Reference record for OID

parent (ciscoMgmt)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoPtpMIB(760)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoPtpMIB(760)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoPtpMIB(760)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoPtpMIB(760)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoPtpMIB(760)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) cisco(9) ciscoMgmt(9) ciscoPtpMIB(760)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoPtpMIB
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoPtpMIB
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoPtpMIB
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoPtpMIB
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoPtpMIB
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/cisco/ciscoMgmt/ciscoPtpMIB
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    The MIB module for PTPv2 (IEEE1588 - 2008)

    Overview of PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008)

    This IEEE standard defines a protocol enabling precise
    synchronization of clocks in measurement and control systems
    implemented with packet-based networks, the IEEE Standard PTPv2
    1588 (2008). This MIB does not address the standard IEEE
    1588 (2002). The protocol is applicable to network elements
    communicating using IP. The protocol enables heterogeneous
    systems that include clocks of various inherent precision,
    resolution, and stability to synchronize to a grandmaster
    The protocol supports system-wide synchronization accuracy in
    the sub-microsecond range with minimal network and local clock
    computing resources. The standard uses UDP/IP. It includes
    formal mechanisms for message extensions, higher sampling
    rates, correction for asymmetry, a clock type to reduce error
    accumulation in large topologies, and specifications on how to
    incorporate the resulting additional data into the
    synchronization protocol. The standard defines conformance and
    management capability also.

    MIB description

    This MIB is to support the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP)
    feature of Cisco System devices.

    ARB arbitrary
    BMC best master clock
    CAN Controller Area Network
    CP Communication Profile
    [according to IEC 61784-1:200710]
    CPF Communication Profile Family
    [according to IEC 61784-1:2007]
    DS Differentiated Service
    E2E End-to-End
    E2ETC End-to-End Transparent Clock
    EUI Extended Unique Identifier.
    FFO Fractional Frequency Offset
    GPS Global Positioning System
    IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    ICV Integrity Check Value
    ID Identification
    IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
    IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
    JD Julian Date
    JDN Julian Day Number
    MAC Media Access Control
    [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005]
    MJD Modified Julian Day
    NIST National Institute of Standards and
    Technology (see
    NTP Network Time Protocol (see IETF RFC 1305
    OUI Organizational Unique Identifier(allocated
    the IEEE)
    P2P Peer-to-Peer
    P2PTC Peer-To-Peer Transparent Clock
    PHY physical layer [according to IEEE Std
    POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
    (see ISO/IEC 9945:2003)
    PPS Pulse per Second
    PTP Precision Time Protocol
    SA Security Associations
    SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
    SOF Start of Frame
    TAI International Atomic Time
    TC Traffic Class
    TC Transparent Clock
    TLV Type, Length, Value [according to IEEE Std
    ToD Time of Day Synchronization
    ToS Type of Service
    UCMM UnConnect Message Manager
    UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol
    UTC Coordinated Universal Time

    [1] Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked
    measurement and control systems - IEC 61588 IEEE 1588(tm)
    Edition 2.0 2009-02

    Definitions from [1] section 3.1

    The mean of the time or frequency error between the clock under
    test and a perfect reference clock, over an ensemble of
    measurements. Stability is a measure of how the mean varies
    with respect to variables such as time, temperature, and so on.

    The precision is a measure of the deviation of the error from
    the mean.

    Atomic process:
    A process is atomic if the values of all inputs to the process
    are not permitted to change until all of the results of the
    process are instantiated, and the outputs of the process are
    not visible to other processes until the processing of each
    output is complete.

    Boundary clock:
    A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in
    a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It
    may serve as the source of time, i.e., be a master clock, and
    may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock.

    Boundary node clock:
    A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in
    a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It
    differs from the boundary clock in that the clock roles can

    A node participating in the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) that
    is capable of providing a measurement of the passage of time
    since a defined epoch.

    A logical grouping of clocks that synchronize to each other
    using the protocol, but that are not necessarily synchronized
    to clocks in another domain.

    End-to-end transparent clock:
    A transparent clock that supports the use of the end-to-end
    delay measurement mechanism between slave clocks and the master
    clock. Each node must measure the residence time of PTP event
    messages and accumulate it in Correction Field.

    The origin of a timescale.

    An abstraction of the mechanism by which signals or conditions
    are generated and represented.

    Foreign master:
    An ordinary or boundary clock sending Announce messages to
    another clock that is not the current master recognized by the
    other clock.

    Grandmaster clock:
    Within a domain, a clock that is the ultimate source of time
    for clock synchronization using the protocol.

    A clock previously synchronized/syntonized to another clock
    (normally a primary reference or a master clock) but now
    free-running based on its own internal oscillator, whose
    frequency is being adjusted using data acquired while it had
    been synchronized/syntonized to the other clock. It is said to
    be in holdover or in the holdover mode, as long as it is within
    its accuracy requirements.

    A network segment between two Precision Time Protocol ports
    supporting the peer delay mechanism of this standard. The peer
    delay mechanism is designed to measure the propagation time
    over such a link.

    Management node:
    A device that configures and monitors clocks.

    Master clock:
    In the context of a single Precision Time Protocol
    communication path, a clock that is the source of time to which
    all other clocks on that path synchronize.

    Message timestamp point:
    A point within a Precision Time Protocol event message serving
    as a reference point in the message. A timestamp is defined by
    the instant a message timestamp point passes the reference
    plane of a clock.

    Multicast communication:
    A communication model in which each Precision Time Protocol
    message sent from any PTP port is capable of being received and
    processed by all PTP ports on the same PTP communication path.

    A device that can issue or receive Precision Time Protocol
    communications on a network.

    One-step clock:
    A clock that provides time information using a single event

    On-pass support:
    Indicates that each node in the synchronization chain from
    master to slave can support IEEE-1588.

    Ordinary clock:
    A clock that has a single Precision Time Protocol port in a
    domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may
    serve as a source of time, i.e., be a master clock, or may
    synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock.

    Parent clock:
    The master clock to which a clock is synchronized.

    Peer-to-peer transparent clock:
    A transparent clock that, in addition to providing Precision
    Time Protocol event transit time information, also provides
    corrections for the propagation delay of the link connected to
    the port receiving the PTP event message. In the presence of
    peer-to-peer transparent clocks, delay measurements between
    slave clocks and the master clock are performed using the
    peer-to-peer delay measurement mechanism.

    Phase change rate:
    The observed rate of change in the measured time with respect
    to the reference time. The phase change rate is equal to the
    fractional frequency offset between the measured frequency and
    the reference frequency.

    An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol port on
    a PTP node.

    Primary reference:
    A source of time and or frequency that is traceable to
    international standards.

    The set of allowed Precision Time Protocol features applicable
    to a device.

    Precision Time Protocol communication:
    Information used in the operation of the protocol, transmitted
    in a PTP message over a PTP communication path.

    Precision Time Protocol communication path: The signaling path
    portion of a particular network enabling direct communication
    among ordinary and boundary clocks.

    Precision Time Protocol node:
    PTP ordinary, boundary, or transparent clock or a device that
    generates or parses PTP messages.

    Precision Time Protocol port:
    A logical access point of a clock for PTP communications to the
    communications network.

    Recognized standard time source:
    A recognized standard time source is a source external to
    Precision Time Protocol that provides time and/or frequency as
    appropriate that is traceable to the international standards
    laboratories maintaining clocks that form the basis for the
    International Atomic Time and Universal Coordinated Time
    timescales. Examples of these are Global Positioning System,
    NTP, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    The port implementing the peer-to-peer delay mechanism that
    initiates the mechanism by sending a Pdelay_Req message.

    The port responding to the receipt of a Pdelay_Req message as
    part of the operation of the peer-to-peer delay mechanism.

    Synchronized clocks:
    Two clocks are synchronized to a specified uncertainty if they
    have the same epoch and their measurements of the time of a
    single event at an arbitrary time differ by no more than that

    Syntonized clocks:
    Two clocks are syntonized if the duration of the second is the
    same on both, which means the time as measured by each advances
    at the same rate. They may or may not share the same epoch.

    Time of Day:

    A mechanism for terminating requested activity that, at least
    from the requester's perspective, does not complete within the
    specified time.

    A linear measure of time from an epoch.

    A property of the result of a measurement or the value of a
    standard whereby it can be related to stated references,
    usually national or international standards, through an unbroken
    chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties.

    Translation device:
    A boundary clock or, in some cases, a transparent clock that
    translates the protocol messages between regions implementing
    different transport and messaging protocols, between different
    versions of IEEE Std 1588-2008/IEC 61588:2009, or different
    Precision Time Protocol profiles.

    transparent clock:
    A device that measures the time taken for a Precision Time
    Protocol event message to transit the device and provides this
    information to clocks receiving this PTP event message.

