Reference record for OID

parent (x25CallParmEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize(11)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize(11)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize(11)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize(11)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize(11)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize(11)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by cisco_v1

    The incoming throughput class to negotiate.
    A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
    the PLE default. A value of tcDefault for
    the PLE default means tcNone. A value of
    tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput

    Description by oid_info

    x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize OBJECT-TYPE
    tcReserved1 (1),
    tcReserved2 (2),
    tc75 (3),
    tc150 (4),
    tc300 (5),
    tc600 (6),
    tc1200 (7),
    tc2400 (8),
    tc4800 (9),
    tc9600 (10),
    tc19200 (11),
    tc48000 (12),
    tc64000 (13),
    tcReserved14 (14),
    tcReserved15 (15),
    tcReserved0 (16),
    tcNone (17),
    tcDefault (18)
    ACCESS read-write
    STATUS mandatory
    "The incoming throughput class to negotiate.
    A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
    the PLE default. A value of tcDefault for
    the PLE default means tcNone. A value of
    tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput
    REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18"
    DEFVAL { tcNone }

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    The incoming throughput class to negotiate.
    A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
    the PLE default. A value of tcDefault for
    the PLE default means tcNone. A value of
    tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput

    Parsed from file it-router-12.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: IT-ROUTER-12

    Description by circitor

    The incoming throughput class to negotiate.
    A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
    the PLE default. A value of tcDefault for
    the PLE default means tcNone. A value of
    tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput

    Parsed from file ITOUCHHUB.mib
    Module: ITOUCHHUB

    Information by cisco_v1

    x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tcReserved1 (1), tcReserved2 (2), tc75 (3), tc150 (4), tc300 (5), tc600 (6), tc1200 (7), tc2400 (8), tc4800 (9), tc9600 (10), tc19200 (11), tc48000 (12), tc64000 (13), tcReserved14 (14), tcReserved15 (15), tcReserved0 (16), tcNone (17), tcDefault (18) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The incoming throughput class to negotiate. A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use the PLE default. A value of tcDefault for the PLE default means tcNone. A value of tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput class." REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18" DEFVAL { tcNone } ::= { x25CallParmEntry 11 }

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from RFC1382

    Information by mibdepot

    x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tcReserved1 (1), tcReserved2 (2), tc75 (3), tc150 (4), tc300 (5), tc600 (6), tc1200 (7), tc2400 (8), tc4800 (9), tc9600 (10), tc19200 (11), tc48000 (12), tc64000 (13), tcReserved14 (14), tcReserved15 (15), tcReserved0 (16), tcNone (17), tcDefault (18) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The incoming throughput class to negotiate. A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use the PLE default. A value of tcDefault for the PLE default means tcNone. A value of tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput class." REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18" DEFVAL { tcNone } ::= { x25CallParmEntry 11 }

    Information by circitor

    x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tcReserved1 (1), tcReserved2 (2), tc75 (3), tc150 (4), tc300 (5), tc600 (6), tc1200 (7), tc2400 (8), tc4800 (9), tc9600 (10), tc19200 (11), tc48000 (12), tc64000 (13), tcReserved14 (14), tcReserved15 (15), tcReserved0 (16), tcNone (17), tcDefault (18) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The incoming throughput class to negotiate. A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use the PLE default. A value of tcDefault for the PLE default means tcNone. A value of tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput class." REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18" DEFVAL { tcNone } ::= { x25CallParmEntry 11 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3.6)

