Reference record for OID

parent (ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) prod(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) ibm(2) prod(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) prod(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) ibmProd(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ibm(2) prod(6) ibmOSAMib(188) ibmOSAMibObjects(1) ibmOSAExpATMPortTable(7) ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry(1) ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer(39)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/ibmProd/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/prod/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/ibmProd/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/ibm/prod/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/ibmProd/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/prod/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/ibmProd/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ibm/prod/ibmOSAMib/ibmOSAMibObjects/ibmOSAExpATMPortTable/ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry/ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Connection Complete Timer. Optional. In Connection
    Establish ment this is the time period in which
    data or a READY_IND message is expected from a Calling
    Party. This time value is expressed in seconds.
    Corresponds to Initial State Parameter C28.

    Parsed from file osa030c.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: IBM-OSA-MIB

    Description by circitor

    Connection Complete Timer. Optional. In Connection
    Establish ment this is the time period in which
    data or a READY_IND message is expected from a Calling
    Party. This time value is expressed in seconds.
    Corresponds to Initial State Parameter C28.

    Parsed from file IBM-OSA-MIB.mib
    Module: IBM-OSA-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: IBM
    Module: IBM-OSA-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection Complete Timer. Optional. In Connection Establish ment this is the time period in which data or a READY_IND message is expected from a Calling Party. This time value is expressed in seconds. Corresponds to Initial State Parameter C28." ::= { ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry 39 }

    Information by circitor

    ibmOsaExpATMConnectCompleteTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection Complete Timer. Optional. In Connection Establish ment this is the time period in which data or a READY_IND message is expected from a Calling Party. This time value is expressed in seconds. Corresponds to Initial State Parameter C28." ::= { ibmOSAExpATMPortEntry 39 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Bob Moore

    Brothers (75)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ibmOsaExpATMPortNumber 0 0 The logical port number of this port ibmOsaExpATMPortType 0 0 The logical port type. ibmOsaExpATMLanTrafficState 0 0 The LAN state value ranges from 0 to 8. A value of 5,
    disabled is further explained in object
    ibmOsaExpATMDisabledStatus. ibmOsaExpATMServiceMode 0 0 This object indicates if the processor is in service mode
    or not. ibmOsaExpATMDisabledStatus 0 0 When the value of ibmOsaExpATMLanTrafficState is NOT
    disabled, the value of this object will be zero.

