Reference record for OID

parent (ciscoMgmt)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB(821)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB(821)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB(821)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB(821)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB(821)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB(821)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB
  • Description by cisco

    This is the MIB module for Cable Iron Bus Statistics for
    DOCSIS-compliant Cable Modem Termination Systems (CMTS).

    The Statistics of Iron Bus is a software/hardware feature
    provided in the CMTS so that the CMTS can count statistics
    of bandwidth usage of Iron Bus when traffic through it.

    The purpose of cable Iron Bus statistics is to monitor the
    bandwidth usage of Iron Bus , which CMTS can report warning
    message when the traffic throughput on Iron Bus overlap the
    threshold configured.
    The statistics of Iron Bus also monitor the traffic throughput
    statistics both ingress and outband Iron Bus with units bytes
    and packets per second.
    The statistics of Iron Bus can also configure the threshold and
    message interval to CMTS.

    Information by cisco

    ciscoCableIronBusStatMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201408140000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail: [email protected]" DESCRIPTION "This is the MIB module for Cable Iron Bus Statistics for DOCSIS-compliant Cable Modem Termination Systems (CMTS). The Statistics of Iron Bus is a software/hardware feature provided in the CMTS so that the CMTS can count statistics of bandwidth usage of Iron Bus when traffic through it. The purpose of cable Iron Bus statistics is to monitor the bandwidth usage of Iron Bus , which CMTS can report warning message when the traffic throughput on Iron Bus overlap the threshold configured. The statistics of Iron Bus also monitor the traffic throughput statistics both ingress and outband Iron Bus with units bytes and packets per second. The statistics of Iron Bus can also configure the threshold and message interval to CMTS." REVISION "201408140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Latest version of this MIB module." ::= { ciscoMgmt 821 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Children (3)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ciscoCableIronBusStatMIBNotifs 0 0 None ciscoCableIronBusStatMIBObjects 1 15 None ciscoCableIronBusStatMIBConform 2 4 None

    Brothers (645)

    To many brothers! Only 100 nearest brothers are shown.

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    ... ciscoMediaMetricsMIB 4 38 This MIB module defines objects that describe the quality
    metrics of Media streams.


    Flow Monitor - a hardware… ciscoPfrMIB 3 303 This MIB module defines objects that describe Performance
    Routing (PfR). Standard routing protocols base routing
    decisions on re… ciscoSwitchRateLimiterMIB 3 28 This MIB module defines management objects for the
    Switch Rate Limiter features on Cisco Layer 2 and
    Layer 3 devices.

    Rate limits … ciscoVdcMIB 3 90 CISCO-VDC-MIB ciscoSelectiveVrfDownloadMIB 3 41 This MIB module defines objects describing selective
    VRF download. The selective VRF download feature makes
    a best effort to dow… ciscoNetflowLiteMIB 3 56 This MIB provides a method to configure Netflow-lite feature
    and get information in these areas:

    1. Exporter config information a… ciscoDsgIfExtMIB 3 15 A MIB module for extending the DSG-IF-MIB (ITU-T J.128
    10/2008) to add objects which provide additional
    management information ab… ciscoPmonMIB 3 14 This MIB module is for providing the port monitoring
    information. ciscoSubscriberIdentityTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines textual conventions describing
    subscriber session identities. A subscriber session identity
    consists of … ciscoDynamicTemplateTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines textual conventions used by the
    CISCO-DYNAMIC-TEMPLATE-MIB and MIB modules that use and expand
    on dynamic… ciscoDynamicTemplateMIB 3 152 This MIB defines objects that describe dynamic templates. A
    dynamic template is a set of configuration attributes that a
    system … ciscoSubscriberSessionTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines textual conventions describing
    subscriber sessions. ciscoSubscriberSessionMIB 3 187 This MIB defines objects describing subscriber sessions, or
    more specifically, subscriber sessions terminated by a RAS. A
    subscr… ciscoFlowMetadataMIB 3 30 The MIB module for managing Cisco medianet flow metadata.
    Metadata, in the simplest form, is data that qualifies
    other data. Flow… ciscoSwitchCefMIB 3 33 This MIB module defines management objects for the
    CEF features on Cisco Layer 2 and Layer 3 devices.

