Reference record for OID

parent (x25CallParmEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmRpoa(18)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmRpoa(18)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmRpoa(18)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmRpoa(18)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib-2(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmRpoa(18)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) mgmt(2) mib(1) transmission(10) x25(5) x25CallParmTable(9) x25CallParmEntry(1) x25CallParmRpoa(18)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmRpoa
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmRpoa
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmRpoa
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmRpoa
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib-2/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmRpoa
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/mgmt/mib/transmission/x25/x25CallParmTable/x25CallParmEntry/x25CallParmRpoa
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by cisco_v1

    The RPOA facility. The octet string
    contains n * 4 sequences of the characters
    0-9 to specify a facility with n entries.
    The octet string containing the 3 characters
    DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE
    default (the entry for the PLE default may
    not contain DEF). A zero length string
    indicates no facility requested.

    Description by oid_info

    x25CallParmRpoa OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..108))
    ACCESS read-write
    STATUS mandatory
    "The RPOA facility. The octet string
    contains n * 4 sequences of the characters
    0-9 to specify a facility with n entries.
    The octet string containing the 3 characters
    DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE
    default (the entry for the PLE default may
    not contain DEF). A zero length string
    indicates no facility requested."
    REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, section"
    DEFVAL { h }

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    The RPOA facility. The octet string
    contains n * 4 sequences of the characters
    0-9 to specify a facility with n entries.
    The octet string containing the 3 characters
    DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE
    default (the entry for the PLE default may
    not contain DEF). A zero length string
    indicates no facility requested.

    Parsed from file it-router-12.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: IT-ROUTER-12

    Description by circitor

    The RPOA facility. The octet string
    contains n * 4 sequences of the characters
    0-9 to specify a facility with n entries.
    The octet string containing the 3 characters
    DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE
    default (the entry for the PLE default may
    not contain DEF). A zero length string
    indicates no facility requested.

    Parsed from file ITOUCHHUB.mib
    Module: ITOUCHHUB

    Information by cisco_v1

    x25CallParmRpoa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..108)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RPOA facility. The octet string contains n * 4 sequences of the characters 0-9 to specify a facility with n entries. The octet string containing the 3 characters DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE default (the entry for the PLE default may not contain DEF). A zero length string indicates no facility requested." REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, section" DEFVAL { ''h } ::= { x25CallParmEntry 18 }

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from RFC1382

    Information by mibdepot

    x25CallParmRpoa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..108)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RPOA facility. The octet string contains n * 4 sequences of the characters 0-9 to specify a facility with n entries. The octet string containing the 3 characters DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE default (the entry for the PLE default may not contain DEF). A zero length string indicates no facility requested." REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, section" DEFVAL { ''h } ::= { x25CallParmEntry 18 }

    Information by circitor

    x25CallParmRpoa OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..108)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RPOA facility. The octet string contains n * 4 sequences of the characters 0-9 to specify a facility with n entries. The octet string containing the 3 characters DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE default (the entry for the PLE default may not contain DEF). A zero length string indicates no facility requested." REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, section" DEFVAL { ''h } ::= { x25CallParmEntry 18 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3.6)

    Defense Communication Agency

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

    Brothers (29)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription x25CallParmIndex 0 0 A value that distinguishes this entry from
    another entry. Entries in this table are
    referenced from other objects which identify… x25CallParmStatus 0 0 The status of this call parameter entry.
    See RFC 1271 for details of usage. x25CallParmRefCount 0 0 The number of references know by a
    management station to exist to this set of
    call parameters. This is the number of
    other object… x25CallParmInPacketSize 0 0 The maximum receive packet size in octets
    for a circuit. A size of zero for a circuit
    means use the PLE default size. A size of… x25CallParmOutPacketSize 0 0 The maximum transmit packet size in octets
    for a circuit. A size of zero for a circuit
    means use the PLE default size. A size o… x25CallParmInWindowSize 0 0 The receive window size for a circuit. A
    size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
    default size. A size of zero for the PLE
    d… x25CallParmOutWindowSize 0 0 The transmit window size for a circuit. A
    size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
    default size. A size of zero for the PLE… x25CallParmAcceptReverseCharging 0 0 An enumeration defining if the PLE will
    accept or refuse charges. A value of
    default for a circuit means use the PLE
    default valu… x25CallParmProposeReverseCharging 0 0 An enumeration defining if the PLE should
    propose reverse or local charging. The
    value of default for a circuit means use the
    PLE… x25CallParmFastSelect 0 0 Expresses preference for use of fast select
    facility. The value of default for a
    circuit is the PLE default. A value of

    default … x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize 0 0 The incoming throughput class to negotiate.
    A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
    the PLE default. A value of tcDefault f… x25CallParmOutThruPutClasSize 0 0 The outgoing throughput class to negotiate.
    A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
    the PLE default. A value of tcDefault f… x25CallParmCug 0 0 The Closed User Group to specify. This
    consists of two or four octets containing
    the characters 0 through 9. A zero length
    strin… x25CallParmCugoa 0 0 The Closed User Group with Outgoing Access
    to specify. This consists of two or four
    octets containing the characters 0 through
    9.… x25CallParmBcug 0 0 The Bilateral Closed User Group to specify.
    This consists of two octets containing the
    characters 0 through 9. A string length o… x25CallParmNui 0 0 The Network User Identifier facility. This
    is binary value to be included immediately
    after the length field. The PLE will supp… x25CallParmChargingInfo 0 0 The charging Information facility. A value
    of default for a circuit means use the PLE
    default. The value of default for the
    defa… x25CallParmTrnstDly 0 0 The Transit Delay Selection and Indication
    value. A value of 65536 indicates no
    facility requested. A value of 65537 for a
    circu… x25CallParmCallingExt 0 0 The Calling Extension facility. This
    contains one of the following:

    A sequence of hex digits with the value to
    be put in the faci… x25CallParmCalledExt 0 0 The Called Extension facility. This
    contains one of the following:

    A sequence of hex digits with the value to
    be put in the facil… x25CallParmInMinThuPutCls 0 0 The minimum input throughput Class. A
    value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
    default (the PLE parameters entry may not
    use t… x25CallParmOutMinThuPutCls 0 0 The minimum output throughput Class. A
    value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
    default (the PLE parameters entry may not
    use … x25CallParmEndTrnsDly 0 0 The End-to-End Transit Delay to negotiate.
    An octet string of length 2, 4, or 6

    contains the facility encoded as specified
    in ISO/… x25CallParmPriority 0 0 The priority facility to negotiate. The
    octet string encoded as specified in ISO/IEC
    8208 section A zero length strin… x25CallParmProtection 0 0 A string contains the following:
    A hex string containing the value for the
    protection facility. This will be converted
    from hex t… x25CallParmExptData 0 0 The Expedited Data facility to negotiate.
    A value of default for a circuit means use
    the PLE default value. The entry for the
    PLE… x25CallParmUserData 0 0 The call user data as placed in the packet.
    A zero length string indicates no call user
    data. If both the circuit call parameter… x25CallParmCallingNetworkFacilities 0 0 The calling network facilities. The
    facilities are encoded here exactly as
    encoded in the call packet. These

    facilities do not i… x25CallParmCalledNetworkFacilities 0 0 The called network facilities. The
    facilities are encoded here exactly as
    encoded in the call packet. These
    facilities do not in…