    When the value of ibmOsaExp… ibmOsaExpATMConfigName 0 0 This is the name of the configuration that is on the OSA.
    It is set using OSA/SF. It is not used by OSA ibmOsaExpATMMacAddrActive 0 0 A 6 byte OCTET STRING which contains the current
    MAC address in use on the OSA.
    The values are in canonical format. ibmOsaExpATMMacAddrBurntIn 0 0 A 6 byte OCTET STRING which contains the burned in
    MAC address on the OSA.
    The values are in canonical format. ibmOsaExpATMUserData 0 0 Data set by the user. It is ignored by the OSA. ibmOsaExpATMPortName 0 0 Name of the port as used by TCP/IP ibmOsaExpATMGroupMacAddrTable 0 0 This field contains the active Group Addresses.
    An individual Group Address is 6 bytes long with an
    additional 2 bytes of padding. ibmOsaExpATMIBMEnhancedMode 0 0 When set to Yes, this keeps data connections active
    when the connection to the LES is lost. ibmOsaExpATMBestEffortPeakRate 0 0 Values range from 10-1550 and must be divided by 10 to
    get the proper value. A value of 1550 indicates 155.0
    Mbytes/sec ibmOsaExpATMConfigMode 0 0 Indicates whether this LAN Emulation Client should
    auto-configure the next time it is (re)started. In
    automatic (1) mode, a clien… ibmOsaExpATMConfigLanType 0 0 The logical port type that the user configured the port for ibmOsaExpATMActualLanType 0 0 The actual logical port type the port is running in ibmOsaExpATMConfigMaxDataFrmSz 0 0 The maximum data frame size (in bytes) which this
    client will use the next time it returns to the Initial
    State. Auto-configuring… ibmOsaExpATMActualMaxDataFrmSz 0 0 The maximum data frame size (in bytes) which this
    client will use the next time it returns to the Initial
    State. Auto-configuring… ibmOsaExpATMConfigELANName 0 0 The ELAN Name this client will use the
    next time it returns to the Initial State.
    Auto-configuring clients use this parameter in
    t… ibmOsaExpATMActualELANName 0 0 The ELAN Name this client will use the
    next time it returns to the Initial State.
    Auto-configuring clients use this parameter in
    t… ibmOsaExpATMConfigLESATMAddress 0 0 The LAN Emulation Server which this client will use the
    next time it is started in manual configuration mode.
    When ibmOsaExpATMCo… ibmOsaExpATMActualLESATMAddress 0 0 The LAN Emulation Server which this client will use the
    next time it is started in manual configuration mode.
    When lecConfigMode … ibmOsaExpATMControlTimeout 0 0 Control Time-out. Time out period used for timing out most
    request/response control frame interactions, as specified
    elsewhere in… ibmOsaExpATMMaxUnknownFrameCount 0 0 Maximum Unknown Frame Count. See the description of
    ibmOsaExpATMMaxUnknownFrameTime below. Corresponds to
    Initial State Parameter… ibmOsaExpATMMaxUnknownFrameTime 0 0 Maximum Unknown Frame Time. Within the period of time
    defined by the Maximum Unknown Frame Time, a LE Client
    will send no more th… ibmOsaExpATMVCCTimeoutPeriod 0 0 VCC Time-out Period. A LE Client SHOULD release any
    Data Direct VCC that it has not used to transmit
    or receive any data frames f… ibmOsaExpATMMaxRetryCount 0 0 Maximum Retry Count. A LE CLient MUST not retry a
    LE_ARP_REQUEST for a given frame's LAN destination
    more than Maximum Retry Coun… ibmOsaExpATMAgingTime 0 0 Aging Time. The maximum time that a LE Client will
    maintain an entry in its LE_ARP cache in the absence
    of a verification of that… ibmOsaExpATMForwardDelayTime 0 0 Forward Delay Time. The maximum time that a LE Client
    will maintain an entry for a non-local MAC address in
    its LE_ARP cache in t… ibmOsaExpATMExpectedARPRespTime 0 0 Expected LE_ARP Reponse Time. The maximum time that
    cycle to take. Used for ret… ibmOsaExpATMFlushTimeout 0 0 ibmOsaExpATMFlushtimeout ibmOsaExpATMPathSwitchingDelay 0 0 Path Switching Delay. The time since sending a
    frame to the BUS after which the LE Client may
    assume that the frame has been eith… ibmOsaExpATMLocalSegmentID 0 0 Local Segment ID. The segment ID of the emulated LAN.
    This is only required for IEEE 802.5 clients that
    are Source Routing bridge… ibmOsaExpATMMltcstSendVCCType 0 0 Multicast Send VCC Type. Signalling parameter that
    SHOULD be used by the LE Client when establishing
    the Multicast Send VCC. This… ibmOsaExpATMMltcstSendVCCAvgRate 0 0 Multicast Send VCC AvgRate. Signalling parameter
    that SHOULD be used by the LE Client when estabishing
    the Multicast Send VCC. Fo… ibmOsaExpATMMcastSendVCCPeakRate 0 0 Multicast Send VCC PeakRate. Signalling parameter that
    SHOULD be used by the LE Client when establishing the
    Multicast Send VCC. … ibmOsaExpATMClientATMAddress 0 0 LE Client's ATM Addresses. The primary ATM address
    of this LAN Emulation Client. This address is used
    to establish the Control Di… ibmOsaExpATMClientIdentifier 0 0 LE Client Identifier. Each LE Client requires a
    LE Client Identifier (LECID) assigned by the LE
    Server during the Join phase. The… ibmOsaExpATMClientCurrentState 0 0 The current state of the LAN Emulation Client. Note
    that 'ifOperStatus' is defined to be 'up' when, and
