Reference record for OID

parent (usrds1StatEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) csg3Com(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) usr(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) usr(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) usRobotics(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) csg3Com(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) usr(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) usr(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) usRobotics(429) nas(1) rds1(27) usrds1StatTable(2) usrds1StatEntry(1) usrds1StatSs7ModeActive(28)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/csg3Com/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/usr/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/usr/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/usRobotics/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/csg3Com/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/usr/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/usr/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/usRobotics/nas/rds1/usrds1StatTable/usrds1StatEntry/usrds1StatSs7ModeActive
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This object indicates what the active SS7 mode is after the

    NAC boots up. The usrds1CfgSs7Mode configuration object

    determines the SS7 mode, at boot up. This status object is

    needed since the configured SS7 mode only takes effect at

    boot time. See the usrds1CfgSs7Mode object for more

    details. Default is 'none'.

    Parsed from file RDS1.MIB.txt
    Company: cai
    Module: RDS1-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: 3Com
    Module: RDS1-MIB (RDS1.MIB)
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-only
    Syntax: INTEGER

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    usrds1StatSs7ModeActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ none(1), enfasSlap(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object indicates what the active SS7 mode is after the NAC boots up. The usrds1CfgSs7Mode configuration object determines the SS7 mode, at boot up. This status object is needed since the configured SS7 mode only takes effect at boot time. See the usrds1CfgSs7Mode object for more details. Default is 'none'." ::= { usrds1StatEntry 28 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Bill Vroman

    Brothers (28)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription usrds1StatIndex 0 0 The index value which uniquely identifies the CSU to which
    this entry is applicable. The value of this object matches
    the value … usrds1StatReceiverGain 0 0 This object identifies the amount of gain applied to boost
    the receive signal level to an appropriate operating level. usrds1StatSwitchTypeActve 0 0 usrds1StatSwitchtypeActve usrds1StatDchanState 0 0 This object reflects the operational status of the D
    channel on the T1-PRI ISDN NAC. usrds1StatE1ContCrc 0 0 This object indicates when continuous CRC errors are being
    received on the E1 DS1 span line on the T1-PRI ISDN NAC. usrds1StatE1PhysicalState 0 0 This object reflects the physical state of the E1 DS1 span
    line on the T1-PRI ISDN NAC. usrds1StatLoopBackInit 0 0 This object tells if the loopback was initiated by the
    network or by command usrds1StatDs0SrvcChngLst 0 0 This object contains the current list of DS0s that have
    changed their state from In Service to Out of Service or
    Vice versa. The… usrds1SignalModeActive 0 0 This object is the same as in 1406 but shows what the
    module booted up with. This is needed until the changes to
    the 1406 object … usrinCallmodemNotAvail 0 0 Incremented every time an incoming call can not be
    completed due to no idle modem available. usrinCallInvlidBearerCapa 0 0 Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid bearer
    capability. - PRI only. usrinCallInvalidChannlID 0 0 Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid channel
    ID. - PRI only. usrinCallInvlidProgrsInd 0 0 Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid progress
    indicator. - PRI only. usrinCallInvlidCallngPrty 0 0 Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid calling
    party number. - PRI only. usrinCallInvlidCalledPrty 0 0 Incremented every time the NPRI receives invalid called
    party number. - PRI only. usrinCallCallBack 0 0 Incremented every time the NPRI blocks the incoming call. -
    PRI only. usrinCallLoopStrtNoRngOff 0 0 Loop start, Pegged every time the no ring off after ring
    on. - CHT1 PRI only. usroutCallTelcoDisconnct 0 0 Incremented every time the TELCO disconnect a setting up
    call. - PRI only. usroutCallEMWinkTimeOut 0 0 E&M Wink start, Pegged every time the TELCO fails to wink
    (5 sec) - CHT1 only. usroutCallEMWinkTooShort 0 0 E&M Wink start, Pegged every time the wink too short (less
    than 260 ms) - CHT1 only. usroutCallNoChannelAvail 0 0 Incremented every time the NCC receives outgoing call
    request from TPS but there is no channel available for the
    outgoing call. usrdiscNoTelcoRespDialIn 0 0 In E&M dialin state machine, TELCO does not respond to NCT
    disconnect signal. Pegged every time when it happens. -
    CHT1 only. usrdiscNoTelcoRespDialOut 0 0 In E&M dialout state machine, TELCO does not respond to NCT
    disconnect signal. Pegged every time when it happens. -
    CHT1 only. usrdiscNoTelcoRespGround 0 0 In ground start dial in and dial out state machine, TELCO,
    does not respond to NCT disconnect signal. Pegged every
    time when it h… usrds0BulkAccessABStat 0 0 This object contains the AB bit status. It contains a
    string of bytes which contain the ABCD signaling transmit
    and receive bits … usrds0BlkAccessStatDs0Mdm 0 0 This object contains all of the ids0Stat table parameters
    for all the DS0's on the DS1. usrds1StatNFASSpanState 0 0 This object displays the span's current state with regard

    to D-channel. usrds1StatLpBkDS0Cause 0 0 This object indicates the cause of the DS0 entering or

    exiting at a loop back. SLAP indicates that the DS0 loop

    back change was r…