Reference record for OID

parent (returnCode)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) lucent(1751) mibs(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) lucent(1751) lucent-MIB(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) lucent(1751) mibs(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) lucent(1751) lucent-MIB(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) lucent(1751) mibs(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) lucent(1751) lucent-MIB(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) lucent(1751) mibs(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) lucent(1751) lucent-MIB(2) acMIB(18) returnCode(15) interfaceFailureReasonCode(4)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/lucent/mibs/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/lucent/lucent-MIB/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/lucent/mibs/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/lucent/lucent-MIB/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/lucent/mibs/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/lucent/lucent-MIB/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/lucent/mibs/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/lucent/lucent-MIB/acMIB/returnCode/interfaceFailureReasonCode
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Identification of cause for failure in changing
    the status of an interface.
    interfaceInService: Most, if not all, modifications require
    that the interface be out of service.
    interfaceNotNew: Some modifications require that the
    interface must never have been in service.
    interfaceExists: Some modifications, such as setting the
    interface type, require that no interface
    exists. (type must be unconfigured).
    bridgeGroupActive: For setting the bridgeDomainNumber in
    bridge or router interfaces. to add an
    interface to a bridgeGroup, the bridgeGroup
    must be in service.
    signalingNotEnabled: For this interface to be created,
    signaling must be enabled.
    firmwareOutOfDate: The firmware for the i/o card does not
    work with this interface.
    ts16ForData: ts16 has been set for passing data and the
    user attempts to turn on signaling.
    dbcesConfigured: Signaling cannot be disabled because this
    interface is configured as dbces.
    signalingEnabled: Signaling is on for at least one of the
    channels while trying to change e1 TS16
    from CAS to CCS.
    channelizationEnabled: A port can not be channelized in order
    to support unstructured CE.
    unstructuredCEConfigured: A port which has been channelized
    can not be configured to support
    unstructured CE.
    otherInterfacesExistOnThisPort: ISDN interface needs all 24
    channels on the port. If any of the
    channels on that interface are already
    configured, the ISDN interface can not
    be defined on that port.

    Parsed from file
    Company: None
    Module: ACMIB

    Description by circitor

    Identification of cause for failure in changing
    the status of an interface.
    Most, if not all, modifications require
    that the interface be out of service.
    Some modifications require that the
    interface must never have been in service.
    Some modifications, such as setting the
    interface type, require that no interface
    exists. (type must be unconfigured).
    For setting the bridgeDomainNumber in
    bridge or router interfaces. to add an
    interface to a bridgeGroup, the bridgeGroup
    must be in service.
    For this interface to be created,
    signaling must be enabled.
    The firmware for the i/o card does not
    work with this interface.
    The interface is not supported if T1 signaling is enabled
    ts16 has been set for passing data and the
    user attempts to turn on signaling.
    Signaling cannot be disabled because this
    interface is configured as dbces.
    Signaling is on for at least one of the
    channels while trying to change e1 TS16
    from CAS to CCS.
    CM_NET interface is only supported by
    DS3 DS1 OC3 and SUPER_DS1 cards
    only one interface can be configured as CM_NET
    CM_NET interface is in-service
    CM_NET interface is configured
    A port can not be channelized in order
    to support unstructured CE.
    A port which has been channelized can not
    be configured to support unstructured CE.
    ts16CAS is not supported by the firmware
    interface type is not supported by the firmware
    ts16 is not supported by the firmware
    invalid port map
    ISDN interface needs all 24 channels on the port. If
    any of the channels on that interface are already configured,
    the ISDN interface can not be defined on that port.
    chanId bit in portMap is 1
    if imaGrpChannelNeTxClkMode is set to ctc then all ports
    should have the transmitClockSource as localTiming
    all physical ports included in the portMap
    must have the same loopback configuration
    ima group channel near-end Tx clock mode is not supported
    an interface cannot be manipulated via protection port
    in an APS setup
    the interface type is not support currently
    interface creation failure due to call handler
    Unstructured CE should not have payload loopback as a
    loop back option
    There was a limitation on the channel mode of DSP_2D card:
    if there is a channel is already inService, all the
    channel mode of configured channels must be the same as
    that of the channel inService; all the channel mode of
    unconfigured channels can only be configured the same as
    that of the channel inService.
    for HD_E1, do not allow any configuration to be SET on
    channel number 1 or 17 (base 1) or chan 0 or 16 (base 0).
    vitual interface and signalling cannot both be enabled
    at the same time
    vitual UNI and signalling cannot both be enabled at the
    same time
    virtual UNI is not supported
    ubr load balancing cannot be enabled when signaling is
    virtual interface support only allowed on APS type of cards
    only some cardTypes support UPC
    Do range check provided atmSignaling is enabled
    vciMinSvc <= vciMaxSvc and vpiMinSvc <= vpiMaxSvc
    atmUni{Vpi,Vci}Sig should not be within svc range
    if IlmiProtocol status and atmUniSignaling are both enabled
    then the Ilmi Vpi/Vci should not fall in the Svc range and
    should not be equal to signaling vpi/vci
    vpi is not available for the virtual UNI
    vitural UNI Index is invalid
    if dsx1LineType is DSX1_D4 channel, interface type can't
    be atmIma
    if dsx1LineCoding is DSX1_AMI channel interface type can't
    be atmIma
    if msBitStuffing is enabled only interface type circuit
    emulation is supported
    The VI support flag and Traffic Shaping flag are mutually
    must have cas on port for channel to have cas trunk line
    should have channelization enabled to have cas trunk line

