Reference record for OID

parent (lgpPduPsLineEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1) lgpPduPsLineEntryLine(15)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1) lgpPduPsLineEntryLine(15)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1) lgpPduPsLineEntryLine(15)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1) lgpPduPsLineEntryLine(15)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1) lgpPduPsLineEntryLine(15)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) emerson(476) liebertCorp(1) liebertGlobalProducts(42) lgpFoundation(3) lgpPdu(8) lgpPduPowerSource(30) lgpPduPsLineTable(40) lgpPduPsLineEntry(1) lgpPduPsLineEntryLine(15)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry/lgpPduPsLineEntryLine
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry/lgpPduPsLineEntryLine
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry/lgpPduPsLineEntryLine
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry/lgpPduPsLineEntryLine
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry/lgpPduPsLineEntryLine
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/emerson/liebertCorp/liebertGlobalProducts/lgpFoundation/lgpPdu/lgpPduPowerSource/lgpPduPsLineTable/lgpPduPsLineEntry/lgpPduPsLineEntryLine
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The line number (phase) that the measurement represents for all
    measurements in a given row of the table. Note that this always
    matches the lgpPduPsLineEntryIndex of the same row in the table.
    The line/phases are as follows:

    Line# Description

    1 Line 1-N (A) for Line-to-Neutral measurements
    2 Line 2-N (B) for Line-to-Neutral measurements
    3 Line 3-N (C) for Line-to-Neutral measurements

    1 Line 1-2 (A-B) for Line-to-Line measurements
    2 Line 2-3 (B-C) for Line-to-Line measurements
    3 Line 3-1 (C-A) for Line-to-Line measurements

    Parsed from file LIEBERT_GP_PDU.MIB.txt
    Company: liebert

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Liebert
    Type: TABULAR
    Access: read-only
    Syntax: INTEGER

    Automatically extracted from

    Information by mibdepot

    lgpPduPsLineEntryLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phase1(1), phase2(2), phase3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The line number (phase) that the measurement represents for all measurements in a given row of the table. Note that this always matches the lgpPduPsLineEntryIndex of the same row in the table. The line/phases are as follows: Line# Description 1 Line 1-N (A) for Line-to-Neutral measurements 2 Line 2-N (B) for Line-to-Neutral measurements 3 Line 3-N (C) for Line-to-Neutral measurements 1 Line 1-2 (A-B) for Line-to-Line measurements 2 Line 2-3 (B-C) for Line-to-Line measurements 3 Line 3-1 (C-A) for Line-to-Line measurements " ::= { lgpPduPsLineEntry 15 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    [email protected]

    Brothers (14)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription lgpPduPsLineEntryIndex 0 0 This is the index that indicates the line/phase of the measurements
    in the given row of the 'lgpPduPsLineTable'. lgpPduPsLineEntryId 0 0 Unique identifier (within a PDU) for the PDU's power source.
    The object may not be available in non-modular systems. lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLNTenths 0 0 Alternating Current RMS Line to Neutral Electrical Potential
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corre… lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLN 0 0 Alternating Current RMS Line to Neutral Electrical Potential
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corre… lgpPduPsLineEntryEc 0 0 Total input line-to-neutral electrical current.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntry… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcHundredths 0 0 Total input line-to-neutral electrical current.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntry… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcThrshldUndrAlarm 0 0 The threshold at which an under current alarm is activated. If
    the measured current (lgpPduPsLineEntryEc) is equal to or below
    t… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcThrshldOvrWarn 0 0 The threshold at which an over current warning is activated. If
    the measured current (lgpPduPsLineEntryEc) is equal to or over
    t… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcThrshldOvrAlarm 0 0 The threshold at which an over current alarm is activated. If
    the measured current (lgpPduPsLineEntryEc) is equal to or over
    thi… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcAvailBeforeAlarm 0 0 The amount that the current/amperage may increase from its present
    value before an over current alarm occurs. lgpPduPsLineEntryEcUsedBeforeAlarm 0 0 The percent of current utilization relative to the over current
    alarm threshold. lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLL 0 0 Line to Line Electrical Potential.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntryLine value of… lgpPduPsLineEntryEpLLTenths 0 0 Line to Line Electrical Potential.
    The line/phase being measured is indicated by the corresponding
    lgpPduPsLineEntryLine value of… lgpPduPsLineEntryEcAvailBeforeAlarmHundredths 0 0 The amount that the current/amperage may increase from its present
    value before an over current alarm occurs.