Reference record for OID

parent (wfDs1E1PortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) wellfleet(18) wfSwSeries7(3) wfLine(4) wfDs1E1Group(9) wfDs1E1PortTable(3) wfDs1E1PortEntry(1) wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus(23)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) wellfleet(18) wfSwSeries7(3) wfLine(4) wfDs1E1Group(9) wfDs1E1PortTable(3) wfDs1E1PortEntry(1) wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus(23)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) wellfleet(18) wfSwSeries7(3) wfLine(4) wfDs1E1Group(9) wfDs1E1PortTable(3) wfDs1E1PortEntry(1) wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus(23)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) wellfleet(18) wfSwSeries7(3) wfLine(4) wfDs1E1Group(9) wfDs1E1PortTable(3) wfDs1E1PortEntry(1) wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus(23)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) wellfleet(18) wfSwSeries7(3) wfLine(4) wfDs1E1Group(9) wfDs1E1PortTable(3) wfDs1E1PortEntry(1) wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus(23)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) wellfleet(18) wfSwSeries7(3) wfLine(4) wfDs1E1Group(9) wfDs1E1PortTable(3) wfDs1E1PortEntry(1) wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus(23)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/wellfleet/wfSwSeries7/wfLine/wfDs1E1Group/wfDs1E1PortTable/wfDs1E1PortEntry/wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/wellfleet/wfSwSeries7/wfLine/wfDs1E1Group/wfDs1E1PortTable/wfDs1E1PortEntry/wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/wellfleet/wfSwSeries7/wfLine/wfDs1E1Group/wfDs1E1PortTable/wfDs1E1PortEntry/wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/wellfleet/wfSwSeries7/wfLine/wfDs1E1Group/wfDs1E1PortTable/wfDs1E1PortEntry/wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/wellfleet/wfSwSeries7/wfLine/wfDs1E1Group/wfDs1E1PortTable/wfDs1E1PortEntry/wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/wellfleet/wfSwSeries7/wfLine/wfDs1E1Group/wfDs1E1PortTable/wfDs1E1PortEntry/wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This attribute indicates the current state of the Relay
    on the QMCT1. When set to loop (1), the Relay is currently
    looping data from the Rx path onto the Tx path. When set
    to noLoop (2), the Rx path and Tx path are connected to the
    Framer. Note that the Framer may be placed into loopback
    without affecting this attribute.

    Parsed from file ds1e1.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: Wellfleet-DS1E1-MIB

    Description by circitor

    This attribute indicates the current state of the Relay
    on the QMCT1. When set to loop (1), the Relay is currently
    looping data from the Rx path onto the Tx path. When set
    to noLoop (2), the Rx path and Tx path are connected to the
    Framer. Note that the Framer may be placed into loopback
    without affecting this attribute.

    Parsed from file Wellfleet-DS1E1-MIB.mib
    Module: Wellfleet-DS1E1-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Wellfleet
    Module: Wellfleet-DS1E1-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loop(1), noLoop(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the current state of the Relay on the QMCT1. When set to loop (1), the Relay is currently looping data from the Rx path onto the Tx path. When set to noLoop (2), the Rx path and Tx path are connected to the Framer. Note that the Framer may be placed into loopback without affecting this attribute." DEFVAL { loop } ::= { wfDs1E1PortEntry 23 }

    Information by circitor

    wfDs1E1PortRelayStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loop(1), noLoop(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This attribute indicates the current state of the Relay on the QMCT1. When set to loop (1), the Relay is currently looping data from the Rx path onto the Tx path. When set to noLoop (2), the Rx path and Tx path are connected to the Framer. Note that the Framer may be placed into loopback without affecting this attribute." DEFVAL { loop } ::= { wfDs1E1PortEntry 23 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Caralyn Brown