    primary DS1 interface is not configured
    primary timeslot management channel is not configured
    primary timeslot management channel interface is already
    configured in another interface group
    primary timeslot management channel interfance can't be

    primary embeded operation channel is not configured
    primary embeded operation channel interface is already
    configured in another interface group
    primary timeslot management channel and embeded operation
    channel interfaces should be the same
    primary embeded operation channel inteface can't be changed
    primary and backup timeslot management channel
    interfaces can't be the same

    backup DS1 interface is not configured
    backup timeslot management channel is not configured
    backup timeslot management channel interface is already
    configured in another interface group
    backup timeslot management channel interfance can't be

    primary and backup embeded operation channel interfaces
    can't be the same
    backup embeded operation channel is not configured
    backup embeded operation channel interface is already
    configured in another interface group
    backup timeslot management channel and embeded operation
    channel interfaces should be the same
    backup embeded operation channel inteface can't be changed

    new bandwidth is below the current allocated bandwidth
    new bandwidth is below the current allocated bandwidth
    svc is being deleted
    new bandwidth is below the current allocated bandwidth
    delete pvc
    new bandwidth is above the current allocated bandwidth
    an interface can't be deleted if it is in interface
    protection group which is primary/inactive or secondry/active
    if msLOSDetection is enabled, only interface type circuit
    emulation is supported
    DSP2 cards: if channelMode is CFG_DSP2_FAX_RELAY, aalMode
    can't be D_dsp2AalMode_aal2_non_multiplexed,
    DSP2 cards: such DSP mode and AAL mode combination is not
    no bandwidth for signal connections

