Reference record for OID

parent (mdlSInstEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSMaskedAlrStat(7)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSMaskedAlrStat(7)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSMaskedAlrStat(7)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSMaskedAlrStat(7)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSMaskedAlrStat(7)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) rad(164) radWan(3) wanGen(1) mdlWanGen(3) statMdlGen(1) mdlSInstTable(1) mdlSInstEntry(1) mdlSMaskedAlrStat(7)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSMaskedAlrStat
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSMaskedAlrStat
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSMaskedAlrStat
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSMaskedAlrStat
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSMaskedAlrStat
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/rad/radWan/wanGen/mdlWanGen/statMdlGen/mdlSInstTable/mdlSInstEntry/mdlSMaskedAlrStat
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Indicates the alarm state at module level, [i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) status is not included],including Masked alarms.
    This attribute will be set to:
    critical(7) - when there is at least one active (state ON)
    critical alarm,
    otherwise it will be set to
    major(5) - when there is at least one active (state ON)
    major alarm,
    otherwise it will be set to
    minor(4) - if there is at least one active (state ON) minor
    otherwise it will be set to
    warning(6) - if there is at least one active (state ON)
    warning alarm,
    otherwise it will be set to
    event(3) - if there was at least one alarm event (including
    state on,off events) since the last clear operation.

    Parsed from file Rad0485.MIB.txt
    Company: None
    Module: RAD-MIB

    Description by circitor

    Indicates the alarm state at module level, [i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) status is not included],including Masked alarms.
    This attribute will be set to:
    critical(7) - when there is at least one active (state ON)
    critical alarm,
    otherwise it will be set to
    major(5) - when there is at least one active (state ON)
    major alarm,
    otherwise it will be set to
    minor(4) - if there is at least one active (state ON) minor
    otherwise it will be set to
    warning(6) - if there is at least one active (state ON)
    warning alarm,
    otherwise it will be set to
    event(3) - if there was at least one alarm event (including
    state on,off events) since the last clear operation.

    Parsed from file RAD-MIB.mib
    Module: RAD-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Rad Data Communications Ltd.
    Module: DACS-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    mdlSMaskedAlrStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (2), event (3), minor (4), major (5), warning (6), critical (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the alarm state at module level, [i.e. lower level (port alarms) status is not included],including Masked alarms. This attribute will be set to: critical(7) - when there is at least one active (state ON) critical alarm, otherwise it will be set to major(5) - when there is at least one active (state ON) major alarm, otherwise it will be set to minor(4) - if there is at least one active (state ON) minor alarm, otherwise it will be set to warning(6) - if there is at least one active (state ON) warning alarm, otherwise it will be set to event(3) - if there was at least one alarm event (including state on,off events) since the last clear operation." ::= { mdlSInstEntry 7 }

    Information by circitor

    mdlSMaskedAlrStat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (2), event (3), minor (4), major (5), warning (6), critical (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the alarm state at module level, [i.e. lower level (port alarms) status is not included],including Masked alarms. This attribute will be set to: critical(7) - when there is at least one active (state ON) critical alarm, otherwise it will be set to major(5) - when there is at least one active (state ON) major alarm, otherwise it will be set to minor(4) - if there is at least one active (state ON) minor alarm, otherwise it will be set to warning(6) - if there is at least one active (state ON) warning alarm, otherwise it will be set to event(3) - if there was at least one alarm event (including state on,off events) since the last clear operation." ::= { mdlSInstEntry 7 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Brighitte Shalom

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Smadar Tauber

    Brothers (10)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription mdlSInstSltIdx 0 0 A unique number to identify a slot position in the mux.
    In the ?004 Unit the entries PsB(2),ClB(4),io6(10)
    are not valid.… mdlSInstCardType 0 0 This attribute indicates the type of card installed
    in the specific slot position.
    Only PS cards are possible in the PS slots.
    Onl… mdlSHwVersion 0 0 This attribute indicates the Hardware version of the
    installed card in the specific slot position. mdlSSwVersion 0 0 This attribute indicates the Software version of the
    installed card in the specific slot position. mdlSAlrStatus 0 0 Indicates the alarm state at module level, i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) status is not included.
    This attribute will be set to:
    c… mdlSAlrStatusAll 0 0 Indicates the alarm state in the module-all level, i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) included.
    This attribute will be set to:
    critica… mdlSMaskedAlrStatAll 0 0 Indicates the alarm state in the module-all level, i.e. lower level
    (port alarms) included, including Masked alarms.
    This attribu… mdlSTstStatusAll 0 0 This attribute will be set to on(3) when there is at least
    one test in progress on a channel of the card, otherwise
    the value wil… mdlSClearAlrCmd 0 0 Setting this command to ON, enforces a clear of all the
    alarms in the given slot, excluding alarms of port level.
    The clear opera… mdlSClearAllAlrCmd 0 0 Setting this command to ON, enforces a clear of all the
    alarms in the given slot, including all its ports alarms.
    The clear oper…