Reference record for OID

parent (mplsTunnelEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) experimental(3) mplsTeMIB(95) mplsTeObjects(2) mplsTunnelTable(2) mplsTunnelEntry(1) mplsTunnelSessionAttributes(13)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) experimental(3) mplsTeMIB(95) mplsTeObjects(2) mplsTunnelTable(2) mplsTunnelEntry(1) mplsTunnelSessionAttributes(13)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) experimental(3) mplsTeMIB(95) mplsTeObjects(2) mplsTunnelTable(2) mplsTunnelEntry(1) mplsTunnelSessionAttributes(13)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/experimental/mplsTeMIB/mplsTeObjects/mplsTunnelTable/mplsTunnelEntry/mplsTunnelSessionAttributes
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/experimental/mplsTeMIB/mplsTeObjects/mplsTunnelTable/mplsTunnelEntry/mplsTunnelSessionAttributes
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/experimental/mplsTeMIB/mplsTeObjects/mplsTunnelTable/mplsTunnelEntry/mplsTunnelSessionAttributes
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by circitor

    This bitmask indicates optional session values for
    this tunnel. The following describes these

    fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel
    hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without
    tearing it down.
    This flag permits transit routers to use a local
    repair mechanism which may result in violation of
    the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault
    is detected on an adjacent downstream link or
    node, a transit router can reroute traffic for
    fast service restoration.

    mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers
    to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for
    the purpose of reducing resource overhead on
    downstream transit routers, thereby providing
    better network scalability.

    isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should
    be restored automatically after a failure occurs.

    isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose-
    routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned.

    isComputed This flag indicates whether the tunnel
    path is computed using a constraint-based routing
    algorithm based on the mplsTunnelHopTable entries.

    recordRoute This flag indicates
    whether or not the signaling protocol should
    remember the tunnel path after it has been

    Parsed from file MPLS-TE-MIB.mib
    Module: MPLS-TE-MIB

    Description by cisco_v1

    This bitmask indicates optional session values for
    this tunnel. The following describes these

    fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel
    hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without
    tearing it down.
    This flag permits transit routers to use a local
    repair mechanism which may result in violation of
    the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault
    is detected on an adjacent downstream link or
    node, a transit router can reroute traffic for
    fast service restoration.

    mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers
    to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for
    the purpose of reducing resource overhead on
    downstream transit routers, thereby providing
    better network scalability.

    isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should
    be restored automatically after a failure occurs.

    isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose-
    routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned.

    isComputed This flag indicates whether the tunnel
    path is computed using a constraint-based routing
    algorithm based on the mplsTunnelHopTable entries.

    recordRoute This flag indicates
    whether or not the signaling protocol should
    remember the tunnel path after it has been

    Description by oid_info

    mplsTunnelSessionAttributes OBJECT-TYPE
    fastReroute (0),
    mergingPermitted (1),
    isPersistent (2),
    isPinned (3),
    isComputed (4),
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
    "This bitmask indicates optional session values for
    this tunnel. The following describes these
    fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel
    hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without
    tearing it down.
    This flag permits transit routers to use a local
    repair mechanism which may result in violation of
    the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault
    is detected on an adjacent downstream link or
    node, a transit router can reroute traffic for
    fast service restoration.
    mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers
    to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for
    the purpose of reducing resource overhead on
    downstream transit routers, thereby providing
    better network scalability.
    isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should
    be restored automatically after a failure occurs.
    isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose-
    routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned.
    isComputed This flag indicates whether the tunnel
    path is computed using a constraint-based routing
    algorithm based on the mplsTunnelHopTable entries.
    recordRoute This flag indicates
    whether or not the signaling protocol should
    remember the tunnel path after it has been
    "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels,
    Awduche et al, Internet Draft , August 2000."
    -- DEFVAL { 0 }

    View at

    Description by mibdepot

    This bitmask indicates optional session values for
    this tunnel. The following describes these

    fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel
    hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without
    tearing it down. This flag permits transit routers
    to use a local repair mechanism which may result in
    violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel.
    When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream
    link or node, a transit router can reroute traffic
    for fast service restoration.

    mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers
    to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for
    the purpose of reducing resource overhead on
    downstream transit routers, thereby providing
    better network scalability.

    isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should
    be restored automatically after a failure occurs.

    isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose-
    routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned.

    recordRouteThis flag indicates whether or not the
    signaling protocol should remember the tunnel path
    after it has been signaled.