    Parsed from file ACMIB.mib
    Module: ACMIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Lucent Technologies
    Module: ACMIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    interfaceFailureReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interfaceInService(1), interfaceNotNew(2), interfaceExists(3), bridgeGroupActive(4), signalingNotEnabled(5), firmwareOutOfDate(6), t1SigEnableInterfaceNotSupported(7), ts16ForData(8), dbcesConfigured(9), signalingEnabled(10), channelizationEnabled(15), unstructuredCEConfigured(16), firmwareOutOfDate-ts16CAS-unsupported(17), firmwareOutOfDate-interfaceType-unsupported(18), firmwareOutOfDate-ts16-unsupported(19), invalidPortMap(20), otherInterfacesExistOnThisPort(21), intfInIMAgroup(22), errorCTC-portTxClkSrc-notLocal(23), different-LoopbackConfig-on-Ports(24), imaGChanNeTxClkMode-unsupported(25), intfChange-Disallowed-on-APS-ProtectionPort(26), intferfaceCurrentlyNotSupported(27), failure-at-call-handler(28), unstructuredCE-payloadloop(29), channelConfigModeNotConforming(30), usageOfReservedTimeSlot(31), virtualIntf-and-AtmSignaling-bothCannotBeEnabled(32), virtualUni-and-AtmSignaling-bothCannotBeEnabled(33), virtualUni-notSupported(34), atmUni-UbrLoadBalSupp-cannotBeEnabled-whenSignalingDisabled(35), virtualInterface-notSupported(36), card-doesNotSupport-UPC(37), atmUni-SvcVpiVci-RangeCheck-Failure(38), atmUni-SigVpiVci-Within-Svc-Range(39), atmUni-Ilmi-Svc-Sig-VpiVci-Clash(40), virtualUNI-VpiNotAvailable(41), virtualUNI-InvalidVUNIId(42), intfNotSupported-with-ds1LineType-d4(43), intfNotSupported-with-ds1LineCoding-ami(44), onlyCEsupported-with-msBitStuffing-enabled(45), vISuppConnTrafficShapingMutuallyExclusive(46), tS16onPortNotCAS(47), channelizationDisabled(48), primaryDS1InterfaceNotConfigured(49), primaryTMCChanNotConfigured(50), primaryTMCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(51), primaryTMCIntfCantBeChanged(52), primaryEOCChanNotConfigured(53), primaryEOCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(54), primaryTMC-EOCIntfShouldBeSame(55), primaryEOCIntfCantBeChanged(56), primaryTMC-BackupTMCIntfCantBeSame(57), backupDS1InterfaceNotConfigured(58), backupTMCChanNotConfigured(59), backupTMCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(60), backupTMCIntfCantBeChanged(61), primaryEOC-BackupEOCIntfCantBeSame(62), backupEOCChanNotConfigured(63), backupEOCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(64), backupTMC-EOCIntfShouldBeSame(65), backupEOCIntfCantBeChanged(66), newBWBelowCurrentAllocated(67), newBWBelowCurrentAllocated-SvcsBeingDeleted(68), newBWBelowCurrentAllocated-DeletePvcs(69), newBWAboveCurrentAllocated(70), primaryInactive-or-SecondaryActive-In-IntfProtTable(71), onlyCEsupported-with-msLOSDetection-enabled(72), nonMuxNotAllowed-with-FaxRelay(73), invalid-DSPmode-and-AALmode-combination(74), noBandwidth-For-SignalingConns(75) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identification of cause for failure in changing the status of an interface. interfaceInService: Most, if not all, modifications require that the interface be out of service. interfaceNotNew: Some modifications require that the interface must never have been in service. interfaceExists: Some modifications, such as setting the interface type, require that no interface exists. (type must be unconfigured). bridgeGroupActive: For setting the bridgeDomainNumber in bridge or router interfaces. to add an interface to a bridgeGroup, the bridgeGroup must be in service. signalingNotEnabled: For this interface to be created, signaling must be enabled. firmwareOutOfDate: The firmware for the i/o card does not work with this interface. t1SigEnableInterfaceNotSupported: ts16ForData: ts16 has been set for passing data and the user attempts to turn on signaling. dbcesConfigured: Signaling cannot be disabled because this interface is configured as dbces. signalingEnabled: Signaling is on for at least one of the channels while trying to change e1 TS16 from CAS to CCS. channelizationEnabled: A port can not be channelized in order to support unstructured CE. unstructuredCEConfigured: A port which has been channelized can not be configured to support unstructured CE. otherInterfacesExistOnThisPort: ISDN interface needs all 24 channels on the port. If any of the channels on that interface are already configured, the ISDN interface can not be defined on that port. " ::= { returnCode 4 }

