Reference record for OID

parent (annexconfig)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) xylogics(15) annex(2) annexconfig(5) anxMopLoginPassword(80)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) xylogics(15) annex(2) annexconfig(5) anxMopLoginPassword(80)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) xylogics(15) annex(2) annexconfig(5) anxMopLoginPassword(80)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) xylogics(15) annex(2) annexconfig(5) anxMopLoginPassword(80)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) xylogics(15) annex(2) annexconfig(5) anxMopLoginPassword(80)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) xylogics(15) annex(2) annexconfig(5) anxMopLoginPassword(80)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/xylogics/annex/annexconfig/anxMopLoginPassword
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/xylogics/annex/annexconfig/anxMopLoginPassword
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/xylogics/annex/annexconfig/anxMopLoginPassword
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/xylogics/annex/annexconfig/anxMopLoginPassword
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/xylogics/annex/annexconfig/anxMopLoginPassword
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/xylogics/annex/annexconfig/anxMopLoginPassword
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The password for all ports where anxpCliInterface
    parameter is set to vci and anxpVciLoginPortPassword
    is enabled. The default value is 'ACCESS'.
    Reading this parameter will return either ''
    if the password is defined or '' if the
    password has not been set.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex parameter 'login_password'.

    Parsed from file xylo-anx.mib.txt
    Company: avaya
    Module: XYLO-ANNEX-MIB

    Information by oid_info

    Child arc 0 is used to translate between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 notification parameters as explained in IETF RFC 2576, section 3.

    Information by mibdepot

    anxMopLoginPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The password for all ports where anxpCliInterface parameter is set to vci and anxpVciLoginPortPassword is enabled. The default value is 'ACCESS'. Reading this parameter will return either '' if the password is defined or '' if the password has not been set. This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin Annex parameter 'login_password'." ::= { annexconfig 80 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Barnes Jim

    Children (1)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription anxMopLoginPassword 0 0 None

    Brothers (104)

    To many brothers! Only 100 nearest brothers are shown.

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription
    ... anxVcliPassword 1 1 This parameter defines a password used by the
    Annex when setting up a virtual CLI connection. anxAcpKey 1 1 This parameter defines the Annex's
    encryption key used when exchanging messages
    between the Annex and the security server. anxSysLogMask 1 1 Defines the priority levels of events logged
    in the Annex syslog file.

    The allowable values are 'all', 'none', or
    one or more of t… anxSysLogFacility 1 1 This parameter defines the 4.3BSD syslog
    facility used in logging the Annex messages. anxSysLogHost 1 1 The Internet address of the host configured to
    log Annex messages. anxCliPrompt 1 1 The string used by the Annex to prompt all
    CLI users. anxMotdFile 1 1 The host file name that contains the
    message-of-the-day for the Annex. anxTftpDirName 1 1 Specifies the directory name to be prepended
    to all files (boot image, motd, macros, etc.)
    when booting via TFTP. anxTftpDumpName 1 1 The full pathname of the TFTP dump file, if any. anxTimeZone 1 1 Defines the timezone where the Annex resides in
    minutes west of GMT. anxDaylightSavings 1 1 Defines the daylight savings time for the geographic
    location of the Annex. anxLatKey 1 1 The Annex specific LAT key used to enable
    or disable the LAT protocol. anxCircuitTimer 1 1 The time interval in tens of milliseconds
    between the transmission of LAT packets. anxFacilityNum 1 1 The LAT facility number. anxLatGroupVal 1 1 The Annex LAT group code for permitting access
    to LAT services. To access a specific LAT
    service, the Annex must have at least o… anxKeepAliveTimer 1 1 The time interval, in seconds, between the
    transmission of identification packets during
    times of network inactivity. anxReXmitLimit 1 1 The number of times to retransmit a packet
    before notifying the user of a network failure. anxServerName 1 1 A string of up to 16 characters used to name
    the Annex in the LAT protocol. anxServiceLimit 1 1 This parameter defines the upper bound on the
    number of services that the Annex can maintain
    in its local service table. anxConfigFile 1 1 The name of the host file that contains the alias
    and menu entries. anxLatVcliGroupVal 1 1 This Annex parameter specifies which remote
    group codes are accessible to virtual cli users.
    All virtual cli users have the same … anxLatQueueMax 1 1 Defines the maximum number of host requests
    (HIC's) that the Annex will save in its internal
    queue when the requested resource is… anxLatLocation 1 1 A string of up to 32 characters used to
    identify the location of the Annex for
    the LAT protocol. anxDisabledModules 1 1 Defines which selectable modules are
    currently disabled. The allowable values
    are 'all', 'none' or one or more of the
    following n… anxSysLogPort 1 1 Specifies the Annex port number where syslog
    messages are sent. If set to 0, syslog
    messages are not sent to an Annex port. Thi… anxOptionKey 1 1 The Annex specific software option key used to
    enable or disable the AppleTalk, dynamic routing
    and TN3270 support.

