Reference record for OID

parent (sdpInfoEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSdpObjs(4) sdpInfoTable(3) sdpInfoEntry(1) sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages(19)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSdpObjs(4) sdpInfoTable(3) sdpInfoEntry(1) sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages(19)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSdpObjs(4) sdpInfoTable(3) sdpInfoEntry(1) sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages(19)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSdpObjs(4) sdpInfoTable(3) sdpInfoEntry(1) sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages(19)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSdpObjs(4) sdpInfoTable(3) sdpInfoEntry(1) sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages(19)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxServObjs(4) tmnxSdpObjs(4) sdpInfoTable(3) sdpInfoEntry(1) sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages(19)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSdpObjs/sdpInfoTable/sdpInfoEntry/sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSdpObjs/sdpInfoTable/sdpInfoEntry/sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSdpObjs/sdpInfoTable/sdpInfoEntry/sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSdpObjs/sdpInfoTable/sdpInfoEntry/sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSdpObjs/sdpInfoTable/sdpInfoEntry/sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxServObjs/tmnxSdpObjs/sdpInfoTable/sdpInfoEntry/sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages
  • Description by circitor

    The number of SDP Echo Request messages
    transmitted since the keep-alive was
    administratively enabled or the counter
    was cleared.

    Parsed from file TIMETRA-SDP-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    sdpKeepAliveNumHelloRequestMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of SDP Echo Request messages transmitted since the keep-alive was administratively enabled or the counter was cleared." ::= { sdpInfoEntry 19 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Marcelo Mourier