    Two-step clock:
    A clock that provides time information using the combination of
    an event message and a subsequent general message.

    The below table specifies the object formats of the various
    textual conventions used.

    Data type mapping Textual Convention SYNTAX

    5.3.2 TimeInterval ClockTimeInterval OCTET
    5.3.3 Timestamp ClockTimestamp OCTET STRING(SIZE(6))
    5.3.4 ClockIdentity ClockIdentity OCTET
    5.3.5 PortIdentity ClockPortNumber INTEGER(1..65535)
    5.3.7 ClockQuality ClockQualityClassType

    Simple master-slave hierarchy [1] section

    - Ordinary -
    - Clock(1) -
    - GrandMaster -


    - Boundary -
    - Clock(1) -

    | |
    2 3
    | |

    - Ordinary - - Boundary -
    - Clock(2) - - Clock(2) -

    | |
    4 5
    | |

    - Ordinary - - Ordinary -
    - Clock(3) - - Clock(4) -


    Boundary Clock(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N)
    Ordinary Clocks(0-N)

    Relationship cardinality
    PTP system 1 : N PTP Clock
    PTP Clock 1 : 1 Domain
    PTP Clock 1 : N PTP Ports
    PTP Port N : N Physical Port (interface in IF-MIB)

    Transparent clock diagram from section of [1]

    | Boundary clock - 1 |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | Ordinary clock - 1| |
    | Ordinary |
    | clock 1-1 | | 1 - 1 |
    | Ordinary |
    | clock 1-2 | | 1 - 2 |

    The MIB refers to the sections of the IEEE 1588 standard for
    reference. Throughout the MIB various secions from the standard
    are referenced

    Parsed from file CISCO-PTP-MIB.mib
    Module: CISCO-PTP-MIB

    Description by mibdepot

    The MIB module for PTPv2 (IEEE1588 - 2008)

    Overview of PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008)

    This IEEE standard defines a protocol enabling precise
    synchronization of clocks in measurement and control systems
    implemented with packet-based networks, the IEEE Standard PTPv2
    1588 (2008). This MIB does not address the standard IEEE
    1588 (2002). The protocol is applicable to network elements
    communicating using IP. The protocol enables heterogeneous
    systems that include clocks of various inherent precision,
    resolution, and stability to synchronize to a grandmaster
    The protocol supports system-wide synchronization accuracy in
    the sub-microsecond range with minimal network and local clock
    computing resources. The standard uses UDP/IP. It includes
    formal mechanisms for message extensions, higher sampling
    rates, correction for asymmetry, a clock type to reduce error
    accumulation in large topologies, and specifications on how to
    incorporate the resulting additional data into the
    synchronization protocol. The standard defines conformance and
    management capability also.

    MIB description

    This MIB is to support the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP)
    feature of Cisco System devices.

    ARB arbitrary
    BMC best master clock
    CAN Controller Area Network
    CP Communication Profile
    [according to IEC 61784-1:200710]
    CPF Communication Profile Family
    [according to IEC 61784-1:2007]
    DS Differentiated Service
    E2E End-to-End
    E2ETC End-to-End Transparent Clock
    EUI Extended Unique Identifier.
    FFO Fractional Frequency Offset
    GPS Global Positioning System
    IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    ICV Integrity Check Value
    ID Identification
    IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
    IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
    JD Julian Date
    JDN Julian Day Number
    MAC Media Access Control
    [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005]
    MJD Modified Julian Day
    NIST National Institute of Standards and
    Technology (see
    NTP Network Time Protocol (see IETF RFC 1305
    OUI Organizational Unique Identifier(allocated
    the IEEE)
    P2P Peer-to-Peer
    P2PTC Peer-To-Peer Transparent Clock
    PHY physical layer [according to IEEE Std
    POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
    (see ISO/IEC 9945:2003)
    PPS Pulse per Second
    PTP Precision Time Protocol
    SA Security Associations
    SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
    SOF Start of Frame
    TAI International Atomic Time
    TC Traffic Class
    TC Transparent Clock
    TLV Type, Length, Value [according to IEEE Std
    ToD Time of Day Synchronization
    ToS Type of Service
    UCMM UnConnect Message Manager
    UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol
    UTC Coordinated Universal Time

    [1] Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked
    measurement and control systems - IEC 61588 IEEE 1588(tm)
    Edition 2.0 2009-02

    Definitions from [1] section 3.1

    The mean of the time or frequency error between the clock under
    test and a perfect reference clock, over an ensemble of
    measurements. Stability is a measure of how the mean varies
    with respect to variables such as time, temperature, and so on.

    The precision is a measure of the deviation of the error from
    the mean.

    Atomic process:
    A process is atomic if the values of all inputs to the process
    are not permitted to change until all of the results of the
    process are instantiated, and the outputs of the process are
    not visible to other processes until the processing of each
    output is complete.

    Boundary clock:
    A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in
    a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It
    may serve as the source of time, i.e., be a master clock, and
    may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock.

    Boundary node clock:
    A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in
    a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It
    differs from the boundary clock in that the clock roles can

    A node participating in the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) that
    is capable of providing a measurement of the passage of time
    since a defined epoch.

    A logical grouping of clocks that synchronize to each other
    using the protocol, but that are not necessarily synchronized
    to clocks in another domain.

    End-to-end transparent clock:
    A transparent clock that supports the use of the end-to-end
    delay measurement mechanism between slave clocks and the master
    clock. Each node must measure the residence time of PTP event
    messages and accumulate it in Correction Field.

    The origin of a timescale.

    An abstraction of the mechanism by which signals or conditions
    are generated and represented.

    Foreign master:
    An ordinary or boundary clock sending Announce messages to
    another clock that is not the current master recognized by the
    other clock.

    Grandmaster clock:
    Within a domain, a clock that is the ultimate source of time
    for clock synchronization using the protocol.

    A clock previously synchronized/syntonized to another clock
    (normally a primary reference or a master clock) but now
    free-running based on its own internal oscillator, whose
    frequency is being adjusted using data acquired while it had
    been synchronized/syntonized to the other clock. It is said to
    be in holdover or in the holdover mode, as long as it is within
    its accuracy requirements.

    A network segment between two Precision Time Protocol ports
    supporting the peer delay mechanism of this standard. The peer
    delay mechanism is designed to measure the propagation time
    over such a link.

    Management node:
    A device that configures and monitors clocks.

    Master clock:
    In the context of a single Precision Time Protocol
    communication path, a clock that is the source of time to which
    all other clocks on that path synchronize.

    Message timestamp point:
    A point within a Precision Time Protocol event message serving
    as a reference point in the message. A timestamp is defined by
    the instant a message timestamp point passes the reference
    plane of a clock.

    Multicast communication:
    A communication model in which each Precision Time Protocol
    message sent from any PTP port is capable of being received and
    processed by all PTP ports on the same PTP communication path.

    A device that can issue or receive Precision Time Protocol
    communications on a network.

    One-step clock:
    A clock that provides time information using a single event

    On-pass support:
    Indicates that each node in the synchronization chain from
    master to slave can support IEEE-1588.

    Ordinary clock:
    A clock that has a single Precision Time Protocol port in a
    domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may
    serve as a source of time, i.e., be a master clock, or may
    synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock.

    Parent clock:
    The master clock to which a clock is synchronized.

    Peer-to-peer transparent clock:
    A transparent clock that, in addition to providing Precision
    Time Protocol event transit time information, also provides
    corrections for the propagation delay of the link connected to
    the port receiving the PTP event message. In the presence of
    peer-to-peer transparent clocks, delay measurements between
    slave clocks and the master clock are performed using the
    peer-to-peer delay measurement mechanism.

    Phase change rate:
    The observed rate of change in the measured time with respect
    to the reference time. The phase change rate is equal to the
    fractional frequency offset between the measured frequency and
    the reference frequency.

    An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol port on
    a PTP node.

    Primary reference:
    A source of time and or frequency that is traceable to
    international standards.

    The set of allowed Precision Time Protocol features applicable
    to a device.

    Precision Time Protocol communication:
    Information used in the operation of the protocol, transmitted
    in a PTP message over a PTP communication path.

    Precision Time Protocol communication path: The signaling path
    portion of a particular network enabling direct communication
    among ordinary and boundary clocks.

    Precision Time Protocol node:
    PTP ordinary, boundary, or transparent clock or a device that
    generates or parses PTP messages.

    Precision Time Protocol port:
    A logical access point of a clock for PTP communications to the
    communications network.