    Parsed from file mpls-te.mib.txt
    Company: None
    Module: MPLS-TE-MIB

    Description by cisco

    This bitmask indicates optional session values for
    this tunnel. The following describes these

    fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel
    hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without
    tearing it down.
    This flag permits transit routers to use a local
    repair mechanism which may result in violation of
    the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault
    is detected on an adjacent downstream link or
    node, a transit router can reroute traffic for
    fast service restoration.

    mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers
    to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for
    the purpose of reducing resource overhead on
    downstream transit routers, thereby providing
    better network scalability.

    isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should
    be restored automatically after a failure occurs.

    isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose-
    routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned.

    isComputed This flag indicates whether the tunnel
    path is computed using a constraint-based routing
    algorithm based on the mplsTunnelHopTable entries.

    recordRoute This flag indicates
    whether or not the signaling protocol should
    remember the tunnel path after it has been

    Information by circitor

    mplsTunnelSessionAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { fastReroute (0), mergingPermitted (1), isPersistent (2), isPinned (3), isComputed (4), recordRoute(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates optional session values for this tunnel. The following describes these bitfields: fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without tearing it down. This flag permits transit routers to use a local repair mechanism which may result in violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream link or node, a transit router can reroute traffic for fast service restoration. mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for the purpose of reducing resource overhead on downstream transit routers, thereby providing better network scalability. isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should be restored automatically after a failure occurs. isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose- routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned. isComputed This flag indicates whether the tunnel path is computed using a constraint-based routing algorithm based on the mplsTunnelHopTable entries. recordRoute This flag indicates whether or not the signaling protocol should remember the tunnel path after it has been signaled." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, Internet Draft , August 2000." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 13 }

    Information by cisco_v1

    mplsTunnelSessionAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..2)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates optional session values for this tunnel. The following describes these bitfields: fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without tearing it down. This flag permits transit routers to use a local repair mechanism which may result in violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream link or node, a transit router can reroute traffic for fast service restoration. mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for the purpose of reducing resource overhead on downstream transit routers, thereby providing better network scalability. isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should be restored automatically after a failure occurs. isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose- routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned. isComputed This flag indicates whether the tunnel path is computed using a constraint-based routing algorithm based on the mplsTunnelHopTable entries. recordRoute This flag indicates whether or not the signaling protocol should remember the tunnel path after it has been signaled." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, Internet Draft , August 2000." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 13 }

    Information by oid_info

    Automatically extracted from Cisco "SNMP v2 MIBs".

    Information by mibdepot

    mplsTunnelSessionAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { fastReroute (0), mergingPermitted (1), isPersistent (2), isPinned (3), recordRoute(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates optional session values for this tunnel. The following describes these bitfields: fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without tearing it down. This flag permits transit routers to use a local repair mechanism which may result in violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream link or node, a transit router can reroute traffic for fast service restoration. mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for the purpose of reducing resource overhead on downstream transit routers, thereby providing better network scalability. isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should be restored automatically after a failure occurs. isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose- routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned. recordRouteThis flag indicates whether or not the signaling protocol should remember the tunnel path after it has been signaled." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, Internet Draft , August 2000." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 13 }

    Information by cisco

    mplsTunnelSessionAttributes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { fastReroute (0), mergingPermitted (1), isPersistent (2), isPinned (3), isComputed (4), recordRoute(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This bitmask indicates optional session values for this tunnel. The following describes these bitfields: fastRerouteThis flag indicates that the any tunnel hop may choose to reroute this tunnel without tearing it down. This flag permits transit routers to use a local repair mechanism which may result in violation of the explicit routing of this tunnel. When a fault is detected on an adjacent downstream link or node, a transit router can reroute traffic for fast service restoration. mergingPermitted This flag permits transit routers to merge this session with other RSVP sessions for the purpose of reducing resource overhead on downstream transit routers, thereby providing better network scalability. isPersistent Indicates whether this tunnel should be restored automatically after a failure occurs. isPinned This flag indicates whether the loose- routed hops of this tunnel are to be pinned. isComputed This flag indicates whether the tunnel path is computed using a constraint-based routing algorithm based on the mplsTunnelHopTable entries. recordRoute This flag indicates whether or not the signaling protocol should remember the tunnel path after it has been signaled." REFERENCE "1. RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels, Awduche et al, Internet Draft , August 2000." ::= { mplsTunnelEntry 13 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent 1.3.6)