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jason Sterne

    Brothers (43)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription sdpId 0 0 SDP identifier. sdpRowStatus 0 0 This object indicates the status of this row. The
    only values supported during a set operation are
    'createAndGo' and 'destroy'. T… sdpDelivery 0 0 This object specifies the type of delivery used
    by this SDP: e.g. GRE or MPLS. The value of this
    object must be specified when th… sdpFarEndIpAddress 0 0 This object specifies the IP address of the
    remote end of the GRE or MPLS tunnel defined
    by this SDP. The value of this object mu… sdpLspList 0 0 When the SDP delivery specified by sdpDelivery
    is 'mpls', this object specifies the list of
    LSPs used to reach the far-end ESR de… sdpDescription 0 0 Generic information about this SDP. sdpLabelSignaling 0 0 This object specifies the signaling protocol
    used to obtain the ingress and egress labels
    used in frames transmitted and received… sdpAdminStatus 0 0 The desired state of this SDP. sdpOperStatus 0 0 The operating state of this SDP. The value
    'notAlive' is valid only when keep-alive is
    enabled, and it means that the keep-alive
    o… sdpAdminPathMtu 0 0 This object specifies the desired largest service
    frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted
    through this SDP to the far-end … sdpOperPathMtu 0 0 This object specifies the actual largest service
    frame size (in octets) that can be transmitted
    through this SDP to the far-end E… sdpKeepAliveAdminStatus 0 0 This object is used to enable or disable the
    keep-alive protocol used to determine the
    operating status of this SDP. sdpKeepAliveOperStatus 0 0 The current status of the keep-alive protocol.
    The value 'alive' indicates that the far-end
    ESR is replying the SDP Echo Requests… sdpKeepAliveHelloTime 0 0 This object specifies how often the SDP Echo
    Request messages are transmitted on this SDP. sdpKeepAliveMaxDropCount 0 0 This object specifies the maximum number of
    consecutive SDP Echo Request messages that can
    be unacknowledged before the keep-aliv… sdpKeepAliveHoldDownTime 0 0 This object specifies the amount of time to
    wait before the keep-alive operating status
    is eligible to enter the 'alive' state. sdpLastMgmtChange 0 0 The value of sysUpTime at the time of the
    most recent management-initiated change to
    this SDP. sdpKeepAliveHelloMessageLength 0 0 This object specifies the length of the
    SDP Echo Request messages transmitted on
    this SDP. The default value of zero
    indicates tha… sdpKeepAliveNumHelloResponseMessages 0 0 The number of SDP Echo Response messages
    received since the keep-alive was
    administratively enabled or the counter
    was cleared. sdpKeepAliveNumLateHelloResponseMessages 0 0 The number of SDP Echo Response messages
    received after the corresponding Request
    timeout timer expired. sdpKeepAliveHelloRequestTimeout 0 0 The number of seconds to wait for an SDP
    Echo Response message before declaring
    a timeout. sdpLdpEnabled 0 0 When the value of this object is 'true'
    the transport LSP's are signalled by LDP,
    as opposed to being provisioned static or
    RSVP-s… sdpVlanVcEtype 0 0 This object specifies the Ethertype used in
    frames sent out this SDP, when the VC type
    is vlan. sdpAdvertisedVllMtuOverride 0 0 When the value of this object is 'true'
    the advertised MTU of a VLL spoke SDP bind
    includes the 14-byte L2 header, so that it is
    b… sdpOperFlags 0 0 This object specifies all the conditions that
    affect the operating status of this SDP. sdpLastStatusChange 0 0 The value of sysUpTime at the time of the
    most recent operating status change to this
    SDP. sdpMvplsMgmtService 0 0 The value of sdpMvplsMgmtService indicates
    the service Id of the service where the STP instance
    is running that is managing this … sdpMvplsMgmtSdpBndId 0 0 The value of sdpMvplsMgmtSdpBndId indicates
    which SDP bind in the mVPLS instance specified in
    sdpMvplsMgmtService is controlling … sdpCollectAcctStats 0 0 The value of the object sdpCollectAcctStats specifies
    whether the agent collects accounting statistics for this
    SDP. When the val… sdpAccountingPolicyId 0 0 The value of sdpAccountingPolicyId specifies the
    policy to use to collect accounting statistics on
    this SDP. The value zero indic… sdpClassFwdingEnabled 0 0 The value of sdpClassFwdingEnabled specifies the
    admin state of class-based forwarding on this SDP. When
    the value is 'true', cla… sdpClassFwdingDefaultLsp 0 0 The value of sdpClassFwdingDefaultLsp specifies the
    LSP ID that is used as a default when class-based
    forwarding is enabled on th… sdpClassFwdingMcLsp 0 0 The value of sdpClassFwdingMcLsp specifies the LSP ID that
    all multicast traffic will be forwarded on when class-based
    forwarding… sdpMetric 0 0 The value of sdpMetric specifies the metric to be used
    within the Tunnel Table Manager for decision making
    purposes. When multipl… sdpAutoSdp 0 0 The value of sdpAutoSdp indicates whether this is an
    Auto generated SDP from RADIUS discovery or BGP
    auto-discovery. sdpSnmpAllowed 0 0 The value of sdpSnmpAllowed indicates if SNMP sets
    are allowed on this SDP. sdpPBBEtype 0 0 This object specifies the Ethertype used in frames sent
    out on this SDP when sdpBindVcType is 'vlan' for
    Provider Backbone Bridgi… sdpBandwidthBookingFactor 0 0 sdpBandwidthBookingFactor is used to calculate the max
    SDP available bandwidth. The value of
    sdpBandwidthBookingFactor specifies… sdpOperBandwidth 0 0 The value of sdpOperBandwidth indicates the operational
    Bandwidth in kilo-bits per seconds (Kbps) available for
    this SDP. The val… sdpAvailableBandwidth 0 0 The value of sdpAvailableBandwidth indicates the Bandwidth
    that is still free for booking by the SDP bindings on the
    SDP. sdpMaxBookableBandwidth 0 0 The value of sdpMaxBookableBandwidth indicates the max
    Bandwidth that the SDP has for booking by the SDP
    bindings. The value of s… sdpBookedBandwidth 0 0 The value of sdpBookedBandwidth indicates the
    SDP Bandwidth that has been booked by the SDP
    bindings. sdpCreationOrigin 0 0 The value of sdpCreationOrigin indicates the protocol or
    mechanism which created this SDP.