Reference record for OID

parent (cbrPhyEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyPar(1) cbrPhyTable(1) cbrPhyEntry(1) cbrPhyLossOfSignalState(15)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyPar(1) cbrPhyTable(1) cbrPhyEntry(1) cbrPhyLossOfSignalState(15)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyPar(1) cbrPhyTable(1) cbrPhyEntry(1) cbrPhyLossOfSignalState(15)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyPar(1) cbrPhyTable(1) cbrPhyEntry(1) cbrPhyLossOfSignalState(15)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyPar(1) cbrPhyTable(1) cbrPhyEntry(1) cbrPhyLossOfSignalState(15)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) mariposaTech(2426) mariposaProducts(1) mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs(2) voiceInterfaces(6) cbr(2) cbrPhy(1) cbrPhyPar(1) cbrPhyTable(1) cbrPhyEntry(1) cbrPhyLossOfSignalState(15)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyPar/cbrPhyTable/cbrPhyEntry/cbrPhyLossOfSignalState
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyPar/cbrPhyTable/cbrPhyEntry/cbrPhyLossOfSignalState
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyPar/cbrPhyTable/cbrPhyEntry/cbrPhyLossOfSignalState
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyPar/cbrPhyTable/cbrPhyEntry/cbrPhyLossOfSignalState
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyPar/cbrPhyTable/cbrPhyEntry/cbrPhyLossOfSignalState
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/mariposaTech/mariposaProducts/mariposaAtx50Atx150Objs/voiceInterfaces/cbr/cbrPhy/cbrPhyPar/cbrPhyTable/cbrPhyEntry/cbrPhyLossOfSignalState
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    Near end Loss Of Signal. When cells are continuously
    lost the value is set to loss (2). When cells are no
    longer lost, the value is set to noLoss (1).
    For DS1, the Loss Of Signal failure is declared upon
    observing 175 +/- 75 contiguous pulse positions with
    no pulses of either positive or negative polarity.
    The LOS failure is cleared upon observing an average
    pulse density of at least 12.5% over a period of 175
    +/- 75 contiguous pulse positions starting with the
    receipt of a pulse.
    For E1 links, the Loss Of Signal failure is declared
    when greater than 10 consecutive zeroes are detected.

    Parsed from file mariposa.mib.txt
    Company: marconi
    Module: MARIPOSA-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Marconi
    Module: MARIPOSA-MIB (mariposa.mib)
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-only
    Syntax: INTEGER

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    cbrPhyLossOfSignalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes (1), no (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Near end Loss Of Signal. When cells are continuously lost the value is set to loss (2). When cells are no longer lost, the value is set to noLoss (1). For DS1, the Loss Of Signal failure is declared upon observing 175 +/- 75 contiguous pulse positions with no pulses of either positive or negative polarity. The LOS failure is cleared upon observing an average pulse density of at least 12.5% over a period of 175 +/- 75 contiguous pulse positions starting with the receipt of a pulse. For E1 links, the Loss Of Signal failure is declared when greater than 10 consecutive zeroes are detected." ::= { cbrPhyEntry 15 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Osanitsch John

    Brothers (23)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription cbrPhyIfIndex 0 0 This value for this object is equal to the value
    of ifIndex from the Interfaces table of MIB II
    (RFC 1213). cbrPhyLinkEnable 0 0 This object is used to enable and disable link.
    This Object is an Obsolete Object cbrPhyCurrentLineType 0 0 This object indicates the type of the line
    implementing this circuit. It defines the link type
    that is currently active in the sy… cbrPhyStoredLineType 0 0 This object indicates the type of the line
    implementing this circuit that is saved in the flash.
    When the value of this object … cbrPhyCurrentFraming 0 0 This object indicates the framing type that is
    used for this circuit. It defines the framing type
    that is currently active in the… cbrPhyStoredFraming 0 0 This object indicates the framing type that is
    used for this circuit. It defines the framing type
    that is currently active in the… cbrPhyCurrentLineCoding 0 0 This variable describes the variety of Zero Code
    Suppression that is currently used on this interface,
    which in turn affects a nu… cbrPhyStoredLineCoding 0 0 This variable describes the variety of Zero Code
    Suppression of this interface that is saved in the flash.
    When the value of this… cbrPhyLineLength 0 0 The length of the ds1 line in meters. This
    objects provides information for line build out
    circuitry if it exists and can use thi… cbrPhyTxClockSource 0 0 The source of Transmit Clock.
    'loopTiming' indicates that the recovered receive
    clock is used as the transmit clock.
    'SystemTiming… cbrPhyLoopbackMode 0 0 This variable represents the desired loopback
    configuration of the interface. Agents
    supporting read/write access should return
    b… cbrPhySignalingMode 0 0 This object specifies signaling mode for CBR link.
    This can have CCS mode, CAS mode, CES Basic mode or
    CES with CAS, CAS Without … cbrPhyTimeElapsed 0 0 The number of seconds that have elapsed since the
    beginning of the near end current error-
    measurement period. This Object is Obs… cbrPhyValidIntervals 0 0 The number of previous near end intervals for
    which valid data was collected. The value will be
    96 unless the interface was brou… cbrPhyLossOfFrameState 0 0 Near end LOF (a.k.a., Red Alarm). For DS1 links, the
    Loss Of Frame failure is declared when an OOF or LOS
    defect has persisted fo… cbrPhyXmtFarEndLOFFState 0 0 Near End is sending the LOF indication. cbrPhyRcvFarEndLOFFState 0 0 The Far End LOF failure Alarm is also known as Yellow
    Alarm in the DS1 case, and Distant Alarm in the E1
    For D4 links, the F… cbrPhyAISFState 0 0 Far end sending Alarm Indication Signal(AIS) a.k.a Remote
    Alarm Indication (RAI).
    For D4 and ESF links, the 'all ones' condition … cbrPhyXmtAISFState 0 0 Near end sending Alarm Indication Signal(AIS).
    For D4 and ESF links, the 'all ones' condition is detected at
    a DS1 line interface… cbrPhyAlarmReporting 0 0 This object identifies the Alarm Reporting
    of the cbr voice. cbrPhyVoiceCompanding 0 0 This object specifies the channel the
    voice companding technique - either A-law or mode. cbrPhySystemClockSource 0 0 This object identifies the System Clock Source.
    It can be 1.Internal
    3.CBR cbrPhySystemClockSourceStatus 0 0 This objects specifies whether the clock source defined by
    'systemClockSource' is refering to a valid resource or not.
    If the spe…