Reference record for OID

parent (mdlSInstEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSInstCardType(2)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSInstCardType(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSInstCardType(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSInstCardType(2)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSInstCardType(2)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSInstCardType(2)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSInstCardType
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSInstCardType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSInstCardType
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSInstCardType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSInstCardType
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSInstCardType
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This attribute indicates the type of card installed
    in the specific slot position.
    Only PS cards are possible in the PS slots.
    Only CL cards are possible in the CL slots.
    Only IO cards are possible in the IO slots.

    Parsed from file Rad0485.MIB.txt
    Company: None
    Module: RAD-MIB

    Description by circitor

    This attribute indicates the type of card installed
    in the specific slot position.
    Only PS cards are possible in the PS slots.
    Only CL cards are possible in the CL slots.
    Only IO cards are possible in the IO slots.

    Parsed from file RAD-MIB.mib
    Module: RAD-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Rad Data Communications Ltd.
    Module: DACS-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    mdlSInstCardType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), empty (2), acm (9), ps60W (10), ps100W (11), cl1 (20), clEth (21), cl2 (22), cl2Eth (23), cl3 (24), cl3Eth (25), mPh1 (31), mPh3 (32), mPh1T1DSU (33), mPh1T1CSU (34), mPh1E1DSU (35), mPh1E1LTU (36), mtmlFT1 (37), mtmlFE1 (38), mtmlH4E1 (39), mtmlH4E12W (40), mtmlH4T1 (41), mtmlH4T12W (42), mtHsh4E1 (43), mtHsh4E12W (44), mtHsh4T1 (45), mtHsh4T12W (46), mtmlH2E1 (47), mtmlH2E12W (48), mtmlH2T1 (49), mtmlH2T12W (50), hsh2E1 (51), hsh2E12W (52), hsh2T1 (53), hsh2T12W (54), mlIp (55), mtml4Ip (56), mPl6 (60), mPl3 (61), ml2E1 (68), ml4E1 (69), ml2T1 (70), ml4T1 (71), mPv4 (72), vc16A (73), vc8EandM (74), vc8Fxo (75), vc8Fxs (76), vc16EandM (77), vc16Fxo (78), vc16Fxs (79), vf3EandM (80), vf3Fxs (81), vf3Fxo (82), vfPbx (83), vfPbxT1 (84), vfPbxE1 (85), mtMlE2S (86), mtMlE2D (87), mtMlF2T1 (88), mtMlF2E1 (89), mtMlT1Fiber (90), mtMlE1Fiber (91), mtMlT1FiberFb (92), mtMlE1FiberFb (93), mtmlHE1 (94), mtmlH1E1 (95), mtmlHSE1 (96), ml20 (97), mtMl4T1 (98), mtMl4E1 (99), mtMl1T1DSU (100), mtMl1T1CSU (101), mtMl1E1DSU (102), mtMl1E1LTU (103), mtMl1T1DSUfb (104), mtMl1T1CSUfb (105), mtMl1E1DSUfb (106), mtMl1E1LTUfb (107), mtMl2T1 (108), mtMl2E1 (109), ls2CcittX50 (110), ls2CcittX58 (111), ls2ATandTSdm (112), ls2ACcittX50 (113), ls2ACcittX58 (114), ls2AATandTSdm (115), ls2A2Ts (116), ls2M (117), mtMlT1 (118), mtMlE1 (119), hs2 (120), hs3 (121), hsq (122), hs703 (123), hsQM (124), hsqN (125), hs6 (126), hs12 (127), hsDp (128), hsp (129), hs4T1 (130), hs4E1 (131), hs4 (132), hsEth (133), vc2E1 (136), vc4E1 (137), vc2T1 (138), vc4T1 (139), vc2EandM (140), vc2Fxs1Plar (141), vc2Fxo1 (142), vc2Fxs2 (143), vc2Fxo2 (144), vc2Fxs3 (145), vc2Fxo3 (146), vc26EandM (147), mtvc2 (148), vc2R2Fxs (149), hsu (150), mbeA (151), mbeB (152), mbeU (153), tre (154), hsuI (155), hsr (156), hss (157), hsu1 (158), ls12 (159), ls6 (160), ls6V1EandM (161), ls6V1Fxo (162), ls6V1Fxs (163), ls6V2EandM (164), ls6V2Fxo (165), ls6V2Fxs (166), ls6VfEandM (167), ls6VfFxo (168), ls6VfFxs (169), vc3EandM (170), vc3Fxo (171), vc3Fxs (172), vcPbx (173), vcPbxT1 (174), vcPbxE1 (175), vc6EandM (176), vc6Fxo (177), vc6Fxs (178), vcq (179), ls6n (180), mhs1V36 (181), mhs1V35 (182), mhs1G703 (183), mhs1DDS (184), mhs3 (185), mhs1X21 (186), mhs1V24 (187), mhs4 (188), mhsE1Hs (189), mhsT1Hs (190), mhsHyE1Hs (191), mhsHyT1Hs (192), mlfHybE1Hs (193), mlfHybT1Hs (194), mhs2e1 (195), mhs2t1 (196), mhsHy2e1 (197), mhsHy2t1 (198), mlfHybE12 (199), mls6 (200), mls3 (201), mlHybAtmE1 (202), mlHybAtmT1 (203), mlfHybT12 (204), mvc8 (205), mvc8PbxE1 (206), mvc8PbxT1Dsu (207), mvc8PbxT1Csu (208), mvc8PbxE1Slave (209), mvc4 (210), mvc4PbxE1 (211), mvc4PbxT1Dsu (212), mvc4PbxT1Csu (213), mvc4PbxE1Slave (214), mvc4PbxT1Slave (215), mvc8PbxT1Slave (216), mvc8ExtAnalog (217), mvcE1 (218), mvcT1 (219), mhsS (220), mhsU (221), mhsPriE1 (222), mhsPriT1 (223), mPriE1FramerCcs (225), mPriT1FramerCcs (226), mPriE1SlaveCcs (227), mPriT1SlaveCcs (228), mDualBri (229), vc12EandM (230), vc12Fxo (231), vc12Fxs (232), vc6aEandM (233), vc6aFxo (234), vc6aFxs (235), vc6AgFxo (236), vc6AgFxs (237), vc6a4LB (238), hsu12 (240), hsu6 (241), hss12 (242), hss6 (243), mhsHyE1 (247), mhsHyT1 (248), mhsIp (249), mlIpHs (250), mlHybIpE1 (251), mlHybIpT1 (252), mvg1Lan (253), mvg2Lan (254) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the type of card installed in the specific slot position. Only PS cards are possible in the PS slots. Only CL cards are possible in the CL slots. Only IO cards are possible in the IO slots." ::= { mdlSInstEntry 2}