    Information by circitor

    interfaceFailureReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interfaceInService(1), interfaceNotNew(2), interfaceExists(3), bridgeGroupActive(4), signalingNotEnabled(5), firmwareOutOfDate(6), t1SigEnableInterfaceNotSupported(7), ts16ForData(8), dbcesConfigured(9), signalingEnabled(10), channelizationEnabled(15), unstructuredCEConfigured(16), firmwareOutOfDate-ts16CAS-unsupported(17), firmwareOutOfDate-interfaceType-unsupported(18), firmwareOutOfDate-ts16-unsupported(19), invalidPortMap(20), otherInterfacesExistOnThisPort(21), intfInIMAgroup(22), errorCTC-portTxClkSrc-notLocal(23), different-LoopbackConfig-on-Ports(24), imaGChanNeTxClkMode-unsupported(25), intfChange-Disallowed-on-APS-ProtectionPort(26), intferfaceCurrentlyNotSupported(27), failure-at-call-handler(28), unstructuredCE-payloadloop(29), channelConfigModeNotConforming(30), usageOfReservedTimeSlot(31), virtualIntf-and-AtmSignaling-bothCannotBeEnabled(32), virtualUni-and-AtmSignaling-bothCannotBeEnabled(33), virtualUni-notSupported(34), atmUni-UbrLoadBalSupp-cannotBeEnabled-whenSignalingDisabled(35), virtualInterface-notSupported(36), card-doesNotSupport-UPC(37), atmUni-SvcVpiVci-RangeCheck-Failure(38), atmUni-SigVpiVci-Within-Svc-Range(39), atmUni-Ilmi-Svc-Sig-VpiVci-Clash(40), virtualUNI-VpiNotAvailable(41), virtualUNI-InvalidVUNIId(42), intfNotSupported-with-ds1LineType-d4(43), intfNotSupported-with-ds1LineCoding-ami(44), onlyCEsupported-with-msBitStuffing-enabled(45), vISuppConnTrafficShapingMutuallyExclusive(46), tS16onPortNotCAS(47), channelizationDisabled(48), primaryDS1InterfaceNotConfigured(49), primaryTMCChanNotConfigured(50), primaryTMCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(51), primaryTMCIntfCantBeChanged(52), primaryEOCChanNotConfigured(53), primaryEOCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(54), primaryTMC-EOCIntfShouldBeSame(55), primaryEOCIntfCantBeChanged(56), primaryTMC-BackupTMCIntfCantBeSame(57), backupDS1InterfaceNotConfigured(58), backupTMCChanNotConfigured(59), backupTMCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(60), backupTMCIntfCantBeChanged(61), primaryEOC-BackupEOCIntfCantBeSame(62), backupEOCChanNotConfigured(63), backupEOCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(64), backupTMC-EOCIntfShouldBeSame(65), backupEOCIntfCantBeChanged(66), newBWBelowCurrentAllocated(67), newBWBelowCurrentAllocated-SvcsBeingDeleted(68), newBWBelowCurrentAllocated-DeletePvcs(69), newBWAboveCurrentAllocated(70), primaryInactive-or-SecondaryActive-In-IntfProtTable(71), onlyCEsupported-with-msLOSDetection-enabled(72), nonMuxNotAllowed-with-FaxRelay(73), invalid-DSPmode-and-AALmode-combination(74), noBandwidth-For-SignalingConns(75) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identification of cause for failure in changing the status of an interface. interfaceInService(1) Most, if not all, modifications require that the interface be out of service. interfaceNotNew(2) Some modifications require that the interface must never have been in service. interfaceExists(3) Some modifications, such as setting the interface type, require that no interface exists. (type must be unconfigured). bridgeGroupActive(4) For setting the bridgeDomainNumber in bridge or router interfaces. to add an interface to a bridgeGroup, the bridgeGroup must be in service. signalingNotEnabled(5) For this interface to be created, signaling must be enabled. firmwareOutOfDate(6) The firmware for the i/o card does not work with this interface. t1SigEnableInterfaceNotSupported(7) The interface is not supported if T1 signaling is enabled ts16ForData(8) ts16 has been set for passing data and the user attempts to turn on signaling. dbcesConfigured(9) Signaling cannot be disabled because this interface is configured as dbces. signalingEnabled(10) Signaling is on for at least one of the channels while trying to change e1 TS16 from CAS to CCS. cmCardTypeNotSupported(11) CM_NET interface is only supported by DS3 DS1 OC3 and SUPER_DS1 cards cmMultipleIntfNotSupported(12) only one interface can be configured as CM_NET cmIntfInService(13) CM_NET interface is in-service cmInterfaceConfigured(14) CM_NET interface is configured channelizationEnabled(15) A port can not be channelized in order to support unstructured CE. unstructuredCEConfigured(16) A port which has been channelized can not be configured to support unstructured CE. firmwareOutOfDate-ts16CAS-unsupported(17) ts16CAS is not supported by the firmware firmwareOutOfDate-interfaceType-unsupported(18) interface type is not supported by the firmware firmwareOutOfDate-ts16-unsupported(19) ts16 is not supported by the firmware invalidPortMap(20) invalid port map otherInterfacesExistOnThisPort(21) ISDN interface needs all 24 channels on the port. If any of the channels on that interface are already configured, the ISDN interface can not be defined on that port. intfInIMAgroup(22) chanId bit in portMap is 1 errorCTC-portTxClkSrc-notLocal(23) if imaGrpChannelNeTxClkMode is set to ctc then all ports should have the transmitClockSource as localTiming different-LoopbackConfig-on-Ports(24) all physical ports included in the portMap must have the same loopback configuration imaGChanNeTxClkMode-unsupported(25) ima group channel near-end Tx clock mode is not supported intfChange-Disallowed-on-APS-ProtectionPort(26) an interface cannot be manipulated via protection port in an APS setup intferfaceCurrentlyNotSupported(27) the interface type is not support currently