Reference record for OID

parent (pcomSlot)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) mib-extensions-1(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) dec(36) ema(2) decMIBextension(18) decHub900(11) pubCommon(2) pcomSlot(1) pcomAdminStatus(2)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/mib-extensions-1/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/dec/ema/decMIBextension/decHub900/pubCommon/pcomSlot/pcomAdminStatus
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    enabled(1) - setting this object to enabled causes the
    device to begin it's power up sequence and attempt to
    enter its operational state. If the value of this object
    was disabled, then the non-volatile value of this object
    is changed to enabled. As part of the power up sequence,
    the device's management parameters may or may not be
    reset. (In other words, the device may go through the
    equivalent of a reset or before returning to the online state.
    If the device is capable of going directly from the disabled
    state to the enabled state without resetting any of its
    management parameters, then it may do so. Such action is
    product specific.)

    disabled(2) - setting this object to offline causes the
    device to cease network activity and enter a quiescent
    state. A disabled device must still be able to respond
    to management messages.

    The value enable(1) or disable(2) shall be stored
    in non-volatile memory for the initial reset value
    of this variable. The factory default NV value is enable(1).

    reset(3) - setting this object to this state resets the
    module, including its volatile managed objects. Resetting
    may involve running the devices self-test diagnostic.
    If diagnostics fail, this object will remain in the reset
    state and failure status will be reflected elsewhere in the
    mib. If diagnostics pass, then the device will automatically
    return to the enabled state. After reset, this object shall
    assume the non-volatile value of enable(1) or disable(2).
    (So, if you reset a disabled module, the device will reset
    and come back up still in the disabled state.)

    restoreToDefaults(4) - setting this object to this state
    restores all of its non-volatile parameters to their
    factory default state and resets the module (see reset(3)).

    Note: The default value of this object is, or course, enabled.

    Note: Some devices may not send a getResponse to a PDU
    which commands the device to reset. Setting this object
    to reset, restoreToDefaults, or enable may cause the device
    to reset.

    Parsed from file DEChub900-Common.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: DECHUB900-COMMON-MIB-V3-0

    Description by circitor

    enabled(1) - setting this object to enabled causes the
    device to begin it's power up sequence and attempt to
    enter its operational state. If the value of this object
    was disabled, then the non-volatile value of this object
    is changed to enabled. As part of the power up sequence,
    the device's management parameters may or may not be
    reset. (In other words, the device may go through the
    equivalent of a reset or before returning to the online state.
    If the device is capable of going directly from the disabled
    state to the enabled state without resetting any of its
    management parameters, then it may do so. Such action is
    product specific.)

    disabled(2) - setting this object to offline causes the
    device to cease network activity and enter a quiescent
    state. A disabled device must still be able to respond
    to management messages.

    The value enable(1) or disable(2) shall be stored
    in non-volatile memory for the initial reset value
    of this variable. The factory default NV value is enable(1).

    reset(3) - setting this object to this state resets the
    module, including its volatile managed objects. Resetting
    may involve running the devices self-test diagnostic.
    If diagnostics fail, this object will remain in the reset
    state and failure status will be reflected elsewhere in the
    mib. If diagnostics pass, then the device will automatically
    return to the enabled state. After reset, this object shall
    assume the non-volatile value of enable(1) or disable(2).
    (So, if you reset a disabled module, the device will reset
    and come back up still in the disabled state.)

    restoreToDefaults(4) - setting this object to this state
    restores all of its non-volatile parameters to their
    factory default state and resets the module (see reset(3)).

    Note: The default value of this object is, or course, enabled.

    Note: Some devices may not send a getResponse to a PDU
    which commands the device to reset. Setting this object
    to reset, restoreToDefaults, or enable may cause the device
    to reset.

