Reference record for OID

parent (cpwCTDMEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) cpwCTDMMIB(131) cpwCTDMObjects(1) cpwCTDMTable(1) cpwCTDMEntry(1) cpwCTDMCurrentIndications(9)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) cpwCTDMMIB(131) cpwCTDMObjects(1) cpwCTDMTable(1) cpwCTDMEntry(1) cpwCTDMCurrentIndications(9)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) cpwCTDMMIB(131) cpwCTDMObjects(1) cpwCTDMTable(1) cpwCTDMEntry(1) cpwCTDMCurrentIndications(9)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) cpwCTDMMIB(131) cpwCTDMObjects(1) cpwCTDMTable(1) cpwCTDMEntry(1) cpwCTDMCurrentIndications(9)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) cpwCTDMMIB(131) cpwCTDMObjects(1) cpwCTDMTable(1) cpwCTDMEntry(1) cpwCTDMCurrentIndications(9)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoExperiment(10) cpwCTDMMIB(131) cpwCTDMObjects(1) cpwCTDMTable(1) cpwCTDMEntry(1) cpwCTDMCurrentIndications(9)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/cpwCTDMMIB/cpwCTDMObjects/cpwCTDMTable/cpwCTDMEntry/cpwCTDMCurrentIndications
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/cpwCTDMMIB/cpwCTDMObjects/cpwCTDMTable/cpwCTDMEntry/cpwCTDMCurrentIndications
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/cpwCTDMMIB/cpwCTDMObjects/cpwCTDMTable/cpwCTDMEntry/cpwCTDMCurrentIndications
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/cpwCTDMMIB/cpwCTDMObjects/cpwCTDMTable/cpwCTDMEntry/cpwCTDMCurrentIndications
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoExperiment/cpwCTDMMIB/cpwCTDMObjects/cpwCTDMTable/cpwCTDMEntry/cpwCTDMCurrentIndications
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoExperiment/cpwCTDMMIB/cpwCTDMObjects/cpwCTDMTable/cpwCTDMEntry/cpwCTDMCurrentIndications
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    The following defects should be detected and reported
    upon request:

    -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing
    layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF
    and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for
    detection of packet loss.

    -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the
    expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into
    account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN
    and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be
    discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data
    generated as for lost packets.

    -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the
    average packet loss rate over the value of
    cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a
    preconfigured threshold [SATOP].

    -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state
    when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate
    newly arrived packets.

    -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets
    with their R bit set.

    -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence
    number provided by the control word.

    -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it
    indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid
    due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the
    payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth.

    Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications
    is implementation specific.

    Parsed from file CISCO-IETF-PW-TDM-MIB.mib

    Description by cisco_v1

    The following defects should be detected and reported
    upon request:

    -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing
    layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF
    and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for
    detection of packet loss.

    -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the
    expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into
    account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN
    and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be
    discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data
    generated as for lost packets.

    -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the
    average packet loss rate over the value of
    cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a
    preconfigured threshold [SATOP].

    -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state
    when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate
    newly arrived packets.

    -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets
    with their R bit set.

    -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence
    number provided by the control word.

    -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it
    indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid
    due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the
    payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth.

    Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications
    is implementation specific.

    Description by mibdepot

    The following defects should be detected and reported
    upon request:

    -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing
    layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF
    and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for
    detection of packet loss.

    -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the
    expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into
    account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN
    and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be
    discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data
    generated as for lost packets.

    -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the
    average packet loss rate over the value of
    cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a
    preconfigured threshold [SATOP].

    -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state
    when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate
    newly arrived packets.

    -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets
    with their R bit set.

    -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence
    number provided by the control word.

    -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it
    indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid
    due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the
    payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth.

    Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications
    is implementation specific.

    Parsed from file
    Company: None

    Description by cisco

    The following defects should be detected and reported
    upon request:

    -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing
    layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF
    and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for
    detection of packet loss.

    -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the
    expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into
    account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN
    and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be
    discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data
    generated as for lost packets.

    -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the
    average packet loss rate over the value of
    cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a
    preconfigured threshold [SATOP].

    -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state
    when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate
    newly arrived packets.

    -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets
    with their R bit set.

    -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence
    number provided by the control word.

    -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it
    indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid
    due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the
    payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth.

    Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications
    is implementation specific.