    Defense Communication Agency

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

    Brothers (29)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription x25CallParmIndex 0 0 A value that distinguishes this entry from
    another entry. Entries in this table are
    referenced from other objects which identify… x25CallParmStatus 0 0 The status of this call parameter entry.
    See RFC 1271 for details of usage. x25CallParmRefCount 0 0 The number of references know by a
    management station to exist to this set of
    call parameters. This is the number of
    other object… x25CallParmInPacketSize 0 0 The maximum receive packet size in octets
    for a circuit. A size of zero for a circuit
    means use the PLE default size. A size of… x25CallParmOutPacketSize 0 0 The maximum transmit packet size in octets
    for a circuit. A size of zero for a circuit
    means use the PLE default size. A size o… x25CallParmInWindowSize 0 0 The receive window size for a circuit. A
    size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
    default size. A size of zero for the PLE
    d… x25CallParmOutWindowSize 0 0 The transmit window size for a circuit. A
    size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
    default size. A size of zero for the PLE… x25CallParmAcceptReverseCharging 0 0 An enumeration defining if the PLE will
    accept or refuse charges. A value of
    default for a circuit means use the PLE
    default valu… x25CallParmProposeReverseCharging 0 0 An enumeration defining if the PLE should
    propose reverse or local charging. The
    value of default for a circuit means use the
    PLE… x25CallParmFastSelect 0 0 Expresses preference for use of fast select
    facility. The value of default for a
    circuit is the PLE default. A value of

    default … x25CallParmOutThruPutClasSize 0 0 The outgoing throughput class to negotiate.
    A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
    the PLE default. A value of tcDefault f… x25CallParmCug 0 0 The Closed User Group to specify. This
    consists of two or four octets containing
    the characters 0 through 9. A zero length
    strin… x25CallParmCugoa 0 0 The Closed User Group with Outgoing Access
    to specify. This consists of two or four
    octets containing the characters 0 through
    9.… x25CallParmBcug 0 0 The Bilateral Closed User Group to specify.
    This consists of two octets containing the
    characters 0 through 9. A string length o… x25CallParmNui 0 0 The Network User Identifier facility. This
    is binary value to be included immediately
    after the length field. The PLE will supp… x25CallParmChargingInfo 0 0 The charging Information facility. A value
    of default for a circuit means use the PLE
    default. The value of default for the
    defa… x25CallParmRpoa 0 0 The RPOA facility. The octet string
    contains n * 4 sequences of the characters
    0-9 to specify a facility with n entries.
    The octe… x25CallParmTrnstDly 0 0 The Transit Delay Selection and Indication
    value. A value of 65536 indicates no
    facility requested. A value of 65537 for a
    circu… x25CallParmCallingExt 0 0 The Calling Extension facility. This
    contains one of the following:

    A sequence of hex digits with the value to
    be put in the faci… x25CallParmCalledExt 0 0 The Called Extension facility. This
    contains one of the following:

    A sequence of hex digits with the value to
    be put in the facil… x25CallParmInMinThuPutCls 0 0 The minimum input throughput Class. A
    value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
    default (the PLE parameters entry may not
    use t… x25CallParmOutMinThuPutCls 0 0 The minimum output throughput Class. A
    value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
    default (the PLE parameters entry may not
    use … x25CallParmEndTrnsDly 0 0 The End-to-End Transit Delay to negotiate.
    An octet string of length 2, 4, or 6

    contains the facility encoded as specified
    in ISO/… x25CallParmPriority 0 0 The priority facility to negotiate. The
    octet string encoded as specified in ISO/IEC
    8208 section A zero length strin… x25CallParmProtection 0 0 A string contains the following:
    A hex string containing the value for the
    protection facility. This will be converted
    from hex t… x25CallParmExptData 0 0 The Expedited Data facility to negotiate.
    A value of default for a circuit means use
    the PLE default value. The entry for the
    PLE… x25CallParmUserData 0 0 The call user data as placed in the packet.
    A zero length string indicates no call user
    data. If both the circuit call parameter… x25CallParmCallingNetworkFacilities 0 0 The calling network facilities. The
    facilities are encoded here exactly as
    encoded in the call packet. These

    facilities do not i… x25CallParmCalledNetworkFacilities 0 0 The called network facilities. The
    facilities are encoded here exactly as
    encoded in the call packet. These
    facilities do not in…