    Definition of some of the t… ciscoAppNavMIB 2 51 This MIB module defines SNMP management objects describing the
    AppNav technology. A device, which implements the AppNav
    technolog… ciscoMspMIB 3 54 Objective of media services proxy is to provide media services
    to end-points and its flows identified by a set of
    protocols. Medi… ciscoLocalAuthUserMIB 3 40 This MIB module defines objects describing users
    authenticated locally by a Network Access Server (NAS).

    | | | … ciscoMediatraceMIB 3 191 Mediatrace helps to isolate and troubleshoot network
    degradation problems by enabling a network administrator
    to discover an Inte… ciscoFabricPathTopologyMIB 3 40 This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate
    the management of Cisco's FabricPath Topology technology. ciscoSwitchFabricMIB 3 30 This MIB module defined managed objects that
    facilitates the management of switching fabric
    information in a Cisco switch. ciscoHardwareIpVerifyMIB 3 13 This MIB module defines management objects for
    configuration and monitoring of the Intrusion
    Detection System (IDS) that checks f… ciscoL2natMIB 2 80 Network Address Translation (NAT) involves translating the
    source and or destination IP addresses of packets as they
    traverse fro… ciscoVpcMIB 3 73 This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
    management information for configuring and monitoring
    of Virtual Port Channel(V… ciscoACLMIB 2 87 This MIB module defines objects that describe Cisco Access
    Control Lists (ACL).

    This MIB describes different objects that enable … ciscoWebExMeetingMIB 3 58 Cisco WebEx Collaboration Host is a
    software-only system, with hardware independence
    a key goal. To that end, it will be designed… ciscoOtvMIB 3 129 This MIB module is for configuration & statistic query
    of Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) functionality on Cisco
    routers a… ciscoVlanIfTableRelationshipMIB 1 12 None ciscoLptsMIB 3 22 The MIB module for Local Packet Transport Services(LPTS)
    related information like the flows and the policer
    values related to var… ciscoPfcExtMIB 3 27 This MIB module defines management objects for
    monitoring information of Priority-based Flow

    The following terms are used… ciscoLivedataMIB 3 57 Cisco LiveData is the next generation reporting product for
    Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (CCE). Cisco
    LiveData provid… ciscoVpnLicUsageMonitorMIB 2 60 Acronyms and Definitions
    The following acronyms and terms are used in this

    IPSec: Secure IP Protocol

    VPN: Virtual Priva… ciscoWanCellExtMIB 3 81 This MIB module is an extension of, and it provides
    network management support for Cisco cellular
    WAN 4G/LTE p… ciscoNatCgnExtMIB 3 69 This MIB module extends the IETF draft NAT MIB available at
    The extension… ciscoWpanMIB 3 25 This MIB module defines management objects for
    configuration and monitoring of Wireless Personal
    Area Network (WPAN).

    Personal Are… ciscoNetworkVirtualizationOverlayMIB 3 61 This MIB module is for managing Network Virtualization Overlay
    functionality on Cisco devices.

    The following terms are used throu… ciscoDtiExtMIB 3 12 This MIB module provides the trap objects necessary to monitor
    the DOCSIS Timing Interface devices. ciscoQpLbgMIB 3 74 This MIB module represents the Qam-Partition (QP) and Load
    Balance Group (LBG) parameters in the headend and it is
    supported by … ciscoLispExtMIB 3 77 This MIB is an extension to the IETF LISP-MIB module defined
    in RFC 7052. It contains Cisco defined managed objects and
    traps to … ciscoUspMIB 3 80 The MIB Module for the management of the Cisco Unified
    SIP Proxy (CUSP) service. CUSP is a Session Initiation Protocol
    (SIP) prox… ciscoOpticalMIB 3 176 This MIB module defines the managed objects for physical layer
    characteristics of optical interfaces and performance
    statistics o… ciscoSslvpnMIB 3 53 This MIB module defines management objects for
    configuration and monitoring of the Cisco secure
    gateway that implements SSLVPN.

    Gl… ciscoSmartLicMIB 3 78 The MIB module for managing licenses on the system.
    The licensing mechanism provides flexibility to
    enforce licensing for various…