Reference record for OID

parent (tnTRVer1)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) transition(868) products(2) ring(2) tnStackTR(1) tnTRVer1(2) tnTRV1StatsHardErrors(19)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) transition(868) products(2) ring(2) tnStackTR(1) tnTRVer1(2) tnTRV1StatsHardErrors(19)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) transition(868) products(2) ring(2) tnStackTR(1) tnTRVer1(2) tnTRV1StatsHardErrors(19)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) transition(868) products(2) ring(2) tnStackTR(1) tnTRVer1(2) tnTRV1StatsHardErrors(19)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) transition(868) products(2) ring(2) tnStackTR(1) tnTRVer1(2) tnTRV1StatsHardErrors(19)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) transition(868) products(2) ring(2) tnStackTR(1) tnTRVer1(2) tnTRV1StatsHardErrors(19)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/transition/products/ring/tnStackTR/tnTRVer1/tnTRV1StatsHardErrors
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/transition/products/ring/tnStackTR/tnTRVer1/tnTRV1StatsHardErrors
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/transition/products/ring/tnStackTR/tnTRVer1/tnTRV1StatsHardErrors
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/transition/products/ring/tnStackTR/tnTRVer1/tnTRV1StatsHardErrors
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/transition/products/ring/tnStackTR/tnTRVer1/tnTRV1StatsHardErrors
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/transition/products/ring/tnStackTR/tnTRVer1/tnTRV1StatsHardErrors
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    The number of times this interface has detected an immediately
    recoverable fatal error. It denotes the number of times this
    interface is either transmitting or receiving beacon MAC frames.

    Parsed from file TNI-MIB.mib
    Module: TNI-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Transition Engineering Inc.
    Module: TNI-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by circitor

    tnTRV1StatsHardErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of times this interface has detected an immediately recoverable fatal error. It denotes the number of times this interface is either transmitting or receiving beacon MAC frames." ::= { tnTRVer1 19 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Trivedi Hemant

    Brothers (35)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription tnTRV1Commands 0 0 When this object is set to the value of open(2), the station should
    go into the open state. The progress and success of the ope… tnTRV1RingStatus 0 0 The current interface status which can be used to diagnose
    fluctuating problems that can occur on token rings, after a station
    ha… tnTRV1RingState 0 0 The current interface state with respect
    to entering or leaving the ring. tnTRV1RingOpenStatus 0 0 This object indicates the success, or the reason for failure, of the
    station's most recent attempt to enter the ring. tnTRV1RingSpeed 0 0 The ring's bandwidth. tnTRV1UpStream 0 0 The MAC-address of the up stream neighbor station in the ring. tnTRV1ActMonParticipate 0 0 If this object has a value of true(1) then this interface will
    participate in the active monitor selection process. If the valu… tnTRV1Functional 0 0 The bit mask of all Token Ring functional addresses for which this
    interface will accept frames. tnTRV1StatsLineErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a frame or token is copied or
    repeated by a station, the E bit is zero in the frame or token an… tnTRV1StatsBurstErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station detects the absence of
    transitions for five half-bit timers (burst-five error). tnTRV1StatsACErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station receives an AMP or SMP
    frame in which A is equal to C is equal to 0, and then receive… tnTRV1StatsAbortTransErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station transmits an abort
    delimiter while transmitting. tnTRV1StatsInternalErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station recognizes an internal
    error. tnTRV1StatsLostFrameErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station is transmitting and its
    TRR timer expires. This condition denotes a condition where … tnTRV1StatsReceiveCongestions 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station recognizes a frame
    addressed to its specific address, but has no available buffer spa… tnTRV1StatsFrameCopiedErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station recognizes a frame
    addressed to its specific address and detects that the FS field A
    b… tnTRV1StatsTokenErrors 0 0 This counter is incremented when a station acting as the active
    monitor recognizes an error condition that needs a token
    transmit… tnTRV1StatsSoftErrors 0 0 The number of Soft Errors the interface has detected. It directly
    corresponds to the number of Report Error MAC frames that this… tnTRV1StatsSignalLoss 0 0 The number of times this interface has detected the loss of signal
    condition from the ring. tnTRV1StatsTransmitBeacons 0 0 The number of times this interface has transmitted a beacon frame. tnTRV1StatsRecoverys 0 0 The number of Claim Token MAC frames received or transmitted after
    the interface has received a Ring Purge MAC frame. This coun… tnTRV1StatsLobeWires 0 0 The number of times the interface has detected an open or short
    circuit in the lobe data path. The adapter will be closed and
    do… tnTRV1StatsRemoves 0 0 The number of times the interface has received a Remove Ring Station
    MAC frame request. When this frame is received the interfa… tnTRV1StatsSingles 0 0 The number of times the interface has sensed that it is the only
    station on the ring. This will happen if the interface is the … tnTRV1StatsFreqErrors 0 0 The number of times the interface has detected that the frequency of
    the incoming signal differs from the expected frequency by … tnTRV1TimerReturnRepeat 0 0 The time-out value used to ensure the interface will return to
    Repeat State, in units of 100 micro-seconds. The value should be… tnTRV1TimerHolding 0 0 Maximum period of time a station is permitted to transmit frames
    after capturing a token, in units of 100 micro-seconds.
    Implemen… tnTRV1TimerQueuePDU 0 0 The time-out value for enqueuing of an SMP PDU after reception of an
    AMP or SMP frame in which the A and C bits were equal to 0,… tnTRV1TimerValidTransmit 0 0 The time-out value used by the active monitor to detect the absence
    of valid transmissions, in units of 100 micro-seconds. Impl… tnTRV1TimerNoToken 0 0 The time-out value used to recover from various-related error
    situations [9]. If N is the maximum number of stations on the rin… tnTRV1TimerActiveMon 0 0 The time-out value used by the active monitor to stimulate the
    enqueuing of an AMP PDU for transmission, in units of 100
    micro-se… tnTRV1TimerStandbyMon 0 0 The time-out value used by the stand-by monitors to ensure that
    there is an active monitor on the ring and to detect a continuou… tnTRV1TimerErrorReport 0 0 The time-out value which determines how often a station shall send a
    Report Error MAC frame to report its error counters, in uni… tnTRV1TimerBeaconTransmit 0 0 The time-out value which determines how long a station shall remain
    in the state of transmitting Beacon frames before entering t… tnTRV1TimerBeaconReceive 0 0 The time-out value which determines how long a station shall receive
    Beacon frames from its downstream neighbor before entering …