    Information by circitor

    mdlSInstCardType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), empty (2), acm (9), ps60W (10), ps100W (11), cl1 (20), clEth (21), cl2 (22), cl2Eth (23), cl3 (24), cl3Eth (25), mPh1 (31), mPh3 (32), mPh1T1DSU (33), mPh1T1CSU (34), mPh1E1DSU (35), mPh1E1LTU (36), mtmlFT1 (37), mtmlFE1 (38), mtmlH4E1 (39), mtmlH4E12W (40), mtmlH4T1 (41), mtmlH4T12W (42), mtHsh4E1 (43), mtHsh4E12W (44), mtHsh4T1 (45), mtHsh4T12W (46), mtmlH2E1 (47), mtmlH2E12W (48), mtmlH2T1 (49), mtmlH2T12W (50), hsh2E1 (51), hsh2E12W (52), hsh2T1 (53), hsh2T12W (54), mlIp (55), mtml4Ip (56), mPl6 (60), mPl3 (61), ml2E1 (68), ml4E1 (69), ml2T1 (70), ml4T1 (71), mPv4 (72), vc16A (73), vc8EandM (74), vc8Fxo (75), vc8Fxs (76), vc16EandM (77), vc16Fxo (78), vc16Fxs (79), vf3EandM (80), vf3Fxs (81), vf3Fxo (82), vfPbx (83), vfPbxT1 (84), vfPbxE1 (85), mtMlE2S (86), mtMlE2D (87), mtMlF2T1 (88), mtMlF2E1 (89), mtMlT1Fiber (90), mtMlE1Fiber (91), mtMlT1FiberFb (92), mtMlE1FiberFb (93), mtmlHE1 (94), mtmlH1E1 (95), mtmlHSE1 (96), ml20 (97), mtMl4T1 (98), mtMl4E1 (99), mtMl1T1DSU (100), mtMl1T1CSU (101), mtMl1E1DSU (102), mtMl1E1LTU (103), mtMl1T1DSUfb (104), mtMl1T1CSUfb (105), mtMl1E1DSUfb (106), mtMl1E1LTUfb (107), mtMl2T1 (108), mtMl2E1 (109), ls2CcittX50 (110), ls2CcittX58 (111), ls2ATandTSdm (112), ls2ACcittX50 (113), ls2ACcittX58 (114), ls2AATandTSdm (115), ls2A2Ts (116), ls2M (117), mtMlT1 (118), mtMlE1 (119), hs2 (120), hs3 (121), hsq (122), hs703 (123), hsQM (124), hsqN (125), hs6 (126), hs12 (127), hsDp (128), hsp (129), hs4T1 (130), hs4E1 (131), hs4 (132), hsEth (133), vc2E1 (136), vc4E1 (137), vc2T1 (138), vc4T1 (139), vc2EandM (140), vc2Fxs1Plar (141), vc2Fxo1 (142), vc2Fxs2 (143), vc2Fxo2 (144), vc2Fxs3 (145), vc2Fxo3 (146), vc26EandM (147), mtvc2 (148), vc2R2Fxs (149), hsu (150), mbeA (151), mbeB (152), mbeU (153), tre (154), hsuI (155), hsr (156), hss (157), hsu1 (158), ls12 (159), ls6 (160), ls6V1EandM (161), ls6V1Fxo (162), ls6V1Fxs (163), ls6V2EandM (164), ls6V2Fxo (165), ls6V2Fxs (166), ls6VfEandM (167), ls6VfFxo (168), ls6VfFxs (169), vc3EandM (170), vc3Fxo (171), vc3Fxs (172), vcPbx (173), vcPbxT1 (174), vcPbxE1 (175), vc6EandM (176), vc6Fxo (177), vc6Fxs (178), vcq (179), ls6n (180), mhs1V36 (181), mhs1V35 (182), mhs1G703 (183), mhs1DDS (184), mhs3 (185), mhs1X21 (186), mhs1V24 (187), mhs4 (188), mhsE1Hs (189), mhsT1Hs (190), mhsHyE1Hs (191), mhsHyT1Hs (192), mlfHybE1Hs (193), mlfHybT1Hs (194), mhs2e1 (195), mhs2t1 (196), mhsHy2e1 (197), mhsHy2t1 (198), mlfHybE12 (199), mls6 (200), mls3 (201), mlHybAtmE1 (202), mlHybAtmT1 (203), mlfHybT12 (204), mvc8 (205), mvc8PbxE1 (206), mvc8PbxT1Dsu (207), mvc8PbxT1Csu (208), mvc8PbxE1Slave (209), mvc4 (210), mvc4PbxE1 (211), mvc4PbxT1Dsu (212), mvc4PbxT1Csu (213), mvc4PbxE1Slave (214), mvc4PbxT1Slave (215), mvc8PbxT1Slave (216), mvc8ExtAnalog (217), mvcE1 (218), mvcT1 (219), mhsS (220), mhsU (221), mhsPriE1 (222), mhsPriT1 (223), mPriE1FramerCcs (225), mPriT1FramerCcs (226), mPriE1SlaveCcs (227), mPriT1SlaveCcs (228), mDualBri (229), vc12EandM (230), vc12Fxo (231), vc12Fxs (232), vc6aEandM (233), vc6aFxo (234), vc6aFxs (235), vc6AgFxo (236), vc6AgFxs (237), vc6a4LB (238), hsu12 (240), hsu6 (241), hss12 (242), hss6 (243), mhsHyE1 (247), mhsHyT1 (248), mhsIp (249), mlIpHs (250), mlHybIpE1 (251), mlHybIpT1 (252), mvg1Lan (253), mvg2Lan (254) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the type of card installed in the specific slot position. Only PS cards are possible in the PS slots. Only CL cards are possible in the CL slots. Only IO cards are possible in the IO slots." ::= { mdlSInstEntry 2}

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Brighitte Shalom

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Smadar Tauber

    Brothers (10)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription mdlSInstSltIdx 0 0 A unique number to identify a slot position in the mux.
    In the ?004 Unit the entries PsB(2),ClB(4),io6(10)
    are not valid.… mdlSHwVersion 0 0 This attribute indicates the Hardware version of the
    installed card in the specific slot position. mdlSSwVersion 0 0 This attribute indicates the Software version of the
    installed card in the specific slot position. mdlSAlrStatus 0 0 Indicates the alarm state at module level, i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) status is not included.
    This attribute will be set to:
    c… mdlSAlrStatusAll 0 0 Indicates the alarm state in the module-all level, i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) included.
    This attribute will be set to:
    critica… mdlSMaskedAlrStat 0 0 Indicates the alarm state at module level, [i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) status is not included],including Masked alarms.
    This … mdlSMaskedAlrStatAll 0 0 Indicates the alarm state in the module-all level, i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) included, including Masked alarms.
    This attribu… mdlSTstStatusAll 0 0 This attribute will be set to on(3) when there is at least
    one test in progress on a channel of the card, otherwise
    the value wil… mdlSClearAlrCmd 0 0 Setting this command to ON, enforces a clear of all the
    alarms in the given slot, excluding alarms of port level.
    The clear opera… mdlSClearAllAlrCmd 0 0 Setting this command to ON, enforces a clear of all the
    alarms in the given slot, including all its ports alarms.
    The clear oper…