Reference record for OID

parent (settings-fax-proc-sub)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) net-peripheral(9) netdm(4) dm(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) net-peripheral(9) netdm(4) netPMLmgmt(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) netPeripheral(9) netPML(4) dm(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) netPeripheral(9) netPML(4) netPMLmgmt(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) net-peripheral(9) netdm(4) dm(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) hp(11) nm(2) system(3) net-peripheral(9) netdm(4) netPMLmgmt(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) netPeripheral(9) netPML(4) dm(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(11) nm(2) hpsystem(3) netPeripheral(9) netPML(4) netPMLmgmt(2) device(1) processing-subsystem(3) fax-proc-sub(7) settings-fax-proc-sub(1) fax-error-correction-mode(21)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/hp/nm/system/net-peripheral/netdm/dm/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/hp/nm/system/net-peripheral/netdm/netPMLmgmt/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/netPeripheral/netPML/dm/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/netPeripheral/netPML/netPMLmgmt/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/hp/nm/system/net-peripheral/netdm/dm/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/hp/nm/system/net-peripheral/netdm/netPMLmgmt/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/netPeripheral/netPML/dm/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/nm/hpsystem/netPeripheral/netPML/netPMLmgmt/device/processing-subsystem/fax-proc-sub/settings-fax-proc-sub/fax-error-correction-mode
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Indicates whether the device is configured to send
    and receive faxes in error correction mode (ECM).
    This object controls both receiving and transmitting
    in ECM. A value of eDisabled means ECM is off and the
    device will not advertise the ability to do ECM during
    negotiation with other fax machines. A value of eEnabled
    means ECM is on and the device will advertise its ability
    to do ECM.

    Changing this setting may or may not take affect on the
    immediate page or ensuing pages of the document
    currently being sent.

    Parsed from file lj3200_snmp.mib.txt
    Company: hp
    Module: LJ3200-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Child arc 0 is used to translate between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 notification parameters as explained in IETF RFC 2576, section 3.

    Information by mibdepot

    fax-error-correction-mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { eDisabled(1), eEnabled(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the device is configured to send and receive faxes in error correction mode (ECM). This object controls both receiving and transmitting in ECM. A value of eDisabled means ECM is off and the device will not advertise the ability to do ECM during negotiation with other fax machines. A value of eEnabled means ECM is on and the device will advertise its ability to do ECM. Changing this setting may or may not take affect on the immediate page or ensuing pages of the document currently being sent." ::= { settings-fax-proc-sub 21 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Peterson Tyler

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription fax-error-correction-mode 0 0 None

    Brothers (23)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription fax-rxscale 1 1 Received faxes are to be printed at a reduced scale
    percentage. Value of 0 indicates auto-scaled printing
    based on the length of… fax-noise-volume 1 1 Range is 0..100, where 0 = quietest possible, and 100 =
    loudest possible. A device shall divide this value into
    ranges correspon… fax-download 1 1 Note: Changed enumeration values in a non-backwards
    manner in version 4.7. Handshake mechanism between host
    and device to initi… fax-silent-detection 1 1 When enabled, this object causes the FAX machine to
    assume that the caller is a FAX even though the line has
    remained silent for … fax-ring-enable 1 1 When the phone line rings, this object determines
    whether an audible ring shall be emitted. fax-country 1 1 Note: Non-backwards compatible change make in version
    4.7. Returns which country the telephone-electronics
    (LIU) is configured … fax-tx-phone-number 1 1 Phone number about to be dialed. fax-redial-time 1 1 Number of seconds one must wait between the current
    redial (set by FAX-WHICH-REDIAL) and any prior dialing. fax-pstn-access-code 1 1 The code used within a PBX to get access to an outside
    PSTN line. Typically this is ''9''. fax-rx-disposition 1 1 Indicates what is to be done with the incoming fax
    ePrintOnly - New fax arrivals only go to the printer.
    If printer becomes … fax-report-transmission 1 1 Provides a host application with the ability to
    print a fax transmission report. The supported
    enumerations are:
    eNone - no trans… fax-report-activity-log 1 1 Specifies when a report of fax transactions is to be

    eNever - to never print a transaction report.
    eThreshold - to autom… fax-dial-tone-detection 1 1 Determines whether the fax machine waits for a dial tone
    before dialing a fax number. eEnabled - causes the fax
    machine to wait u… fax-alarm-volume 1 1 Range is 0..100, where 0 = quietest possible, and
    100 = loudest possible. A device shall divide this value
    into ranges correspond… fax-beep-volume 1 1 Range is 0..100, where 0 = quietest possible, and
    100 = loudest possible. A device shall divide this value
    into ranges correspond… fax-ring-volume 1 1 Range is 0..100, where 0 = quietest possible, and
    100 = loudest possible. A device shall divide this value
    into ranges correspond… fax-master-host 1 1 Identifies the hostname of the master host to which
    the device is connected. fax-thumbnail-enable 1 1 Controls whether or not a thumbnail reprint of the
    first page of a fax shall be included on the
    fax call report. When set to eEn… fax-phone-pickup-enable 1 1 This object is included to handle the situation where a
    fax machine and a telephone share the same phone line.

    If a call picked … fax-adf-scan-count 1 1 This object tracks the page count for the pages scanned
    for faxing from the ADF. In order to write this object
    SERVICE-PASSWORD … fax-print-page-count 1 1 This object tracks the page count for the pages sent to
    the print engine for fax jobs. In order to write this
    object SERVICE-PAS… fax-download-page-count 1 1 This object tracks the page count for the pages
    downloaded to the peripheral for fax jobs. In order to
    write this object SERVICE… fax-upload-page-count 1 1 This object tracks the page count for the pages uploaded
    from the peripheral for fax jobs. In order to write
    this object SERVICE…