failure-at-call-handler(28) interface creation failure due to call handler unstructuredCE-payloadloop(29) Unstructured CE should not have payload loopback as a loop back option channelConfigModeNotConforming(30) There was a limitation on the channel mode of DSP_2D card: if there is a channel is already inService, all the channel mode of configured channels must be the same as that of the channel inService; all the channel mode of unconfigured channels can only be configured the same as that of the channel inService. usageOfReservedTimeSlot(31) for HD_E1, do not allow any configuration to be SET on channel number 1 or 17 (base 1) or chan 0 or 16 (base 0). virtualIntf-and-AtmSignaling-bothCannotBeEnabled(32) vitual interface and signalling cannot both be enabled at the same time virtualUni-and-AtmSignaling-bothCannotBeEnabled(33) vitual UNI and signalling cannot both be enabled at the same time virtualUni-notSupported(34) virtual UNI is not supported atmUni-UbrLoadBalSupp-cannotBeEnabled-whenSignalingDisabled(35) ubr load balancing cannot be enabled when signaling is disabled virtualInterface-notSupported(36) virtual interface support only allowed on APS type of cards card-doesNotSupport-UPC(37) only some cardTypes support UPC atmUni-SvcVpiVci-RangeCheck-Failure(38) Do range check provided atmSignaling is enabled vciMinSvc <= vciMaxSvc and vpiMinSvc <= vpiMaxSvc atmUni-SigVpiVci-Within-Svc-Range(39) atmUni{Vpi,Vci}Sig should not be within svc range atmUni-Ilmi-Svc-Sig-VpiVci-Clash(40) if IlmiProtocol status and atmUniSignaling are both enabled then the Ilmi Vpi/Vci should not fall in the Svc range and should not be equal to signaling vpi/vci virtualUNI-VpiNotAvailable(41) vpi is not available for the virtual UNI virtualUNI-InvalidVUNIId(42) vitural UNI Index is invalid intfNotSupported-with-ds1LineType-d4(43) if dsx1LineType is DSX1_D4 channel, interface type can't be atmIma intfNotSupported-with-ds1LineCoding-ami(44) if dsx1LineCoding is DSX1_AMI channel interface type can't be atmIma onlyCEsupported-with-msBitStuffing-enabled(45) if msBitStuffing is enabled only interface type circuit emulation is supported vISuppConnTrafficShapingMutuallyExclusive(46) The VI support flag and Traffic Shaping flag are mutually exclusive tS16onPortNotCAS(47) must have cas on port for channel to have cas trunk line interface channelizationDisabled(48) should have channelization enabled to have cas trunk line primaryDS1InterfaceNotConfigured(49) primary DS1 interface is not configured primaryTMCChanNotConfigured(50) primary timeslot management channel is not configured primaryTMCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(51) primary timeslot management channel interface is already configured in another interface group primaryTMCIntfCantBeChanged(52) primary timeslot management channel interfance can't be changed primaryEOCChanNotConfigured(53) primary embeded operation channel is not configured primaryEOCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(54) primary embeded operation channel interface is already configured in another interface group primaryTMC-EOCIntfShouldBeSame(55) primary timeslot management channel and embeded operation channel interfaces should be the same primaryEOCIntfCantBeChanged(56) primary embeded operation channel inteface can't be changed primaryTMC-BackupTMCIntfCantBeSame(57) primary and backup timeslot management channel interfaces can't be the same backupDS1InterfaceNotConfigured(58) backup DS1 interface is not configured backupTMCChanNotConfigured(59) backup timeslot management channel is not configured backupTMCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(60) backup timeslot management channel interface is already configured in another interface group backupTMCIntfCantBeChanged(61) backup timeslot management channel interfance can't be changed primaryEOC-BackupEOCIntfCantBeSame(62) primary and backup embeded operation channel interfaces can't be the same backupEOCChanNotConfigured(63) backup embeded operation channel is not configured backupEOCIntfAlreadyConfiguredInAnotherIg(64) backup embeded operation channel interface is already configured in another interface group backupTMC-EOCIntfShouldBeSame(65) backup timeslot management channel and embeded operation channel interfaces should be the same backupEOCIntfCantBeChanged(66) backup embeded operation channel inteface can't be changed newBWBelowCurrentAllocated(67) new bandwidth is below the current allocated bandwidth newBWBelowCurrentAllocated-SvcsBeingDeleted(68) new bandwidth is below the current allocated bandwidth svc is being deleted newBWBelowCurrentAllocated-DeletePvcs(69) new bandwidth is below the current allocated bandwidth delete pvc newBWAboveCurrentAllocated(70) new bandwidth is above the current allocated bandwidth primaryInactive-or-SecondaryActive-In-IntfProtTable(71) an interface can't be deleted if it is in interface protection group which is primary/inactive or secondry/active onlyCEsupported-with-msLOSDetection-enabled(72) if msLOSDetection is enabled, only interface type circuit emulation is supported nonMuxNotAllowed-with-FaxRelay(73) DSP2 cards: if channelMode is CFG_DSP2_FAX_RELAY, aalMode can't be D_dsp2AalMode_aal2_non_multiplexed, invalid-DSPmode-and-AALmode-combination(74) DSP2 cards: such DSP mode and AAL mode combination is not allowed noBandwidth-For-SignalingConns(75) no bandwidth for signal connections" ::= { returnCode 4 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Richard Bantel