    only when, this field is … ibmOsaExpATMLastFailureRespCode 0 0 Status code from the last failed Configure response
    or Join response. Failed responses are those for which
    the LE_CONFIGURE_RESPO… ibmOsaExpATMLastFailureState 0 0 The state this client was in when it updated the
    If 'ibmOsaExpATMLastFailureRespCode'
    is 'none'… ibmOsaExpATMProtocol 0 0 The LAN Emulation protocol which this client supports,
    and specifies in its LE_JOIN_REQUESTs. ibmOsaExpATMLeVersion 0 0 The LAN Emulation protocol version which this client
    supports, and specifies in its LE_JOIN_REQUESTs. ibmOsaExpATMTopologyChange 0 0 Topology Change. Boolean indication that the LE Client
    is using the Forward Delay Time C18, instead of the
    Aging Time C17, to age… ibmOsaExpATMConfigServerATMAddr 0 0 The ATM address of the LAN Emulation Configuration
    Server (if known) or 0 (otherwise). In LAN
    Emulation MIB, the OCTET STRING is … ibmOsaExpATMConfigSource 0 0 Indicates whether this LAN Emulation Client used the
    LAN Emulation Configuration Server, and, if so, what
    method it used to estab… ibmOsaExpATMProxyClient 0 0 Indicates whether this client is acting as a proxy.
    Proxy clients are allowed to represent unregistered
    MAC addresses, and receiv… ibmOsaExpATMLePDUOctetsInbound 0 0 The number of Le PDU Octets received ibmOsaExpATMNonErrLePDUDiscIn 0 0 The number of Non Error Le PDU Octets received ibmOsaExpATMErrLePDUDiscIn 0 0 The number of Errored Le PDU Discards received ibmOsaExpATMLePDUOctetsOutbound 0 0 The number of Le PDU Discards sent ibmOsaExpATMNonErrLePDUDiscOut 0 0 The number of Non Error Le PDU Discards sent ibmOsaExpATMErrLePDUDiscOut 0 0 The number of Errored Le PDU Discards sent ibmOsaExpATMLeARPRequestsOut 0 0 The number of LE ARP Requests sent ibmOsaExpATMLeARPRequestsIn 0 0 The number of LE ARP Requests received over the LUNI
    by this LAN Emulation Client. Requests may arrive
    on the Control Direct VCC … ibmOsaExpATMLeARPRepliesOut 0 0 The number of LE ARP Responses sent over the LUNI
    by this LAN Emulation Client. ibmOsaExpATMLeARPRepliesIn 0 0 The number of LE ARP Responses received over the
    LUNI by this LAN Emulation Client. This count includes
    all such replies, whether… ibmOsaExpATMControlFramesOut 0 0 The total number of control packets sent by this
    LAN Emulation Client over the LUNI. ibmOsaExpATMControlFramesIn 0 0 The total number of control packets received by this
    LAN Emulation Client over the LUNI. ibmOsaExpATMSVCFailures 0 0 The total number of outgoing LAN Emulation SVCs
    which this client tried, but failed, to open;
    incoming LAN Emulation SVCs which t… ibmOsaExpATMConfigDirectIntfc 0 0 The interface associated with the Configuration
    Direct VCC. If no Configuration Direct VCC exists,
    this object has the value 0. O… ibmOsaExpATMConfigDirectVPI 0 0 If the Configuration Direct VCC exists, this object
    contains the VPI which identifies that VCC at the
    point where it connects to … ibmOsaExpATMConfigDirectVCI 0 0 If the Configuration Direct VCC exists, this
    object contains the VCI which identifies that
    VCC at the point where it connects to … ibmOsaExpATMControlDirectIntfc 0 0 The interface associated with the Control Direct
    VCC. If no Control Direct VCC exists, this object
    has the value 0. Otherwise, th… ibmOsaExpATMControlDirectVPI 0 0 If the Control Direct VCC exists, this object
    contains the VPI which identifies that VCC at
    the point where it connects to this L… ibmOsaExpATMControlDirectVCI 0 0 If the Control Direct VCC exists, this object
    contains the VCI which identifies that VCC at
    the point where it connects to this L… ibmOsaExpATMControlDistIntfc 0 0 The interface associated with the Control Distribute
    VCC. If no Control Distribute VCC has been set up to
    this client, this objec… ibmOsaExpATMControlDistributeVPI 0 0 If the Control Distribute VCC exists, this object
    contains the VPI which identifies that VCC at the
    point where it connects to th… ibmOsaExpATMControlDistributeVCI 0 0 If the Control Distribute VCC exists, this object
    contains the VCI which identifies that VCC at the
    point where it connects to th… ibmOsaExpATMMulticastSendIntfc 0 0 The interface associated with the Multicast Send
    VCC. If no Multicast Send VCC exists, this object
    has the value 0. Otherwise, th… ibmOsaExpATMMulticastSendVPI 0 0 If the Multicast Send VCC exists, this object
    contains the VPI which identifies that VCC at
    the point where it connects to this L… ibmOsaExpATMMulticastSendVCI 0 0 If the Multicast Send VCC exists, this object
    contains the VCI which identifies that VCC at
    the point where it connects to this L… ibmOsaExpATMMulticastFwdIntfc 0 0 The interface associated with the Multicast
    Forward VCC. If no Multicast Forward VCC has
    been set up to this client, this object … ibmOsaExpATMMulticastForwardVPI 0 0 If the Multicast Forward VCC exists, this object
    contains the VPI which identifies that VCC at the
    point where it connects to thi… ibmOsaExpATMMulticastForwardVCI 0 0 If the Multicast Forward VCC exists, this object
    contains the VCI which identifies that VCC at the
    point where it connects to thi…