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This OID can be used by anyone, without any permission, for the purpose of documenting examples of object identifiers (in the same way as "example.com" is defined in IETF RFC 2606 as an example for web sites).
This OID has Unicode labels which are the translation of the word "Example
" in some languages (resp., English "Example", French "Exemple", Spanish "Ejemplo", Arabic "المثال
", Chinese "范例", Russian "Пример", Korean "예제", Japanese "例", German "Beispiel"). This allows for this OID to be identified with "OID-IRI" notations like:
OID | Name | Sub children | Sub Nodes Total | Description |
2.0 | presentation | 0 | 0 | Presentation layer service and protocol |
2.1 | asn1 | 9 | 65 | ASN.1 standards: - Rec. ITU-T X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824 series: Information Technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1); - Rec… |
2.2 | association-control | 4 | 16 | Association Control Service Element (ACSE), Rec. ITU-T X.227 | ISO/IEC 8650-1 |
2.3 | reliable-transfer | 3 | 3 | Reliable transfer service element (Rec. ITU-T X.218 | ISO/IEC 9066-1 and Rec. ITU-T X.228 | ISO/IEC 9066-2) |
2.4 | remote-operations | 13 | 28 | Remote operations service element (ROSE) |
2.5 | ds | 38 | 1165 | Directory Services |
2.6 | mhs | 11 | 700 | Message Handling System (MHS), also known as Message Oriented Text Interchange System (MOTIS) in ISO |
2.7 | ccr | 2 | 9 | Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (CCR) service and protocol |
2.8 | oda | 5 | 110 | Open Document Architecture (ODA) |
2.9 | ms | 5 | 1714 | OSI network management, and particularly CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol) and GDMO (Guidelines for the Definition … |
2.10 | transaction-processing | 3 | 10 | Transaction processing |
2.11 | dor | 3 | 4 | ISO 10031-2 (withdrawn standard): Information technology -- Text and office systems -- Distributed-office-applications model --… |
2.12 | reference-data-transfer | 5 | 19 | Reference data transfer |
2.13 | network-layer | 1 | 499 | Network layer management |
2.14 | transport-layer | 1 | 113 | Transport layer management |
2.15 | datalink-layer | 1 | 97 | OSI data link layer management |
2.16 | country | 202 | 18410 | Joint (ITU-T and ISO/IEC) registration within a country |
2.17 | registration-procedures | 5 | 125 | ISO/IEC and/or ITU-T activities on registration procedures |
2.18 | physical-layer | 1 | 41 | Physical layer management |
2.19 | mheg | 1 | 10 | Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group (MHEG) |
2.20 | genericULS | 6 | 33 | Generic upper layers security (GULS) |
2.21 | transport-layer-security-protocol | 1 | 2 | Transport layer security protocol |
2.22 | network-layer-security-protocol | 1 | 2 | Network layer security protocol |
2.23 | international-organizations | 18 | 342 | International organizations |
2.24 | sios | 1 | 5 | Security Information Objects (SIOS) for access control |
2.25 | uuid | 197 | 245 | UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) generated in accordance with Recommendation ITU-T X.667 | ISO/IEC 9834-8 |
2.26 | odp | 1 | 4 | Rec. ITU-T X.900 series | ISO/IEC 10746 & 13235 series: Information technology -- Open Distributed Processing (ODP) |
2.27 | tag-based | 2 | 2 | Tag-based identifications (identification mechanisms for which identifiers are stored in a memory-limited area of a tag like an… |
2.28 | its | 1 | 38 | Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) |
2.40 | upu | 3 | 12 | Universal Postal Union (UPU) |
2.41 | bip | 1 | 7 | Rec. ITU-T X.1083 | ISO/IEC 24708 "BioAPI Interworking Protocol (BIP)" |
2.42 | telebiometrics | 4 | 213 | Telebiometrics including telehealth and associated physiological quantities and units |
2.48 | cybersecurity | 2 | 2 | Cybersecurity information exchange |
2.49 | alerting | 1 | 1728 | Alerts and alerting agencies according to Recommendation ITU-T X.674 |
2.50 | ors | 1 | 5 | Rec. ITU-T X.672 | ISO/IEC 29168-1 "Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- Object Identifier Resolution Syst… |
2.51 | gs1 | 4 | 14 | GS1 |
2.16840 | 16840 | 1 | 5 | This node IS NOT DESCRIBED YET |