    Recognized standard time source:
    A recognized standard time source is a source external to
    Precision Time Protocol that provides time and/or frequency as
    appropriate that is traceable to the international standards
    laboratories maintaining clocks that form the basis for the
    International Atomic Time and Universal Coordinated Time
    timescales. Examples of these are Global Positioning System,
    NTP, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    The port implementing the peer-to-peer delay mechanism that
    initiates the mechanism by sending a Pdelay_Req message.

    The port responding to the receipt of a Pdelay_Req message as
    part of the operation of the peer-to-peer delay mechanism.

    Synchronized clocks:
    Two clocks are synchronized to a specified uncertainty if they
    have the same epoch and their measurements of the time of a
    single event at an arbitrary time differ by no more than that

    Syntonized clocks:
    Two clocks are syntonized if the duration of the second is the
    same on both, which means the time as measured by each advances
    at the same rate. They may or may not share the same epoch.

    Time of Day:

    A mechanism for terminating requested activity that, at least
    from the requester's perspective, does not complete within the
    specified time.

    A linear measure of time from an epoch.

    A property of the result of a measurement or the value of a
    standard whereby it can be related to stated references,
    usually national or international standards, through an unbroken
    chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties.

    Translation device:
    A boundary clock or, in some cases, a transparent clock that
    translates the protocol messages between regions implementing
    different transport and messaging protocols, between different
    versions of IEEE Std 1588-2008/IEC 61588:2009, or different
    Precision Time Protocol profiles.

    transparent clock:
    A device that measures the time taken for a Precision Time
    Protocol event message to transit the device and provides this
    information to clocks receiving this PTP event message.

    Two-step clock:
    A clock that provides time information using the combination of
    an event message and a subsequent general message.

    The below table specifies the object formats of the various
    textual conventions used.

    Data type mapping Textual Convention SYNTAX

    5.3.2 TimeInterval ClockTimeInterval OCTET
    5.3.3 Timestamp ClockTimestamp OCTET STRING(SIZE(6))
    5.3.4 ClockIdentity ClockIdentity OCTET
    5.3.5 PortIdentity ClockPortNumber INTEGER(1..65535)
    5.3.7 ClockQuality ClockQualityClassType

    Simple master-slave hierarchy [1] section

    - Ordinary -
    - Clock(1) -
    - GrandMaster -


    - Boundary -
    - Clock(1) -

    | |
    2 3
    | |

    - Ordinary - - Boundary -
    - Clock(2) - - Clock(2) -

    | |
    4 5
    | |

    - Ordinary - - Ordinary -
    - Clock(3) - - Clock(4) -


    Boundary Clock(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N)
    Ordinary Clocks(0-N)

    Relationship cardinality
    PTP system 1 : N PTP Clock
    PTP Clock 1 : 1 Domain
    PTP Clock 1 : N PTP Ports
    PTP Port N : N Physical Port (interface in IF-MIB)

    Transparent clock diagram from section of [1]

    | Boundary clock - 1 |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | Ordinary clock - 1| |
    | Ordinary |
    | clock 1-1 | | 1 - 1 |
    | Ordinary |
    | clock 1-2 | | 1 - 2 |

    The MIB refers to the sections of the IEEE 1588 standard for
    reference. Throughout the MIB various secions from the standard
    are referenced

    Parsed from file
    Company: None
    Module: CISCO-PTP-MIB

    Description by cisco

    The MIB module for PTPv2 (IEEE1588 - 2008)

    Overview of PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008)

    This IEEE standard defines a protocol enabling precise
    synchronization of clocks in measurement and control systems
    implemented with packet-based networks, the IEEE Standard PTPv2
    1588 (2008). This MIB does not address the standard IEEE
    1588 (2002). The protocol is applicable to network elements
    communicating using IP. The protocol enables heterogeneous
    systems that include clocks of various inherent precision,
    resolution, and stability to synchronize to a grandmaster
    The protocol supports system-wide synchronization accuracy in
    the sub-microsecond range with minimal network and local clock
    computing resources. The standard uses UDP/IP. It includes
    formal mechanisms for message extensions, higher sampling
    rates, correction for asymmetry, a clock type to reduce error
    accumulation in large topologies, and specifications on how to
    incorporate the resulting additional data into the
    synchronization protocol. The standard defines conformance and
    management capability also.

    MIB description

    This MIB is to support the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP)
    feature of Cisco System devices.

    ARB arbitrary
    BMC best master clock
    CAN Controller Area Network
    CP Communication Profile
    [according to IEC 61784-1:200710]
    CPF Communication Profile Family
    [according to IEC 61784-1:2007]
    DS Differentiated Service
    E2E End-to-End
    E2ETC End-to-End Transparent Clock
    EUI Extended Unique Identifier.
    FFO Fractional Frequency Offset
    GPS Global Positioning System
    IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    ICV Integrity Check Value
    ID Identification
    IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
    IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
    JD Julian Date
    JDN Julian Day Number
    MAC Media Access Control
    [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005]
    MJD Modified Julian Day
    NIST National Institute of Standards and
    Technology (see
    NTP Network Time Protocol (see IETF RFC 1305
    OUI Organizational Unique Identifier(allocated
    the IEEE)
    P2P Peer-to-Peer
    P2PTC Peer-To-Peer Transparent Clock
    PHY physical layer [according to IEEE Std
    POSIX Portable Operating System Interface
    (see ISO/IEC 9945:2003)
    PPS Pulse per Second
    PTP Precision Time Protocol
    SA Security Associations
    SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
    SOF Start of Frame
    TAI International Atomic Time
    TC Traffic Class
    TC Transparent Clock
    TLV Type, Length, Value [according to IEEE Std
    ToD Time of Day Synchronization
    ToS Type of Service
    UCMM UnConnect Message Manager
    UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol
    UTC Coordinated Universal Time

    [1] Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked
    measurement and control systems - IEC 61588 IEEE 1588(tm)
    Edition 2.0 2009-02

    Definitions from [1] section 3.1

    The mean of the time or frequency error between the clock under
    test and a perfect reference clock, over an ensemble of
    measurements. Stability is a measure of how the mean varies
    with respect to variables such as time, temperature, and so on.

    The precision is a measure of the deviation of the error from
    the mean.

    Atomic process:
    A process is atomic if the values of all inputs to the process
    are not permitted to change until all of the results of the
    process are instantiated, and the outputs of the process are
    not visible to other processes until the processing of each
    output is complete.

    Boundary clock:
    A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in
    a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It
    may serve as the source of time, i.e., be a master clock, and
    may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock.

    Boundary node clock:
    A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in
    a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It
    differs from the boundary clock in that the clock roles can

    A node participating in the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) that
    is capable of providing a measurement of the passage of time
    since a defined epoch.

    A logical grouping of clocks that synchronize to each other
    using the protocol, but that are not necessarily synchronized
    to clocks in another domain.

    End-to-end transparent clock:
    A transparent clock that supports the use of the end-to-end
    delay measurement mechanism between slave clocks and the master
    clock. Each node must measure the residence time of PTP event
    messages and accumulate it in Correction Field.

    The origin of a timescale.

    An abstraction of the mechanism by which signals or conditions
    are generated and represented.

    Foreign master:
    An ordinary or boundary clock sending Announce messages to
    another clock that is not the current master recognized by the
    other clock.

    Grandmaster clock:
    Within a domain, a clock that is the ultimate source of time
    for clock synchronization using the protocol.

    A clock previously synchronized/syntonized to another clock
    (normally a primary reference or a master clock) but now
    free-running based on its own internal oscillator, whose
    frequency is being adjusted using data acquired while it had
    been synchronized/syntonized to the other clock. It is said to
    be in holdover or in the holdover mode, as long as it is within
    its accuracy requirements.

    A network segment between two Precision Time Protocol ports
    supporting the peer delay mechanism of this standard. The peer
    delay mechanism is designed to measure the propagation time
    over such a link.

    Management node:
    A device that configures and monitors clocks.

    Master clock:
    In the context of a single Precision Time Protocol
    communication path, a clock that is the source of time to which
    all other clocks on that path synchronize.

    Message timestamp point:
    A point within a Precision Time Protocol event message serving
    as a reference point in the message. A timestamp is defined by
    the instant a message timestamp point passes the reference
    plane of a clock.

    Multicast communication:
    A communication model in which each Precision Time Protocol
    message sent from any PTP port is capable of being received and
    processed by all PTP ports on the same PTP communication path.

    A device that can issue or receive Precision Time Protocol
    communications on a network.

    One-step clock:
    A clock that provides time information using a single event

    On-pass support:
    Indicates that each node in the synchronization chain from
    master to slave can support IEEE-1588.

    Ordinary clock:
    A clock that has a single Precision Time Protocol port in a
    domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may
    serve as a source of time, i.e., be a master clock, or may
    synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock.

    Parent clock:
    The master clock to which a clock is synchronized.