    This MIB obje… anxIpFwdBcast 1 1 When enabled, all broadcasted IP packets are
    forwarded to all interfaces.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex param… anxLooseSrcRoute 1 1 When enabled, the Annex allows internet loose
    source routing.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex parameter 'loose_… anxAppleTalkRouter 1 1 The Ethernet address of the AppleTalk router.
    The default value is 0-0-0-0-0-0. Each part
    of the address must be a hex value sep… anxAppleTalkDefZones 1 1 The comma separated list of AppleTalk zone names
    used as a default when ACP cannot supply the actual
    set of zone names. Commas, … anxAppleTalkNodeId 1 1 The AppleTalk node ID that the Annex first tries
    to use at startup. The address consists of two
    parts separated by a dot. The a… anxAppleTalkZone 1 1 The zone name that the Annex first tries to
    use at startup. Spaces and double quotes can
    be used in the zone name by preceding t… anxRipRouteList 1 1 A list of one to eight IP addresses in
    dotted address format (ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd) with comma
    separators between the addresses. This… anxRipAuth 1 1 This is a clear text password that is used to
    authenticate the RIP packets. If the NULL
    string is specified, RIP packet authenti… anxTcpKeepAlive 1 1 The default keep-alive value in minutes for
    connections to this Annex. If this is zero, use
    the default value of 120 minutes. I… anxMaxModemCalls 1 1 The number of calls for which modem call accounting
    information is kept. The default value is 20. anxOutputTtl 1 1 The value that is placed in the ttl field of all
    locally generated IP packets. The default value
    is 64.

    This MIB object correspo… anxSessionLimit 1 1 The maximum number of sessions allowed on the
    Annex. The default is 1152. The maximum value that
    can be set is actually 16 time… anxLockEnable 1 1 When enabled, allows any port user to use
    the LOCK DECServer command. The default
    value is enabled.

    This MIB object corresponds … anxPasswdLimit 1 1 Defines the maximum number of times a user
    on a port can attempt to enter a password
    before the Annex resets the port. Setting t… anxLatMulticastTimer 1 1 The elapsed time in seconds between
    transmission of service announcements.
    The default value is 30 seconds.

    This MIB object corre… anxChapAuthname 1 1 The name associated with the Annex that
    is used to fill the Name field in the PPP
    CHAP challenge message. If this value
    is a zero… anxTimeServerAddr 1 1 The Internet address of the time server host.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex parameter 'time_server'. anxMopPrefHost 1 1 The Ethernet address of the preferred MOP
    load/dump host. The default value is 0-0-0-0-0-0.
    Each part of the address must be a h… anxMopPassword 1 1 The 8 byte hexadecimal MOP maintenance
    password. Each byte is represented by two
    hex digits in the string.

    This MIB object corre… anxMopLoginPrompt 1 1 The password prompt for all ports whose
    anxpCliInterface parameter is set to vci.
    The default is '#'.