    Defense Communication Agency

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

    Brothers (36)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription mplsTunnelIndex 0 0 Uniquely identifies this row. mplsTunnelInstance 0 0 Uniquely identifies an instance of a tunnel. It is
    useful to identify multiple instances of tunnels
    for the purposes of backup an… mplsTunnelIngressLSRId 0 0 The purpose of this object is to uniquely identity
    a tunnel within a network. When the MPLS
    signalling protoocol is rsvp(2) this … mplsTunnelEgressLSRId 0 0 Specifies the egress LSR Id. mplsTunnelName 0 0 The canonical name assigned to the tunnel. This
    name can be used to refer to the tunnel on the
    LSR’s console port. If mplsTunnel… mplsTunnelDescr 0 0 A textual string containing information about the
    tunnel. If there is no description this object
    contains a zero length string. mplsTunnelIsIf 0 0 Denotes whether or not this tunnel corresponds to
    an interface represented in the interfaces group
    table. Note that if this varia… mplsTunnelIfIndex 0 0 If mplsTunnelIsIf is set to true, then this value
    contains the LSR-assigned ifIndex which
    corresponds to an entry in the interfac… mplsTunnelXCPointer 0 0 This variable points to a row in the mplsXCTable.
    This table identifies the segments that compose
    this tunnel, their characterist… mplsTunnelSignallingProto 0 0 The signaling protocol, if any, which was used to
    setup this tunnel. mplsTunnelSetupPrio 0 0 Indicates the setup priority of this tunnel. mplsTunnelHoldingPrio 0 0 Indicates the holding priority for this tunnel. mplsTunnelOwner 0 0 Indicates which protocol created and is
    responsible for managing this tunnel. Values
    rsvp(2) and crldp(3) should not be used at t… mplsTunnelLocalProtectInUse 0 0 Indicates that the local repair mechanism is in use
    to maintain this tunnel (usually in the face of an
    outage of the link it was … mplsTunnelResourcePointer 0 0 This variable represents a pointer to the traffic
    parameter specification for this tunnel. This
    value may point at an entry in t… mplsTunnelInstancePriority 0 0 This value indicates which priority, in descending
    order, with 0 indicating the lowest priority,
    within a group of tunnel instanc… mplsTunnelHopTableIndex 0 0 Index into the mplsTunnelHopTable entry that
    specifies the explicit route hops for this tunnel. mplsTunnelARHopTableIndex 0 0 Index into the mplsTunnelARHopTable entry that
    specifies the actual hops traversed by the tunnel. mplsTunnelCHopTableIndex 0 0 Index into the mplsTunnelCHopTable entry that
    specifies the computed hops traversed by the
    tunnel. mplsTunnelPrimaryInstance 0 0 Specifies the instance index of the primary
    instance of this tunnel. mplsTunnelPrimaryTimeUp 0 0 Specifies the total time the primary instance of
    this tunnel has been active. The primary instance
    of this tunnel is defined in
    mp… mplsTunnelPathChanges 0 0 Specifies the number of times the paths has
    changed for this tunnel. mplsTunnelLastPathChange 0 0 Specifies the time since the last path change for
    this tunnel. mplsTunnelCreationTime 0 0 Specifies the value of SysUpTime when the first
    instance of this tunnel came into existence. mplsTunnelStateTransitions 0 0 Specifies the number of times the state of this
    tunnel instance has changed. mplsTunnelIncludeAnyAffinity 0 0 A link satisfies the include-any constraint if and
    only if the constraint is zero, or the link and
    the constraint have a resource… mplsTunnelIncludeAllAffinity 0 0 A link satisfies the include-all constraint if and
    only if the link contains all of the adminstrative
    groups specified in the con… mplsTunnelExcludeAllAffinity 0 0 A link satisfies the exclude-all constraint if and
    only if the link contains none of the
    adminstrative groups specifie in the con… mplsTunnelPathInUse 0 0 This value denotes the configured path that was
    chosen for this tunnel. This value reflects the
    secondary index into the TunnelHo… mplsTunnelRole 0 0 This value signifies the role that this tunnel
    entry/instance represents. This value MUST be set
    to head(1) at the originating po… mplsTunnelTotalUpTime 0 0 This value represents the aggregate up time for all
    instances of this tunnel, if available. If this
    value is unavailable, it MUST… mplsTunnelInstanceUpTime 0 0 This value identifies the total time that this
    tunnel instance's operStatus has been Up(1). mplsTunnelAdminStatus 0 0 Indicates the desired operational status of this
    tunnel. mplsTunnelOperStatus 0 0 Indicates the actual operational status of this
    tunnel, which is typically but not limited to, a
    function of the state of individ… mplsTunnelRowStatus 0 0 This variable is used to create, modify, and/or
    delete a row in this table. mplsTunnelStorageType 0 0 This variable indicates the storage type for this