    Peer-to-peer transparent clock:
    A transparent clock that, in addition to providing Precision
    Time Protocol event transit time information, also provides
    corrections for the propagation delay of the link connected to
    the port receiving the PTP event message. In the presence of
    peer-to-peer transparent clocks, delay measurements between
    slave clocks and the master clock are performed using the
    peer-to-peer delay measurement mechanism.

    Phase change rate:
    The observed rate of change in the measured time with respect
    to the reference time. The phase change rate is equal to the
    fractional frequency offset between the measured frequency and
    the reference frequency.

    An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol port on
    a PTP node.

    Primary reference:
    A source of time and or frequency that is traceable to
    international standards.

    The set of allowed Precision Time Protocol features applicable
    to a device.

    Precision Time Protocol communication:
    Information used in the operation of the protocol, transmitted
    in a PTP message over a PTP communication path.

    Precision Time Protocol communication path: The signaling path
    portion of a particular network enabling direct communication
    among ordinary and boundary clocks.

    Precision Time Protocol node:
    PTP ordinary, boundary, or transparent clock or a device that
    generates or parses PTP messages.

    Precision Time Protocol port:
    A logical access point of a clock for PTP communications to the
    communications network.

    Recognized standard time source:
    A recognized standard time source is a source external to
    Precision Time Protocol that provides time and/or frequency as
    appropriate that is traceable to the international standards
    laboratories maintaining clocks that form the basis for the
    International Atomic Time and Universal Coordinated Time
    timescales. Examples of these are Global Positioning System,
    NTP, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

    The port implementing the peer-to-peer delay mechanism that
    initiates the mechanism by sending a Pdelay_Req message.

    The port responding to the receipt of a Pdelay_Req message as
    part of the operation of the peer-to-peer delay mechanism.

    Synchronized clocks:
    Two clocks are synchronized to a specified uncertainty if they
    have the same epoch and their measurements of the time of a
    single event at an arbitrary time differ by no more than that

    Syntonized clocks:
    Two clocks are syntonized if the duration of the second is the
    same on both, which means the time as measured by each advances
    at the same rate. They may or may not share the same epoch.

    Time of Day:

    A mechanism for terminating requested activity that, at least
    from the requester's perspective, does not complete within the
    specified time.

    A linear measure of time from an epoch.

    A property of the result of a measurement or the value of a
    standard whereby it can be related to stated references,
    usually national or international standards, through an unbroken
    chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties.

    Translation device:
    A boundary clock or, in some cases, a transparent clock that
    translates the protocol messages between regions implementing
    different transport and messaging protocols, between different
    versions of IEEE Std 1588-2008/IEC 61588:2009, or different
    Precision Time Protocol profiles.

    transparent clock:
    A device that measures the time taken for a Precision Time
    Protocol event message to transit the device and provides this
    information to clocks receiving this PTP event message.

    Two-step clock:
    A clock that provides time information using the combination of
    an event message and a subsequent general message.

    The below table specifies the object formats of the various
    textual conventions used.

    Data type mapping Textual Convention SYNTAX

    5.3.2 TimeInterval ClockTimeInterval OCTET
    5.3.3 Timestamp ClockTimestamp OCTET STRING(SIZE(6))
    5.3.4 ClockIdentity ClockIdentity OCTET
    5.3.5 PortIdentity ClockPortNumber INTEGER(1..65535)
    5.3.7 ClockQuality ClockQualityClassType

    Simple master-slave hierarchy [1] section

    - Ordinary -
    - Clock(1) -
    - GrandMaster -


    - Boundary -
    - Clock(1) -

    | |
    2 3
    | |

    - Ordinary - - Boundary -
    - Clock(2) - - Clock(2) -

    | |
    4 5
    | |

    - Ordinary - - Ordinary -
    - Clock(3) - - Clock(4) -


    Boundary Clock(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N)
    Ordinary Clocks(0-N)

    Relationship cardinality
    PTP system 1 : N PTP Clock
    PTP Clock 1 : 1 Domain
    PTP Clock 1 : N PTP Ports
    PTP Port N : N Physical Port (interface in IF-MIB)

    Transparent clock diagram from section of [1]

    | Boundary clock - 1 |
    | |
    | |
    | |
    | Ordinary clock - 1| |
    | Ordinary |
    | clock 1-1 | | 1 - 1 |
    | Ordinary |
    | clock 1-2 | | 1 - 2 |

    The MIB refers to the sections of the IEEE 1588 standard for
    reference. Throughout the MIB various secions from the standard
    are referenced

