    the transmission of notifications generated by a
    system providing networ… ciscoGslbSystemMIB 3 103 This MIB module defines objects for network and system
    information of Global Server Load Balancer(GSLB) as a
    network device. A G… ciscoCvpMIB 3 255 The Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal (CVP) application
    integrates with both traditional time-division multiplexing
    (TDM) and I… ciscoPrefPathMIB 3 56 The MIB module for the management of
    preferred path. This MIB enables managers
    to configure and monitor Preferred Path
    parameters.… ciscoFcSdvMIB 3 28 This MIB instrumentation is for managing Fibre
    Channel (FC) SAN Device Virtualization (SDV)
    solution on Cisco Fibre Channel devic… ciscoApplicationAccelerationMIB 3 37 This is a MIB for managing Application Acceleration System(s).
    This MIB includes instrumentation for providing the
    performance st… ciscoGslbDnsMIB 3 165 The MIB defines objects for status and statistics
    information of DNS related operations of
    Global Server Load Balancer(GSLB). Th… ciscoContentServicesMIB 3 349 Content Service is a capability to examine IP/TCP/UDP headers,
    payload and enable billing based on the content being provided.

    Ab… ciscoLwappAAAMIB 3 73 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers (CC), that
    terminate the Light Weigh… ciscoLwappDot11ClientMIB 4 49 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoGslbHealthMonMIB 3 90 The MIB defines objects related to global keepalive
    properties in GSLB devices. It contains the tables
    for keep alive configurat… ciscoResilientEthernetProtocolMIB 3 77 This MIB module defines objects required for managing
    Resilient Ethernet Protocol (REP).

    Resilient Ethernet Protocol (REP) is a C… ciscoPacketCaptureMIB 3 103 The MIB module for the management of packet capture
    feature. ciscoThreatMitigationServiceMIB 3 68 This MIB provides management information about the Threat
    Mitigation Service(TMS) entity named 'Consumer'. TMS is part
    of Cisco's… cdot1CfmMIB 3 166 Connectivity Fault Management module for managing IEEE 802.1ag ciscoLwappMeshLinkTestMIB 3 46 ciscoLwappMeshLinkTestMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
    LAST-UPDATED "200702050000Z"
    ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems Inc."
    "Cisco Sy… ciscoDot11HtPhyMIB 3 71 This MIB is intended to be implemented on Cisco's
    WLAN devices that provide the wired uplink to wireless
    clients through the high… ciscoLwappRogueMIB 3 78 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoLwappDot11ClientCCXTextualConventions 0 0 This module defines the textual conventions used
    throughout the Cisco enterprise MIBs designed for
    implementation on Central Cont… ciscoLwappDot11MIB 3 17 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoEvcMIB 3 156 Metro Ethernet services can support a wide range of
    applications and subscriber needs easily, efficiently
    and cost-effectively. … ciscoLwappDot11LdapMIB 3 33 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoLwappRrmMIB 3 28 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoLwappMeshMIB 3 121 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers (CC) that
    terminate the Light Weight… ciscoLwappMeshStatsMIB 4 98 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers (CC) that
    terminate the Light Weight… ciscoLwappSysMIB 3 163 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoLwappLocalAuthMIB 3 53 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoLwappMeshBatteryMIB 3 34 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers (CC) that
    terminate the Light Weight… ciscoH324DialControlMIB 2 34 This MIB module enhances the IETF Dial Control MIB
    (RFC2128) by providing H.324 call information over
    a telephony network.

    ITU-T R… ciscoLwappDot11ClientTsMIB 3 34 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoLwappCdpMIB 3 51 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central Controllers (CC) that
    terminate the Light Weight… ciscoIpSlaTCMIB 0 0 This MIB contains textual conventions used by

    FEC: Forward Equivalence Class
    LPD: Label Path Discovery
    L… ciscoDot11HtMacMIB 3 40 This MIB is intended to be implemented on Cisco's
    WLAN devices that provide the wired uplink to wireless
    clients through the high… ciscoDot11RadarMIB 3 25 This MIB module is for IEEE 802.11a/h Root device,
    i.e. Access Point (AP) or Root Bridge. This MIB
    allows dynamic frequency selec… ciscoServiceControlSubscribersMIB 3 37 This MIB provides global and specific information on
    subscribers managed by a service control entity, which is a
    network element … ciscoTelnetServerMIB 3 34 MIB module for displaying and configuring
    Telnet related features in a device.
    Telnet is a program to log into another computer o… ciscoServiceControlLinkMIB 3 21 This MIB module provides information about the status and
    configuration of links used by service control entities.

    The link on a … ciscoSmeMIB 3 54 MIB module to manage Storage Media Encryption (SME) service.
    SME is an encryption service provided by an encryption node
    residing… ciscoIpSlaAutoMIB 3 57 This module defines the MIB for IP SLA Automation. IP SLA
    Automation consists of the following:
    1. Use of grouping - Group is an … ciscoServiceControlTpStatsMIB 3 39 This MIB provides information and statistics on the traffic
    processor(s) of a service control entity, which is a network
    element … ciscoIpSlaJitterMIB 3 57 This MIB module defines templates for IP SLA operations of UDP
    Jitter and ICMP Jitter.

    The UDP Jitter operation is designed to me…