    This MIB object corresponds… anxMopLoginTimer 1 1 The inactivity timer for all ports whose
    anxpCliInterface parameter is set to vci.
    Setting this object to 0 results in a default
    v… anxIpxFrameType 1 1 The framing used for IPX protocol
    packets. The default value is raw802.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex parame… anxTmuxEnable 1 1 Controls whether the Annex uses TMux
    to multiplex small TCP or UDP packets
    into a single IP packet. The host must also
    support TM… anxTmuxMaxHost 1 1 The maximum size of the Tmux address table.
    If the number of host addresses exceeds this limit,
    the oldest entry is flushed. The… anxTmuxMaxMpx 1 1 The largest packet that can be placed in a TMux
    packet. Larger packets are not multiplexed but are
    directly passed to the IP lay… anxTmuxDelay 1 1 The maximum amount of time used to accumulate
    smaller packets into a larger packet. When the time
    expires, the multiplexed packe… anxAllowSets 1 1 This object will return whether SNMP manager(client)
    has access to read or read-write the MIB objects.
    The access is determined b… anxDefaultImageName 1 1 The name of the image file that is loaded by
    default when booting the Annex.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex pa… anxLatGroupMap 1 1 This parameter is functionally identical to
    anxLatGroupVal and corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex parameter 'group_value'.

    The synt… anxLatVcliGroupMap 1 1 This parameter is functionally identical to
    anxLatVcliGroupVal and corresponds to the
    NA/admin Annex parameter 'vcli_groups'.

    The … anxMultiSession 1 1 This parameter allows multisession operation to be
    managed on a terminal server basis. It tells that the
    server is configured for… anxVcliInactivity 1 1 This parameter will specify the amount of time in
    minutes that a vcli session can remain inactive. If
    the timer expires, the anne… anxDHCPServer1Addr 1 1 The Internet address of the primary DHCP
    server host. This MIB object corresponds
    to the NA/admin Annex parameter
    `pref_DHCP1_addr… anxDHCPServer2Addr 1 1 The Internet address of the secondary DHCP
    server host. This MIB object corresponds
    to the NA/admin Annex parameter
    `pref_DHCP2_ad… anxDHCPServerBcast 1 1 This parameter controls whether the Annex
    broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER request if the
    preferred DHCP servers do not respond.
    This MIB… anxConfigServer 1 1 The IP address of the host from where
    the config file was downloaded. anxMaxChapChallInt 1 1 Specifies maximum value for the random CHAP
    re-challenge interval. Valid values are in
    range of 0 to 65535 seconds. Value of 0 … anxMMPEnable 1 1 Enables or disables MMP in the Remote Annex.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    parameter mmp_enabled. anxModulesDisabled 1 1 A bit array that contains the setting
    of selectable modules that are currently disabled.
    The allowable values are:

    0x00000001 - ad… securityProtocol 1 1 Values of this object can either be set to acp or radius to
    indicate which protocol this annex will use. Change of this
    parameter… anxRipForceNewrt 1 1 When enabled, this parameter specifies the timeout value in
    seconds that the Annex waits for a router to send periodic RIP
    update… anxNbnServer1Addr 1 1 The Internet address of the primary NetBIOS
    nameserver host.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex parameter 'pref_nb… anxNbnServer2Addr 1 1 The Internet address of the secondary NetBIOS
    nameserver host.

    This MIB object corresponds to the NA/admin
    Annex parameter 'pref_… anxNameserverOverride 1 1 Indicates whether or not to override the PPP
    Client's nameserver address during IPCP negotiations.
    Set this to `enable' for serve… anxBootpEnable 1 1 This parameter turns on and off the BOOTP relay

    This MIB object corresponds to the na/admin
    parameter 'bootp_enabl… anxRoutePref 1 1 This parameter determines which routing protocol
    will take precedence in the routing table. The
    default value is 'rip'.

    This MIB… anxRtableSize 1 1 This parameter sets the maximun number of different
    routes (address and mask) allowed in the routing
    table. The allowable values… anxOppasswd 1 1 Setting this parameter changes the Annex's
    operator level password. Reading this parameter
    will return either if the password i…