    Information by circitor

    ciscoPtpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201101280000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for PTPv2 (IEEE1588 - 2008) Overview of PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008) This IEEE standard defines a protocol enabling precise synchronization of clocks in measurement and control systems implemented with packet-based networks, the IEEE Standard PTPv2 1588 (2008). This MIB does not address the standard IEEE 1588 (2002). The protocol is applicable to network elements communicating using IP. The protocol enables heterogeneous systems that include clocks of various inherent precision, resolution, and stability to synchronize to a grandmaster clock. The protocol supports system-wide synchronization accuracy in the sub-microsecond range with minimal network and local clock computing resources. The standard uses UDP/IP. It includes formal mechanisms for message extensions, higher sampling rates, correction for asymmetry, a clock type to reduce error accumulation in large topologies, and specifications on how to incorporate the resulting additional data into the synchronization protocol. The standard defines conformance and management capability also. MIB description This MIB is to support the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) feature of Cisco System devices. Acronyms: ARB arbitrary BMC best master clock CAN Controller Area Network CP Communication Profile [according to IEC 61784-1:200710] CPF Communication Profile Family [according to IEC 61784-1:2007] DS Differentiated Service E2E End-to-End E2ETC End-to-End Transparent Clock EUI Extended Unique Identifier. FFO Fractional Frequency Offset GPS Global Positioning System IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ICV Integrity Check Value ID Identification IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 JD Julian Date JDN Julian Day Number MAC Media Access Control [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005] MJD Modified Julian Day NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (see NTP Network Time Protocol (see IETF RFC 1305 [B7]) OUI Organizational Unique Identifier(allocated by the IEEE) P2P Peer-to-Peer P2PTC Peer-To-Peer Transparent Clock PHY physical layer [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005] POSIX Portable Operating System Interface (see ISO/IEC 9945:2003) PPS Pulse per Second PTP Precision Time Protocol SA Security Associations SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol SOF Start of Frame TAI International Atomic Time TC Traffic Class TC Transparent Clock TLV Type, Length, Value [according to IEEE Std 802.1AB] ToD Time of Day Synchronization ToS Type of Service UCMM UnConnect Message Manager UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol UTC Coordinated Universal Time References: [1] Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked measurement and control systems - IEC 61588 IEEE 1588(tm) Edition 2.0 2009-02 Definitions from [1] section 3.1 Accuracy: The mean of the time or frequency error between the clock under test and a perfect reference clock, over an ensemble of measurements. Stability is a measure of how the mean varies with respect to variables such as time, temperature, and so on. The precision is a measure of the deviation of the error from the mean. Atomic process: A process is atomic if the values of all inputs to the process are not permitted to change until all of the results of the process are instantiated, and the outputs of the process are not visible to other processes until the processing of each output is complete. Boundary clock: A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may serve as the source of time, i.e., be a master clock, and may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock. Boundary node clock: A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It differs from the boundary clock in that the clock roles can change. Clock: A node participating in the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) that is capable of providing a measurement of the passage of time since a defined epoch. Domain: A logical grouping of clocks that synchronize to each other using the protocol, but that are not necessarily synchronized to clocks in another domain. End-to-end transparent clock: A transparent clock that supports the use of the end-to-end delay measurement mechanism between slave clocks and the master clock. Each node must measure the residence time of PTP event messages and accumulate it in Correction Field. Epoch: The origin of a timescale. Event: An abstraction of the mechanism by which signals or conditions are generated and represented. Foreign master: An ordinary or boundary clock sending Announce messages to another clock that is not the current master recognized by the other clock. Grandmaster clock: Within a domain, a clock that is the ultimate source of time for clock synchronization using the protocol. Holdover: A clock previously synchronized/syntonized to another clock (normally a primary reference or a master clock) but now free-running based on its own internal oscillator, whose frequency is being adjusted using data acquired while it had been synchronized/syntonized to the other clock. It is said to be in holdover or in the holdover mode, as long as it is within its accuracy requirements. Link: A network segment between two Precision Time Protocol ports supporting the peer delay mechanism of this standard. The peer delay mechanism is designed to measure the propagation time over such a link. Management node: A device that configures and monitors clocks. Master clock: In the context of a single Precision Time Protocol communication path, a clock that is the source of time to which all other clocks on that path synchronize. Message timestamp point: A point within a Precision Time Protocol event message serving as a reference point in the message. A timestamp is defined by the instant a message timestamp point passes the reference plane of a clock. Multicast communication: A communication model in which each Precision Time Protocol message sent from any PTP port is capable of being received and processed by all PTP ports on the same PTP communication path. Node: A device that can issue or receive Precision Time Protocol communications on a network. One-step clock: A clock that provides time information using a single event message. On-pass support: Indicates that each node in the synchronization chain from master to slave can support IEEE-1588. Ordinary clock: A clock that has a single Precision Time Protocol port in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may serve as a source of time, i.e., be a master clock, or may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock. Parent clock: The master clock to which a clock is synchronized. Peer-to-peer transparent clock: A transparent clock that, in addition to providing Precision Time Protocol event transit time information, also provides corrections for the propagation delay of the link connected to the port receiving the PTP event message. In the presence of peer-to-peer transparent clocks, delay measurements between slave clocks and the master clock are performed using the peer-to-peer delay measurement mechanism. Phase change rate: The observed rate of change in the measured time with respect to the reference time. The phase change rate is equal to the fractional frequency offset between the measured frequency and the reference frequency. PortNumber: An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol port on a PTP node. Primary reference: A source of time and or frequency that is traceable to international standards. Profile: The set of allowed Precision Time Protocol features applicable to a device. Precision Time Protocol communication: Information used in the operation of the protocol, transmitted in a PTP message over a PTP communication path. Precision Time Protocol communication path: The signaling path portion of a particular network enabling direct communication among ordinary and boundary clocks. Precision Time Protocol node: PTP ordinary, boundary, or transparent clock or a device that generates or parses PTP messages. Precision Time Protocol port: A logical access point of a clock for PTP communications to the communications network. Recognized standard time source: A recognized standard time source is a source external to Precision Time Protocol that provides time and/or frequency as appropriate that is traceable to the international standards laboratories maintaining clocks that form the basis for the International Atomic Time and Universal Coordinated Time timescales. Examples of these are Global Positioning System, NTP, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) timeservers. Requestor: The port implementing the peer-to-peer delay mechanism that initiates the mechanism by sending a Pdelay_Req message. Responder: The port responding to the receipt of a Pdelay_Req message as part of the operation of the peer-to-peer delay mechanism. Synchronized clocks: Two clocks are synchronized to a specified uncertainty if they have the same epoch and their measurements of the time of a single event at an arbitrary time differ by no more than that uncertainty. Syntonized clocks: Two clocks are syntonized if the duration of the second is the same on both, which means the time as measured by each advances at the same rate. They may or may not share the same epoch. Time of Day: Timeout: A mechanism for terminating requested activity that, at least from the requester's perspective, does not complete within the specified time. Timescale: A linear measure of time from an epoch. Traceability: A property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties. Translation device: A boundary clock or, in some cases, a transparent clock that translates the protocol messages between regions implementing different transport and messaging protocols, between different versions of IEEE Std 1588-2008/IEC 61588:2009, or different Precision Time Protocol profiles. transparent clock: A device that measures the time taken for a Precision Time Protocol event message to transit the device and provides this information to clocks receiving this PTP event message. Two-step clock: A clock that provides time information using the combination of an event message and a subsequent general message. The below table specifies the object formats of the various textual conventions used. Data type mapping Textual Convention SYNTAX 5.3.2 TimeInterval ClockTimeInterval OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) 5.3.3 Timestamp ClockTimestamp OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) 5.3.4 ClockIdentity ClockIdentity OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) 5.3.5 PortIdentity ClockPortNumber INTEGER(1..65535) 5.3.7 ClockQuality ClockQualityClassType Simple master-slave hierarchy [1] section - Ordinary - - Clock(1) - - GrandMaster - | 1 | - Boundary - - Clock(1) - | | 2 3 | | - Ordinary - - Boundary - - Clock(2) - - Clock(2) - | | 4 5 | | - Ordinary - - Ordinary - - Clock(3) - - Clock(4) - Grandmaster Boundary Clock(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N) Relationship cardinality PTP system 1 : N PTP Clock PTP Clock 1 : 1 Domain PTP Clock 1 : N PTP Ports PTP Port N : N Physical Port (interface in IF-MIB) Transparent clock diagram from section of [1] + | Boundary clock - 1 | + | | | | + | | + | Ordinary clock - 1| | + + + | Ordinary | | clock 1-1 | | 1 - 1 | + | | C | | + + | Ordinary | | clock 1-2 | | 1 - 2 | + The MIB refers to the sections of the IEEE 1588 standard for reference. Throughout the MIB various secions from the standard are referenced" REVISION "201101280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version" ::= { ciscoMgmt 760 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    ciscoPtpMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoMgmt 760 }

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Cisco
    Module: CISCO-PTP-MIB