    Parsed from file DECHUB900-COMMON-MIB-V3-0.mib
    Module: DECHUB900-COMMON-MIB-V3-0

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: DEC
    Module: DECHUB900-COMMON-MIB-V3-0

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    pcomAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), reset(3), restoreToDefaults(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "enabled(1) - setting this object to enabled causes the device to begin it's power up sequence and attempt to enter its operational state. If the value of this object was disabled, then the non-volatile value of this object is changed to enabled. As part of the power up sequence, the device's management parameters may or may not be reset. (In other words, the device may go through the equivalent of a reset or before returning to the online state. If the device is capable of going directly from the disabled state to the enabled state without resetting any of its management parameters, then it may do so. Such action is product specific.) disabled(2) - setting this object to offline causes the device to cease network activity and enter a quiescent state. A disabled device must still be able to respond to management messages. The value enable(1) or disable(2) shall be stored in non-volatile memory for the initial reset value of this variable. The factory default NV value is enable(1). reset(3) - setting this object to this state resets the module, including its volatile managed objects. Resetting may involve running the devices self-test diagnostic. If diagnostics fail, this object will remain in the reset state and failure status will be reflected elsewhere in the mib. If diagnostics pass, then the device will automatically return to the enabled state. After reset, this object shall assume the non-volatile value of enable(1) or disable(2). (So, if you reset a disabled module, the device will reset and come back up still in the disabled state.) restoreToDefaults(4) - setting this object to this state restores all of its non-volatile parameters to their factory default state and resets the module (see reset(3)). Note: The default value of this object is, or course, enabled. Note: Some devices may not send a getResponse to a PDU which commands the device to reset. Setting this object to reset, restoreToDefaults, or enable may cause the device to reset." ::= { pcomSlot 2 }

    Information by circitor

    pcomAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2), reset(3), restoreToDefaults(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "enabled(1) - setting this object to enabled causes the device to begin it's power up sequence and attempt to enter its operational state. If the value of this object was disabled, then the non-volatile value of this object is changed to enabled. As part of the power up sequence, the device's management parameters may or may not be reset. (In other words, the device may go through the equivalent of a reset or before returning to the online state. If the device is capable of going directly from the disabled state to the enabled state without resetting any of its management parameters, then it may do so. Such action is product specific.) disabled(2) - setting this object to offline causes the device to cease network activity and enter a quiescent state. A disabled device must still be able to respond to management messages. The value enable(1) or disable(2) shall be stored in non-volatile memory for the initial reset value of this variable. The factory default NV value is enable(1). reset(3) - setting this object to this state resets the module, including its volatile managed objects. Resetting may involve running the devices self-test diagnostic. If diagnostics fail, this object will remain in the reset state and failure status will be reflected elsewhere in the mib. If diagnostics pass, then the device will automatically return to the enabled state. After reset, this object shall assume the non-volatile value of enable(1) or disable(2). (So, if you reset a disabled module, the device will reset and come back up still in the disabled state.) restoreToDefaults(4) - setting this object to this state restores all of its non-volatile parameters to their factory default state and resets the module (see reset(3)). Note: The default value of this object is, or course, enabled. Note: Some devices may not send a getResponse to a PDU which commands the device to reset. Setting this object to reset, restoreToDefaults, or enable may cause the device to reset." ::= { pcomSlot 2 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Ron Bhanukitsiri

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription pcomAdminStatus 0 0 None

    Brothers (5)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription pcomOperStatus 1 1 Describes the current operational state of the device.
    Operational status may be expressed as one of the following:

    enabled(1) - … pcomDiagFailure 1 1 This object contains the results of power-on self test.

    When zero, the unit passed self test okay. When non-zero
    and pcomOperSta… pcomSerialNumber 1 1 Serial number for the module.

    This variable is set to a zero length string initially.
    Users may store a serial number for the mod… pcomSlotNumber 1 1 Number of the slot in which module is inserted, as indicated
    by pins on the backplane connector. If module is not inserted
    in a … pcomEsn 1 1 Extended Slot Number assigned to module. An ESN is a 32-bit
    integer which has a decimal representation that indicates the