    Brothers (27)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription wfDs1E1PortDelete 0 0 Create/Delete parameter wfDs1E1PortDisable 0 0 Enable/Disable parameter wfDs1E1PortState 0 0 Line Driver state variable wfDs1E1PortLineNumber 0 0 LineNumber for this port. This value is assigned at configuration time
    and uniquely identifies this interface. This LineNumber … wfDs1E1PortMtu 0 0 MTU parameter. Obsoleted, it is no longer referenced. wfDs1E1PortSignalLevel 0 0 Specifies T1 transmit power level, in terms of DB. They
    translate into cable length as follows:
    0.0dB -> 0-133 ft
    0.5dB -> 133-2… wfDs1E1PortSetupAlarmThreshold 0 0 Specifies setup time for performance failure conditions,
    in seconds. When a performance defect is present for greater
    than the ti… wfDs1E1PortClearAlarmThreshold 0 0 Specifies clear time for performance failure conditions,
    in seconds. When a performance failure condition has been
    cleared for gr… wfDs1E1PortFdlTargetHdlcAddress 0 0 Selects between the two FDL target address modes. This determines
    whether the near-end FDL will respond to HDLC address AZ or
    BY … wfDs1E1PortAcceptLoopbackRequest 0 0 The DS1E1 link module is capable of detecting loop up and loop down
    codes received from the far end. This parameter enables and … wfDs1E1PortLoopbackState 0 0 Indicates the current loopback state of this interface. The interface
    can be in one the following states:
    Payload Loopback
    Line Lo… wfDs1E1PortBertMode 0 0 An option to generate and analyze specific test patterns
    is provided in BERT mode of operation. Only one port
    can be in BERT mode… wfDs1E1PortBertTestPattern 0 0 When a port is in BERT mode, it is capable of generating
    a set of known patterns. This paramater selects between those
    patterns wfDs1E1PortBertSendAlarm 0 0 Specifies a Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) (Blue Alarm) or yellow alarm to
    be transmitted while in BERT mode. wfDs1E1PortInternationalBit 0 0 Specifies if the International bit should be set in
    the E1 frame wfDs1E1PortLineApplication 0 0 Specifies the application that the LogicalLines of this Port will provide.
    NONPRI indicates that all of the LogicalLines will ha… wfDs1E1PortLoggingEnableMask 0 0 Specifies which catagories of extended event log messages are enabled for
    logging. Current bit definitions are:

    bit 31 … wfDs1E1PortSendPrmCrAddressBit 0 0 Specifies the Performance message as originating from either a
    Carrier or Customer Installation (CI). As the performance
    message… wfDs1E1PortAcceptPrmCrAddressBit 0 0 Accepts only Performance messages originating from either a
    Carrier or Customer Installation (CI), as determined below.
    The PRM O… wfDs1E1PortLineImpedanceOption 0 0 Supports user selectible Line Impedance option for ASN MCE1
    Net Modules. wfDs1E1PortFdlLoopInterframeFill 0 0 Enables the Loop Retention Interframe Time Fill for
    the FDL after sending Loop Up Code. Also enables the
    detection of the Loop R… wfDs1E1PortRelayCtrl 0 0 The Relay on the QMCT1 will always be placed into
    loopback for the following conditions:
    1. Power Up
    2. Reboot
    3. Hardware Reset Bu… wfDs1E1PortPrimaryClockSource 0 0 Selects the Primary source of the Tx Clock for the DS1/E1
    interface wfDs1E1PortSecondaryClockSource 0 0 Selects the Secondary source of the Tx Clock for the DS1/E1
    interface wfDs1E1PortCurrentClock 0 0 Indicates the clock source currently in use by the DS1 wfDs1E1PortExtClockOperational 0 0 Indicates whether the External clock is operational wfDs1E1PortTransmitWaveform 0 0 Specifies T1 transmit waveform settings. Legal values are:

    long haul (LBO 0.0dB)
    long haul (LBO 7.5dB)
    long haul (LBO 15.0dB)