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    ciscoPtpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201101280000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for PTPv2 (IEEE1588 - 2008) Overview of PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008) This IEEE standard defines a protocol enabling precise synchronization of clocks in measurement and control systems implemented with packet-based networks, the IEEE Standard PTPv2 1588 (2008). This MIB does not address the standard IEEE 1588 (2002). The protocol is applicable to network elements communicating using IP. The protocol enables heterogeneous systems that include clocks of various inherent precision, resolution, and stability to synchronize to a grandmaster clock. The protocol supports system-wide synchronization accuracy in the sub-microsecond range with minimal network and local clock computing resources. The standard uses UDP/IP. It includes formal mechanisms for message extensions, higher sampling rates, correction for asymmetry, a clock type to reduce error accumulation in large topologies, and specifications on how to incorporate the resulting additional data into the synchronization protocol. The standard defines conformance and management capability also. MIB description This MIB is to support the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) feature of Cisco System devices. Acronyms: ARB arbitrary BMC best master clock CAN Controller Area Network CP Communication Profile [according to IEC 61784-1:200710] CPF Communication Profile Family [according to IEC 61784-1:2007] DS Differentiated Service E2E End-to-End E2ETC End-to-End Transparent Clock EUI Extended Unique Identifier. FFO Fractional Frequency Offset GPS Global Positioning System IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ICV Integrity Check Value ID Identification IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 JD Julian Date JDN Julian Day Number MAC Media Access Control [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005] MJD Modified Julian Day NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (see NTP Network Time Protocol (see IETF RFC 1305 [B7]) OUI Organizational Unique Identifier(allocated by the IEEE) P2P Peer-to-Peer P2PTC Peer-To-Peer Transparent Clock PHY physical layer [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005] POSIX Portable Operating System Interface (see ISO/IEC 9945:2003) PPS Pulse per Second PTP Precision Time Protocol SA Security Associations SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol SOF Start of Frame TAI International Atomic Time TC Traffic Class TC Transparent Clock TLV Type, Length, Value [according to IEEE Std 802.1AB] ToD Time of Day Synchronization ToS Type of Service UCMM UnConnect Message Manager UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol UTC Coordinated Universal Time References: [1] Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked measurement and control systems - IEC 61588 IEEE 1588(tm) Edition 2.0 2009-02 Definitions from [1] section 3.1 Accuracy: The mean of the time or frequency error between the clock under test and a perfect reference clock, over an ensemble of measurements. Stability is a measure of how the mean varies with respect to variables such as time, temperature, and so on. The precision is a measure of the deviation of the error from the mean. Atomic process: A process is atomic if the values of all inputs to the process are not permitted to change until all of the results of the process are instantiated, and the outputs of the process are not visible to other processes until the processing of each output is complete. Boundary clock: A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may serve as the source of time, i.e., be a master clock, and may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock. Boundary node clock: A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It differs from the boundary clock in that the clock roles can change. Clock: A node participating in the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) that is capable of providing a measurement of the passage of time since a defined epoch. Domain: A logical grouping of clocks that synchronize to each other using the protocol, but that are not necessarily synchronized to clocks in another domain. End-to-end transparent clock: A transparent clock that supports the use of the end-to-end delay measurement mechanism between slave clocks and the master clock. Each node must measure the residence time of PTP event messages and accumulate it in Correction Field. Epoch: The origin of a timescale. Event: An abstraction of the mechanism by which signals or conditions are generated and represented. Foreign master: An ordinary or boundary clock sending Announce messages to another clock that is not the current master recognized by the other clock. Grandmaster clock: Within a domain, a clock that is the ultimate source of time for clock synchronization using the protocol. Holdover: A clock previously synchronized/syntonized to another clock (normally a primary reference or a master clock) but now free-running based on its own internal oscillator, whose frequency is being adjusted using data acquired while it had been synchronized/syntonized to the other clock. It is said to be in holdover or in the holdover mode, as long as it is within its accuracy requirements. Link: A network segment between two Precision Time Protocol ports supporting the peer delay mechanism of this standard. The peer delay mechanism is designed to measure the propagation time over such a link. Management node: A device that configures and monitors clocks. Master clock: In the context of a single Precision Time Protocol communication path, a clock that is the source of time to which all other clocks on that path synchronize. Message timestamp point: A point within a Precision Time Protocol event message serving as a reference point in the message. A timestamp is defined by the instant a message timestamp point passes the reference plane of a clock. Multicast communication: A communication model in which each Precision Time Protocol message sent from any PTP port is capable of being received and processed by all PTP ports on the same PTP communication path. Node: A device that can issue or receive Precision Time Protocol communications on a network. One-step clock: A clock that provides time information using a single event message. On-pass support: Indicates that each node in the synchronization chain from master to slave can support IEEE-1588. Ordinary clock: A clock that has a single Precision Time Protocol port in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may serve as a source of time, i.e., be a master clock, or may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock. Parent clock: The master clock to which a clock is synchronized. Peer-to-peer transparent clock: A transparent clock that, in addition to providing Precision Time Protocol event transit time information, also provides corrections for the propagation delay of the link connected to the port receiving the PTP event message. In the presence of peer-to-peer transparent clocks, delay measurements between slave clocks and the master clock are performed using the peer-to-peer delay measurement mechanism. Phase change rate: The observed rate of change in the measured time with respect to the reference time. The phase change rate is equal to the fractional frequency offset between the measured frequency and the reference frequency. PortNumber: An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol port on a PTP node. Primary reference: A source of time and or frequency that is traceable to international standards. Profile: The set of allowed Precision Time Protocol features applicable to a device. Precision Time Protocol communication: Information used in the operation of the protocol, transmitted in a PTP message over a PTP communication path. Precision Time Protocol communication path: The signaling path portion of a particular network enabling direct communication among ordinary and boundary clocks. Precision Time Protocol node: PTP ordinary, boundary, or transparent clock or a device that generates or parses PTP messages. Precision Time Protocol port: A logical access point of a clock for PTP communications to the communications network. Recognized standard time source: A recognized standard time source is a source external to Precision Time Protocol that provides time and/or frequency as appropriate that is traceable to the international standards laboratories maintaining clocks that form the basis for the International Atomic Time and Universal Coordinated Time timescales. Examples of these are Global Positioning System, NTP, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) timeservers. Requestor: The port implementing the peer-to-peer delay mechanism that initiates the mechanism by sending a Pdelay_Req message. Responder: The port responding to the receipt of a Pdelay_Req message as part of the operation of the peer-to-peer delay mechanism. Synchronized clocks: Two clocks are synchronized to a specified uncertainty if they have the same epoch and their measurements of the time of a single event at an arbitrary time differ by no more than that uncertainty. Syntonized clocks: Two clocks are syntonized if the duration of the second is the same on both, which means the time as measured by each advances at the same rate. They may or may not share the same epoch. Time of Day: Timeout: A mechanism for terminating requested activity that, at least from the requester's perspective, does not complete within the specified time. Timescale: A linear measure of time from an epoch. Traceability: A property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties. Translation device: A boundary clock or, in some cases, a transparent clock that translates the protocol messages between regions implementing different transport and messaging protocols, between different versions of IEEE Std 1588-2008/IEC 61588:2009, or different Precision Time Protocol profiles. transparent clock: A device that measures the time taken for a Precision Time Protocol event message to transit the device and provides this information to clocks receiving this PTP event message. Two-step clock: A clock that provides time information using the combination of an event message and a subsequent general message. The below table specifies the object formats of the various textual conventions used. Data type mapping Textual Convention SYNTAX 5.3.2 TimeInterval ClockTimeInterval OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) 5.3.3 Timestamp ClockTimestamp OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) 5.3.4 ClockIdentity ClockIdentity OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) 5.3.5 PortIdentity ClockPortNumber INTEGER(1..65535) 5.3.7 ClockQuality ClockQualityClassType Simple master-slave hierarchy [1] section - Ordinary - - Clock(1) - - GrandMaster - | 1 | - Boundary - - Clock(1) - | | 2 3 | | - Ordinary - - Boundary - - Clock(2) - - Clock(2) - | | 4 5 | | - Ordinary - - Ordinary - - Clock(3) - - Clock(4) - Grandmaster Boundary Clock(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N) Relationship cardinality PTP system 1 : N PTP Clock PTP Clock 1 : 1 Domain PTP Clock 1 : N PTP Ports PTP Port N : N Physical Port (interface in IF-MIB) Transparent clock diagram from section of [1] + | Boundary clock - 1 | + | | | | + | | + | Ordinary clock - 1| | + + + | Ordinary | | clock 1-1 | | 1 - 1 | + | | C | | + + | Ordinary | | clock 1-2 | | 1 - 2 | + The MIB refers to the sections of the IEEE 1588 standard for reference. Throughout the MIB various secions from the standard are referenced" REVISION "201101280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version" ::= { ciscoMgmt 760 }

