Reference record for OID

parent (ncmquadConfigEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) verilink(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) verilink(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) IMPORTS(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) verilink(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • ...skipped...
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) verilink(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) IMPORTS(321) as2000(1) ncm-quad(3009) ncmquadConfigTable(11000) ncmquadConfigEntry(1) ncmquadLoopbackConfig(12)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/verilink/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/verilink/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/IMPORTS/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/verilink/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • ...skipped...
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/verilink/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/IMPORTS/as2000/ncm-quad/ncmquadConfigTable/ncmquadConfigEntry/ncmquadLoopbackConfig
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    This variable represents the loopback confi-
    guration of the DS1 interface. Agents support-
    ing read/write access should return badValue in
    response to a requested loopback state that the
    interface does not support. The values mean:
    Not in the loopback state. A device that
    is not capable of performing a loopback on
    the interface shall always return this as
    it's value.

    The received signal at this interface is
    looped through the device. Typically the
    received signal is looped back for re-
    transmission after it has passed through
    the device's framing function.

    The received signal at this interface does
    not go through the device (minimum pene-
    tration) but is looped back out.

    This variable indicates whether the
    local loopback is enabled or disabled on
    the port or line by the device.

    Loopbacks that are not defined here.

    Parsed from file ncmquad.mib.txt
    Company: None

    Description by circitor

    This variable represents the loopback confi-
    guration of the DS1 interface. Agents support-
    ing read/write access should return badValue in
    response to a requested loopback state that the
    interface does not support. The values mean:
    Not in the loopback state. A device that
    is not capable of performing a loopback on
    the interface shall always return this as
    it's value.

    The received signal at this interface is
    looped through the device. Typically the
    received signal is looped back for re-
    transmission after it has passed through
    the device's framing function.

    The received signal at this interface does
    not go through the device (minimum pene-
    tration) but is looped back out.

    This variable indicates whether the
    local loopback is enabled or disabled on
    the port or line by the device.

    Loopbacks that are not defined here.


    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: Verilink Corp

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    ncmquadLoopbackConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoop(1), quadActPayloadLoop(2), quadDeactPayloadLoop(9), quadActLineLoop(3), quadDeactLineLoop(10), quadActLocalLoopbk(5), quadDeactLocalLoopbk(11), quadActLLBBOP(7), quadDeactLLBBOP(13), quadActPLBBOP(8), quadDeactPLBBOP(14) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the loopback confi- guration of the DS1 interface. Agents support- ing read/write access should return badValue in response to a requested loopback state that the interface does not support. The values mean: quadNoLoop Not in the loopback state. A device that is not capable of performing a loopback on the interface shall always return this as it's value. quadPayloadLoop The received signal at this interface is looped through the device. Typically the received signal is looped back for re- transmission after it has passed through the device's framing function. quadLineLoop The received signal at this interface does not go through the device (minimum pene- tration) but is looped back out. quadLocalLoopbk This variable indicates whether the local loopback is enabled or disabled on the port or line by the device. quadOtherLoop Loopbacks that are not defined here." ::= { ncmquadConfigEntry 12 }

    Information by circitor

    ncmquadLoopbackConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoop(1), quadActPayloadLoop(2), quadDeactPayloadLoop(9), quadActLineLoop(3), quadDeactLineLoop(10), quadActLocalLoopbk(5), quadDeactLocalLoopbk(11), quadActLLBBOP(7), quadDeactLLBBOP(13), quadActPLBBOP(8), quadDeactPLBBOP(14) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the loopback confi- guration of the DS1 interface. Agents support- ing read/write access should return badValue in response to a requested loopback state that the interface does not support. The values mean: quadNoLoop Not in the loopback state. A device that is not capable of performing a loopback on the interface shall always return this as it's value. quadPayloadLoop The received signal at this interface is looped through the device. Typically the received signal is looped back for re- transmission after it has passed through the device's framing function. quadLineLoop The received signal at this interface does not go through the device (minimum pene- tration) but is looped back out. quadLocalLoopbk This variable indicates whether the local loopback is enabled or disabled on the port or line by the device. quadOtherLoop Loopbacks that are not defined here." ::= { ncmquadConfigEntry 12 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    VerSteeg Bill

    Brothers (16)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription ncmquadLineIndex 0 0 This object is the identifier of a Inter-
    face on a managed device. If there is an ifEn-
    try that is directly associated with … ncmquadIfIndex 0 0 This value for this object is equal to the
    value of ifIndex from the Interfaces table of
    MIB II (RFC 1213). ncmquadEndId 0 0 This value for this object indicates which
    end of the equipment it is configuring. ncmquadPort 0 0 This variable indicates Whether the port is in
    service or out of service ncmquadLineType 0 0 This variable indicates the variety of
    Line implementing this circuit. The type of
    circuit affects the number of bits per… ncmquadLineCoding 0 0 This variable describes the variety of Zero
    Code Suppression used on the link, which in
    turn affects a number of its chara… ncmquadFDL 0 0 The variable specifies the Disable/Enable of the ncmfdl State. ncmquadDensityPattern 0 0 This variable indicates what type of density network is being sent
    on the port or line by the device. The values mean :
    'Disabled… ncmquadNetworkLineBuildOut 0 0 This variable indicates the db rate at which the line or port using,
    i.e., is 0 , -7.5db, -15db or -22.5db.[pvt] ncmquadNetworkLoopConfig 0 0 This variable represents whether the device can be
    configured throught the network for loopback. Here
    values mean :
    Disabled: This… ncmquadLineStatus 0 0 This variable indicates the Line Status of the
    interface. It contains loopback, failure, re-
    ceived 'alarm' and transmitted 'a… ncmquadSendCode 0 0 This variable indicates what type of code is
    being sent across the DS1 interface by the dev-
    ice. The values mean:

    sendin… ncmquadResetPerfReg 0 0 Reset Performance Monitoring registers. ncmquadValidIntervals 0 0 The number of previous intervals for which
    valid data was collected. The value will be 96
    unless the interface was brought o… ncmquadTimeElapsed 0 0 The number of seconds that have elapsed since
    the beginning of the current error-measurement
    period. ncmquadResetT1Error 0 0 This variable indicates the option for reseting the
    T1 error counters.