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Håkon Helmers

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription interfaceFailureReasonCode 0 0 None

    Brothers (60)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription pvcFailureReasonCode 1 1 An identified reason why an ATM PVC connection
    request failed. interfaceIndex 1 1 Interface index used for identifcation in traps.
    Number value is interpreted as an interface of the
    form, SSPPCCC, where SS is th… interfaceType 1 1 Interface type used for identification in traps.
    A specific interface is associated with each
    number. powerSupplyReasonCode 1 1 Identification for change in status of a power
    supply. portId 1 1 Port ID used for identification in traps. Number
    value is interpreted as a port of the form, SSPP,
    where SS is the card slot and… lineStatus 1 1 Bit map of the status of a line connected to a
    port. firmwareDownloadReasonCode 1 1 The suspected reasons of why a firmware download
    would fail. remoteRebootReasonCode 1 1 The result of a remote reboot request. saveConfigurationReasonCode 1 1 The result of a save configuration request. versionConfigurationReasonCode 1 1 Indicated status and results of version
    changing percentComplete 1 1 Used for trap fileTransferStatusNotify and
    value equals the percent of the upgrade,
    downgrade, or ftp download completed. ipTypeReasonCode 1 1 Indicator of which ip address had the problem. timingReasonCode 1 1 Indicator of type of relationship violated. alarmCardReasonCode 1 1 Configuration status of the alarm
    inputs and outputs. removeConfigFiles 1 1 Used to indicate the status of a remove
    configuration files request. spvcConfigFailureCode 1 1 Identification of cause for failure while
    configuring/modifying SPVC parameters.