    Information by cisco

    ciscoPtpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201101280000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for PTPv2 (IEEE1588 - 2008) Overview of PTPv2 (IEEE 1588-2008) This IEEE standard defines a protocol enabling precise synchronization of clocks in measurement and control systems implemented with packet-based networks, the IEEE Standard PTPv2 1588 (2008). This MIB does not address the standard IEEE 1588 (2002). The protocol is applicable to network elements communicating using IP. The protocol enables heterogeneous systems that include clocks of various inherent precision, resolution, and stability to synchronize to a grandmaster clock. The protocol supports system-wide synchronization accuracy in the sub-microsecond range with minimal network and local clock computing resources. The standard uses UDP/IP. It includes formal mechanisms for message extensions, higher sampling rates, correction for asymmetry, a clock type to reduce error accumulation in large topologies, and specifications on how to incorporate the resulting additional data into the synchronization protocol. The standard defines conformance and management capability also. MIB description This MIB is to support the Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) feature of Cisco System devices. Acronyms: ARB arbitrary BMC best master clock CAN Controller Area Network CP Communication Profile [according to IEC 61784-1:200710] CPF Communication Profile Family [according to IEC 61784-1:2007] DS Differentiated Service E2E End-to-End E2ETC End-to-End Transparent Clock EUI Extended Unique Identifier. FFO Fractional Frequency Offset GPS Global Positioning System IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ICV Integrity Check Value ID Identification IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4 IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 JD Julian Date JDN Julian Day Number MAC Media Access Control [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005] MJD Modified Julian Day NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology (see NTP Network Time Protocol (see IETF RFC 1305 [B7]) OUI Organizational Unique Identifier(allocated by the IEEE) P2P Peer-to-Peer P2PTC Peer-To-Peer Transparent Clock PHY physical layer [according to IEEE Std 802.3-2005] POSIX Portable Operating System Interface (see ISO/IEC 9945:2003) PPS Pulse per Second PTP Precision Time Protocol SA Security Associations SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol SOF Start of Frame TAI International Atomic Time TC Traffic Class TC Transparent Clock TLV Type, Length, Value [according to IEEE Std 802.1AB] ToD Time of Day Synchronization ToS Type of Service UCMM UnConnect Message Manager UDP/IP User Datagram Protocol UTC Coordinated Universal Time References: [1] Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked measurement and control systems - IEC 61588 IEEE 1588(tm) Edition 2.0 2009-02 Definitions from [1] section 3.1 Accuracy: The mean of the time or frequency error between the clock under test and a perfect reference clock, over an ensemble of measurements. Stability is a measure of how the mean varies with respect to variables such as time, temperature, and so on. The precision is a measure of the deviation of the error from the mean. Atomic process: A process is atomic if the values of all inputs to the process are not permitted to change until all of the results of the process are instantiated, and the outputs of the process are not visible to other processes until the processing of each output is complete. Boundary clock: A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may serve as the source of time, i.e., be a master clock, and may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock. Boundary node clock: A clock that has multiple Precision Time Protocol(PTP) ports in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It differs from the boundary clock in that the clock roles can change. Clock: A node participating in the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) that is capable of providing a measurement of the passage of time since a defined epoch. Domain: A logical grouping of clocks that synchronize to each other using the protocol, but that are not necessarily synchronized to clocks in another domain. End-to-end transparent clock: A transparent clock that supports the use of the end-to-end delay measurement mechanism between slave clocks and the master clock. Each node must measure the residence time of PTP event messages and accumulate it in Correction Field. Epoch: The origin of a timescale. Event: An abstraction of the mechanism by which signals or conditions are generated and represented. Foreign master: An ordinary or boundary clock sending Announce messages to another clock that is not the current master recognized by the other clock. Grandmaster clock: Within a domain, a clock that is the ultimate source of time for clock synchronization using the protocol. Holdover: A clock previously synchronized/syntonized to another clock (normally a primary reference or a master clock) but now free-running based on its own internal oscillator, whose frequency is being adjusted using data acquired while it had been synchronized/syntonized to the other clock. It is said to be in holdover or in the holdover mode, as long as it is within its accuracy requirements. Link: A network segment between two Precision Time Protocol ports supporting the peer delay mechanism of this standard. The peer delay mechanism is designed to measure the propagation time over such a link. Management node: A device that configures and monitors clocks. Master clock: In the context of a single Precision Time Protocol communication path, a clock that is the source of time to which all other clocks on that path synchronize. Message timestamp point: A point within a Precision Time Protocol event message serving as a reference point in the message. A timestamp is defined by the instant a message timestamp point passes the reference plane of a clock. Multicast communication: A communication model in which each Precision Time Protocol message sent from any PTP port is capable of being received and processed by all PTP ports on the same PTP communication path. Node: A device that can issue or receive Precision Time Protocol communications on a network. One-step clock: A clock that provides time information using a single event message. On-pass support: Indicates that each node in the synchronization chain from master to slave can support IEEE-1588. Ordinary clock: A clock that has a single Precision Time Protocol port in a domain and maintains the timescale used in the domain. It may serve as a source of time, i.e., be a master clock, or may synchronize to another clock, i.e., be a slave clock. Parent clock: The master clock to which a clock is synchronized. Peer-to-peer transparent clock: A transparent clock that, in addition to providing Precision Time Protocol event transit time information, also provides corrections for the propagation delay of the link connected to the port receiving the PTP event message. In the presence of peer-to-peer transparent clocks, delay measurements between slave clocks and the master clock are performed using the peer-to-peer delay measurement mechanism. Phase change rate: The observed rate of change in the measured time with respect to the reference time. The phase change rate is equal to the fractional frequency offset between the measured frequency and the reference frequency. PortNumber: An index identifying a specific Precision Time Protocol port on a PTP node. Primary reference: A source of time and or frequency that is traceable to international standards. Profile: The set of allowed Precision Time Protocol features applicable to a device. Precision Time Protocol communication: Information used in the operation of the protocol, transmitted in a PTP message over a PTP communication path. Precision Time Protocol communication path: The signaling path portion of a particular network enabling direct communication among ordinary and boundary clocks. Precision Time Protocol node: PTP ordinary, boundary, or transparent clock or a device that generates or parses PTP messages. Precision Time Protocol port: A logical access point of a clock for PTP communications to the communications network. Recognized standard time source: A recognized standard time source is a source external to Precision Time Protocol that provides time and/or frequency as appropriate that is traceable to the international standards laboratories maintaining clocks that form the basis for the International Atomic Time and Universal Coordinated Time timescales. Examples of these are Global Positioning System, NTP, and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) timeservers. Requestor: The port implementing the peer-to-peer delay mechanism that initiates the mechanism by sending a Pdelay_Req message. Responder: The port responding to the receipt of a Pdelay_Req message as part of the operation of the peer-to-peer delay mechanism. Synchronized clocks: Two clocks are synchronized to a specified uncertainty if they have the same epoch and their measurements of the time of a single event at an arbitrary time differ by no more than that uncertainty. Syntonized clocks: Two clocks are syntonized if the duration of the second is the same on both, which means the time as measured by each advances at the same rate. They may or may not share the same epoch. Time of Day: Timeout: A mechanism for terminating requested activity that, at least from the requester's perspective, does not complete within the specified time. Timescale: A linear measure of time from an epoch. Traceability: A property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties. Translation device: A boundary clock or, in some cases, a transparent clock that translates the protocol messages between regions implementing different transport and messaging protocols, between different versions of IEEE Std 1588-2008/IEC 61588:2009, or different Precision Time Protocol profiles. transparent clock: A device that measures the time taken for a Precision Time Protocol event message to transit the device and provides this information to clocks receiving this PTP event message. Two-step clock: A clock that provides time information using the combination of an event message and a subsequent general message. The below table specifies the object formats of the various textual conventions used. Data type mapping Textual Convention SYNTAX 5.3.2 TimeInterval ClockTimeInterval OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) 5.3.3 Timestamp ClockTimestamp OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) 5.3.4 ClockIdentity ClockIdentity OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) 5.3.5 PortIdentity ClockPortNumber INTEGER(1..65535) 5.3.7 ClockQuality ClockQualityClassType Simple master-slave hierarchy [1] section - Ordinary - - Clock(1) - - GrandMaster - | 1 | - Boundary - - Clock(1) - | | 2 3 | | - Ordinary - - Boundary - - Clock(2) - - Clock(2) - | | 4 5 | | - Ordinary - - Ordinary - - Clock(3) - - Clock(4) - Grandmaster Boundary Clock(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N) Ordinary Clocks(0-N) Relationship cardinality PTP system 1 : N PTP Clock PTP Clock 1 : 1 Domain PTP Clock 1 : N PTP Ports PTP Port N : N Physical Port (interface in IF-MIB) Transparent clock diagram from section of [1] + | Boundary clock - 1 | + | | | | + | | + | Ordinary clock - 1| | + + + | Ordinary | | clock 1-1 | | 1 - 1 | + | | C | | + + | Ordinary | | clock 1-2 | | 1 - 2 | + The MIB refers to the sections of the IEEE 1588 standard for reference. Throughout the MIB various secions from the standard are referenced" REVISION "201101280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version" ::= { ciscoMgmt 760 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Greg Satz

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Cisco Systems, Inc.

    Children (3)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ciscoPtpMIBNotifs 0 0 None ciscoPtpMIBObjects 2 161 None ciscoPtpMIBConformance 2 18 None

    Brothers (645)

    To many brothers! Only 100 nearest brothers are shown.

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    ... ciscoVirtualNicMIB 3 36 This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
    mechanisms to manage the parameters used by or
    related to Virtual NIC.

    Virtual s… ciscoVrfMIB 3 48 The MIB module for provisioning and managing network
    virtualization features.

    This module provides manageability for VRF, VRF-Lit… ciscoWirelessNotificationMIB 3 30 This MIB is intended to be implemented on those Network
    Management applications that manage a network of wireless
    devices through… ciscoTrustSecPolicyMIB 3 204 This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate the
    management of various policies within the Cisco Trusted Security
    (Tru… ciscoHwModuleControlMIB 3 27 The MIB module providing configuration and control
    information for management of hardware modules and
    components on Cisco devices… ciscoEntityQfpMIB 3 82 This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate the
    management of Quantum Flow Processors (QFP), which are listed
    in the … ciscoVoIpTapMIB 3 18 This module manages Cisco's intercept feature for Voice
    over IP (VoIP). This MIB is used along with CISCO-TAP2-MIB
    to intercept V… ciscoCuicappsMIB 3 130 The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) is a scalable
    robust and secure reporting solution for contact center

    T… ciscoUnifiedComputingMIB 5 13463 This MIB module defines the managed objects for
    Unified Computing System (UCS) Manager.

    Cisco UCS Manager provides centralized m… ciscoTrustSecSxpMIB 3 140 This MIB module is for the configuration and status query
    of SGT Exchange Protocol over TCP (SXPoTCP) feature of the
    device on th… ciscoMldSnoopingMIB 3 215 This MIB module defines objects that describe IGMP/MLD
    It provides remote network management system the ability
    to manag… cggsnGeoMIB 2 12 This MIB provide additional information for passive interface
    configured for each OSPF process, independent of object creation
    in… ciscoSmartInstallMIB 3 101 This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate
    the management of Smart Install feature. Smart Install is a
    plug-and-pla… ciscoCdstvServicesMIB 3 21 This MIB module defines service monitoring objects that
    faciliate the management of the Cisco Content Delivery System
    for TV (CDS… ciscoTrustSecMIB 3 128 This MIB module is for the configuration of a network
    device on the Cisco Trusted Security (TrustSec) system.

    TrustSec secures a … ciscoEpcGatewayMIB 3 130 This MIB module manages the features and configuration
    for PDN Gateway(PGW) and Serving Gateway(SGW) in Evolved
    Packet Core(EPC) … ciscoDeviceLocationMIB 3 49 This MIB is used for managing location information
    of end point devices(Telepresence, IP Camera, Digital media
    player etc) connec… ciscoMeetingPlaceMIB 3 70 This MIB allows management of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace (CUMP)
    features, CUMP is the key conferencing solution component for
    Cis… ciscoGtpv2MIB 2 160 This MIB module manages the GPRS Tunneling Protocol
    version 2(GTPv2) statistics for the Evolved Packet
    Core(EPC) architecture.