    Information by circitor

    cpwCTDMCurrentIndications OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { other(0), strayPacket(1), malformedPacket(2), excessivePktLossRate(3), bufferOverrun(4), bufferUnderrun(5), remotePktLoss(6), pktMisOrder(7), packetLoss(8), tdmFault(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The following defects should be detected and reported upon request: -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for detection of packet loss. -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data generated as for lost packets. -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the average packet loss rate over the value of cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a preconfigured threshold [SATOP]. -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate newly arrived packets. -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets with their R bit set. -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence number provided by the control word. -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth. Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications is implementation specific." ::= { cpwCTDMEntry 9 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    cpwCTDMCurrentIndications OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..2)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The following defects should be detected and reported upon request: -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for detection of packet loss. -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data generated as for lost packets. -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the average packet loss rate over the value of cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a preconfigured threshold [SATOP]. -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate newly arrived packets. -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets with their R bit set. -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence number provided by the control word. -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth. Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications is implementation specific." ::= { cpwCTDMEntry 9 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Cisco

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    cpwCTDMCurrentIndications OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { other(0), strayPacket(1), malformedPacket(2), excessivePktLossRate(3), bufferOverrun(4), bufferUnderrun(5), remotePktLoss(6), pktMisOrder(7), packetLoss(8), tdmFault(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The following defects should be detected and reported upon request: -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for detection of packet loss. -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data generated as for lost packets. -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the average packet loss rate over the value of cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a preconfigured threshold [SATOP]. -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate newly arrived packets. -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets with their R bit set. -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence number provided by the control word. -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth. Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications is implementation specific." ::= { cpwCTDMEntry 9 }

    Information by cisco

    cpwCTDMCurrentIndications OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { other(0), strayPacket(1), malformedPacket(2), excessivePktLossRate(3), bufferOverrun(4), bufferUnderrun(5), remotePktLoss(6), pktMisOrder(7), packetLoss(8), tdmFault(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The following defects should be detected and reported upon request: -Stray packets MAY be detected by the PSN and multiplexing layers. Stray packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and their detection MUST NOT affect mechanisms for detection of packet loss. -Malformed packets are detected by mismatch between the expected packet size (taking the value of the L bit into account) and the actual packet size inferred from the PSN and multiplexing layers. Malformed in-order packets MUST be discarded by the CE-bound IWF and replacement data generated as for lost packets. -Excessive packet loss rate is detected by computing the average packet loss rate over the value of cpwCTDMAvePktLossTimeWindow and comparing it with a preconfigured threshold [SATOP]. -Buffer overrun is detected in the normal operation state when the CE bound IWF's jitter buffer cannot accommodate newly arrived packets. -Remote packet loss is indicated by reception of packets with their R bit set. -Packet misorder is detected by looking at the Sequence number provided by the control word. -TDM Fault, if L bit in the control word is set, it indicates that TDM data carried in the payload is invalid due an attachment circuit fault. When the L bit is set the payload MAY be omitted in order to conserve bandwidth. Note: the algorithm used to capture these indications is implementation specific." ::= { cpwCTDMEntry 9 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Brothers (10)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription cpwCTDMRate 0 0 The parameter represents the bit-rate of the TDM service
    in multiples of the 'basic' 64 Kbit/s rate. It complements
    the definitio… cpwCTDMIfIndex 0 0 This is a unique index within the ifTable. It represents
    the interface index of the full link or the interface
    index for the bund… cpwCGenTDMCfgIndex 0 0 Index to the generic parameters in the TDM configuration
    table that appears in this MIB module. It is likely that
    multiple TDM PW… cpwCRelTDMCfgIndex 0 0 Index to the relevant TDM configuration table entry
    that appears in one of the related MIB modules
    such as TDMoIP or CESoPSN. It … cpwCTDMConfigError 0 0 Any of the bits are set if the local configuration is
    not compatible with the peer configuration as available
    from the various pa… cpwCTDMTimeElapsed 0 0 The number of seconds, including partial seconds,
    that have elapsed since the beginning of the current
    measurement period. If, fo… cpwCTDMValidIntervals 0 0 The number of previous 15-minute intervals for which data
    was collected.
    An agent with TDM capability must be capable of supporti… cpwCTDMValidDayIntervals 0 0 The number of previous days for which data
    was collected.
    An agent with TDM capability must be capable of supporting
    at least n in… cpwCTDMLatchedIndications 0 0 The state of TDM indicators when the TDM PW last declared
    an error second (either as ES, SES or a second with
    errors inside a UAS… cpwCTDMLastEsTimeStamp 0 0 The value of sysUpTime at the most recent occasion at
    which the TDM PW entered the ES or SES state.