    noSpvcConfigured : There endpoint has not been
    co… imaGrpChannelStatus 1 1 The return value for the imaGrpChannelFailNotify trap.
    configuartion parameters
    configuration paramete… atmImaIntfStatus 1 1 The return value for the atmImaIntfFailNotify trap.
    (Loss of IMA Frame)
    (Link Out of Delay Synchronization)
    the… deviceId 1 1 device ID is used as the number of external
    devices. Each device can be an external input
    device or control output device. oamTestFailureReasonCode 1 1 An identified reason why an OAM Loopback Test
    request has failed. pnniCode 1 1 An identified reason for Miscellaneous Reasons in PNNI Configuration. swtchNodeIndx 1 1 Switch Node Index for PNNI. oc3APSPairPortIndex 1 1 APS Pair Port index - SSPP oc3APSReasonCode 1 1 Enumerated values of the outcome of previous
    apsPair UserCommand or alarms on the line oc3APSK1K2Rx 1 1 Rx K1/K2 followed by hex value of K1, K2 oc3APSK1K2Tx 1 1 Tx K1/K2 followed by hex value of K1, K2 oc3APSSelectorState 1 1 W: active/standby P: standby/active oc3APSWorkingLineSignalStatus 1 1 Line Status of the working port sent in a trap oc3APSProtectionLineSignalStatus 1 1 Line Status of the protection port sent in a trap. arpStatus 1 1 Success: Arp Data is Available.
    Failure: Reply from RS Card timed-out. routingStatus 1 1 Success: Routing Data is Available.
    Failure: Reply from RS Card timed-out. vpnTrapStatus 1 1 Return codes for route server VPN level
    operations. ipIntfStatus 1 1 Return codes for route server IP interface
    operations. subChanStatus 1 1 Return codes for route server sub channel
    connections operations. routeSrvStatus 1 1 Return codes for basic route server task
    operations not related to any specific VPN
    or IP/Connection operation. apsFailureReasonCode 1 1 aps failure reason statRtStatus 1 1 Return codes for route server static route
    condititions. portFailureReasonCode 1 1 Identification of cause for failure in changing
    the parameters of a port dlciNumber 1 1 The number of the dlci being used. ipAddrNumber 1 1 The IP address of the host/network to be echoed pingStatusReasonCode 1 1 The response value - Alive/Not Alive primarySoftwareVersion 1 1 Software version running on primary cpu. backupSoftwareVersion 1 1 Software version running on backup cpu. oamActDeactResultCode 1 1 Various result codes for the operator's
    command for OAM Activation-Deactivation. tasCmprsAnnceReasonCode 1 1 The result of a compress announcement request. tasTstLineReasonCode 1 1 The result of a test line request. gr303PPSReasonCode 1 1 gr303 PPS reason code gr303PPSSource 1 1 gr303 PPS source tasMemReasonCode 1 1 The result of a memory init request. tasTrapTstId 1 1 Announcement ID for trap. tasTrapAnnceId 1 1 test id for trap. atmVpi 1 1 Vpi is used in identification of Traps atmVci 1 1 Vci is used in identification of Traps iptResultCode 1 1 Various result codes for the operator's
    command forsetting/deleting interface protection group. pgtResultCode 1 1 Various result codes for the operator's
    command for interface protection . tasmControlBlockAllocFailReasonCode 1 1 The result of a tasm control block memory
    allocation request. tasmCacheMemAllocFailReasonCode 1 1 The result of a tasm control block memory
    allocation request. atmTrunkingConfigFailureCode 1 1 An identified reason for failure while
    ATM Trunking parameters:
    localIWFAlreadyConfigured(1) : Local IWF has… sapphireIntfAddressFailReasonCode 1 1 The result of assigning the Sapphire
    Interface address when PSAX is Sapphire client.
    address-ok(1), Address assignment suc… chassisOverTempAlarmReasonCode 1 1 Indicator of presence of chassis
    over temperature alarm.