    SGW… ciscoCdstvFsiMIB 3 25 This MIB module defines FSI configurartion objects that
    faciliate the management of the Cisco Content Delivery System
    for TV (CDS… ciscoRadiusExtMIB 2 51 This MIB module defines objects describing RADIUS (Remote
    Access Dialin User Service), serving as an extension of the
    following M… ciscoSwitchNetflowMIB 3 40 This MIB module defines management objects for the
    Netflow features on Cisco Layer 2 and Layer 3 devices. cmplsTeStdExtMIB 3 72 This MIB module contains Cisco specific managed object
    definitions for MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE), not contained in
    MPLS-TE-ST… ciscoCdstvIngestmgrMIB 3 69 This MIB module defines ingest manager configuration objects
    that faciliate the management of the Cisco Content Delivery
    System f… ciscoTrustSecIfMIB 3 143 This MIB module defines management objects for
    configuration and monitoring of the interfaces in Cisco
    Trusted Security environme… ciscoTrustSecServerMIB 3 85 This MIB module defines management objects for
    configuration and monitoring of the AAA servers
    in Cisco Trusted Security environm… ciscoIpAddressPoolTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines textual conventions used by MIB
    modules defining objects describing IP address pools. ciscoCdstvCsStatsMIB 3 83 This MIB module defines objects describing the caching and
    streaming statistics objects that facilitate the management of
    the Cis… ciscoIpslaVideoMIB 3 73 IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for
    network performance. It can be used for network
    troubleshooting, net… ciscoEntitySensorExtMIB 3 21 This MIB is extension to ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB(RFC 3433). This MIB
    also defines the notifications applicable for sensors reported
    in … ciscoIpAddressPoolMIB 3 96 This MIB modules defines objects that describe common aspects
    of IP address pools.

    IP Address Pool Manager
    =======================… ciscoCdstvBwmgrMIB 3 21 This MIB module defines Bandwidth Manager configuration objects
    that facilitate the management of the Cisco Content Delivery
    Syst… ciscoCdstvIngestTuningMIB 3 18 This MIB module defines ingest tuning configuration objects
    that facilitate the management of the Cisco Content Delivery
    System f… ciscoCdstvAuthmgrMIB 3 25 This MIB module defines objects that describe the configuration
    of the authentication manager for the Cisco Content Delivery
    Syst… ciscoVideoSessionMIB 3 145 This MIB module complements the CISCO-VOICE-DIAL-CONTROL-MIB,
    which provides voice telephony peer information, by providing
    manag… ciscoCdstvServerMIB 3 82 This MIB module defines server configuration that
    faciliate the management of the Cisco Content Delivery System
    for TV (CDS-TV) … ciscoCdstvIsaMIB 3 145 This MIB module defines ISA configuration objects that
    faciliate the management of the Cisco Content Delivery System
    for TV (CDS-… ciscoEntityPerformanceMIB 3 56 This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate to
    monitor performance of any physical entity, which are listed in
    the EN… ciscoSbcStatsMIB 3 106 The main purpose of this MIB is to define the statistics
    information for Session Border Controller application. This MIB
    categori… ciscoTelepresenceExchangeSystemMIB 3 173 The main purpose of this MIB is to provide product
    component level configuration, status, statistics,
    events, and alarm notificat… ciscoGdoiMIB 3 213 This MIB module defines objects for managing the GDOI protocol.

    Copyright (c) The IETF Trust (2010). This version of this MIB
    mo… ciscoNetsyncMIB 3 104 The Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) MIB is defined
    for monitoring network synchronization based on
    ITU-T G.781 clock selection.

    Sync… ciscoWanOptimizationMIB 3 302 This MIB is for managing Wide Area Network (WAN) Optimization
    systems. The objective of WAN optimization system is to reduce
    as m… ciscoVideoTc 0 0 This MIB module defines a collection of common video-related
    textual conventions to be used in Cisco MIBS for video-capable
    produ… ciscoUbeMIB 2 12 This MIB describes objects used for managing Cisco
    Unified Border Element (CUBE).

    The Cisco Unified Border Element (CUBE) is a Ci… ciscoFlowCloneMIB 3 44 This MIB module defines objects that manages flow cloning
    feature. A flow cloning can be described as a hardware or
    software enti… ciscoIpslaVideoProfileMIB 3 29 IP SLA is a capability which utilizes active monitoring for
    network performance. It can be used for network
    troubleshooting, net… ciscoLwappDot11ClientRmMIB 3 64 This MIB is intended to be implemented on all those
    devices operating as Central controllers, that
    terminate the Light Weight Acc… ciscoEntitySensorHistoryMIB 2 20 This MIB module defines objects that describe collections and
    measurement information for each sensor supporting historical
    data … ciscoMediaQualityMIB 3 214 This MIB module enhances the DIAL-CONTROL-MIB
    (RFC2128) by providing call information and voice
    and video quality statistics of c… ciscoTcpMetricsMIB 4 22 This MIB module defines objects that describe the quality
    metrics of TCP streams.


    Flow Monitor - a hardware o… ciscoMediaMetricsMIB 4 38 This MIB module defines objects that describe the quality
    metrics of Media streams.


    Flow Monitor - a hardware… ciscoPfrMIB 3 303 This MIB module defines objects that describe Performance
    Routing (PfR). Standard routing protocols base routing
    decisions on re… ciscoSwitchRateLimiterMIB 3 28 This MIB module defines management objects for the
    Switch Rate Limiter features on Cisco Layer 2 and
    Layer 3 devices.

    Rate limits … ciscoVdcMIB 3 90 CISCO-VDC-MIB ciscoSelectiveVrfDownloadMIB 3 41 This MIB module defines objects describing selective
    VRF download. The selective VRF download feature makes
    a best effort to dow… ciscoNetflowLiteMIB 3 56 This MIB provides a method to configure Netflow-lite feature
    and get information in these areas:

    1. Exporter config information a… ciscoDsgIfExtMIB 3 15 A MIB module for extending the DSG-IF-MIB (ITU-T J.128
    10/2008) to add objects which provide additional
    management information ab… ciscoPmonMIB 3 14 This MIB module is for providing the port monitoring
    information. ciscoSubscriberIdentityTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines textual conventions describing
    subscriber session identities. A subscriber session identity
    consists of … ciscoDynamicTemplateTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines textual conventions used by the
    CISCO-DYNAMIC-TEMPLATE-MIB and MIB modules that use and expand
    on dynamic… ciscoDynamicTemplateMIB 3 152 This MIB defines objects that describe dynamic templates. A
    dynamic template is a set of configuration attributes that a
    system … ciscoSubscriberSessionTcMIB 0 0 This MIB module defines textual conventions describing
    subscriber sessions. ciscoSubscriberSessionMIB 3 187 This MIB defines objects describing subscriber sessions, or
    more specifically, subscriber sessions terminated by a RAS. A
    subscr… ciscoFlowMetadataMIB 3 30 The MIB module for managing Cisco medianet flow metadata.
    Metadata, in the simplest form, is data that qualifies
    other data. Flow… ciscoSwitchCefMIB 3 33 This MIB module defines management objects for the
    CEF features on Cisco Layer 2 and Layer 3 devices.

    Definition of some of the t… ciscoAppNavMIB 2 51 This MIB module defines SNMP management objects describing the
    AppNav technology. A device, which implements the AppNav
    technolog… ciscoMspMIB 3 54 Objective of media services proxy is to provide media services
    to end-points and its flows identified by a set of
    protocols. Medi… ciscoLocalAuthUserMIB 3 40 This MIB module defines objects describing users
    authenticated locally by a Network Access Server (NAS).

    | | | … ciscoMediatraceMIB 3 191 Mediatrace helps to isolate and troubleshoot network
    degradation problems by enabling a network administrator
    to discover an Inte… ciscoFabricPathTopologyMIB 3 40 This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate
    the management of Cisco's FabricPath Topology technology. ciscoSwitchFabricMIB 3 30 This MIB module defined managed objects that
    facilitates the management of switching fabric
    information in a Cisco switch. ciscoHardwareIpVerifyMIB 3 13 This MIB module defines management objects for
    configuration and monitoring of the Intrusion
    Detection System (IDS) that checks f… ciscoL2natMIB 2 80 Network Address Translation (NAT) involves translating the
    source and or destination IP addresses of packets as they
    traverse fro… ciscoVpcMIB 3 73 This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide
    management information for configuring and monitoring
    of Virtual Port Channel(V… ciscoACLMIB 2 87 This MIB module defines objects that describe Cisco Access
    Control Lists (ACL).

    This MIB describes different objects that enable … ciscoWebExMeetingMIB 3 58 Cisco WebEx Collaboration Host is a
    software-only system, with hardware independence
    a key goal. To that end, it will be designed… ciscoOtvMIB 3 129 This MIB module is for configuration & statistic query
    of Overlay Transport Virtualization (OTV) functionality on Cisco
    routers a…