Reference record for OID

parent (s5EnRedPortEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) synoptics(45) products(1) series5000(6) s5Eth(6) s5EnCfg(1) s5EnRedun(2) s5EnRedPortTable(1) s5EnRedPortEntry(1) s5EnRedPortRedundMode(4)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) synoptics(45) products(1) series5000(6) s5Eth(6) s5EnCfg(1) s5EnRedun(2) s5EnRedPortTable(1) s5EnRedPortEntry(1) s5EnRedPortRedundMode(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) synoptics(45) products(1) series5000(6) s5Eth(6) s5EnCfg(1) s5EnRedun(2) s5EnRedPortTable(1) s5EnRedPortEntry(1) s5EnRedPortRedundMode(4)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) synoptics(45) products(1) series5000(6) s5Eth(6) s5EnCfg(1) s5EnRedun(2) s5EnRedPortTable(1) s5EnRedPortEntry(1) s5EnRedPortRedundMode(4)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) synoptics(45) products(1) series5000(6) s5Eth(6) s5EnCfg(1) s5EnRedun(2) s5EnRedPortTable(1) s5EnRedPortEntry(1) s5EnRedPortRedundMode(4)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) synoptics(45) products(1) series5000(6) s5Eth(6) s5EnCfg(1) s5EnRedun(2) s5EnRedPortTable(1) s5EnRedPortEntry(1) s5EnRedPortRedundMode(4)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/synoptics/products/series5000/s5Eth/s5EnCfg/s5EnRedun/s5EnRedPortTable/s5EnRedPortEntry/s5EnRedPortRedundMode
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/synoptics/products/series5000/s5Eth/s5EnCfg/s5EnRedun/s5EnRedPortTable/s5EnRedPortEntry/s5EnRedPortRedundMode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/synoptics/products/series5000/s5Eth/s5EnCfg/s5EnRedun/s5EnRedPortTable/s5EnRedPortEntry/s5EnRedPortRedundMode
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/synoptics/products/series5000/s5Eth/s5EnCfg/s5EnRedun/s5EnRedPortTable/s5EnRedPortEntry/s5EnRedPortRedundMode
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/synoptics/products/series5000/s5Eth/s5EnCfg/s5EnRedun/s5EnRedPortTable/s5EnRedPortEntry/s5EnRedPortRedundMode
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/synoptics/products/series5000/s5Eth/s5EnCfg/s5EnRedun/s5EnRedPortTable/s5EnRedPortEntry/s5EnRedPortRedundMode
  • iri by oid_info

    Description by mibdepot

    The redundancy mode of the port.

    The values when written change the redundancy
    mode, and when read report the redundancy mode:
    standalone(1)..the port is not in any redundant pair.
    hwActive(2)....the port is the active companion in
    a hardware-redundant pair.
    hwStandby(3)...the port is the standby companion
    in a hardware-redundant pair.
    swActive(4)....the port is the active companion in
    a software-redundant pair.
    swStandby(5)...the port is the standby companion
    in a software-redundant pair.

    The values that can be written, which change the
    redundancy mode, are:
    standalone(1)...causes the redundant pair to be
    broken up.
    hwActive(2).....if the previous value was hwStandby(3),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the active port in the hardware-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.
    hwStandby(3)....if the previous value was hwActive(2),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the standby port in the hardware-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.
    swActive(4).....if the previous value was swStandby(5),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the active port in the software-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.
    swStandby(5)....if the previous value was swActive(4),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the standby port in the software-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.

    To create a hardware-redundant pair, change this object
    to hwActive(2) or hwStandby(3). To create a
    software-redundant pair, change this object to
    swActive(4) or swStandby(5). The same SNMP SET PDU
    must also write to objects s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum
    and s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum.

    Parsed from file S5erl102.mib.txt
    Company: None

    Description by circitor

    The redundancy mode of the port.

    The values when written change the redundancy
    mode, and when read report the redundancy mode:
    standalone(1)..the port is not in any redundant pair.
    hwActive(2)....the port is the active companion in
    a hardware-redundant pair.
    hwStandby(3)...the port is the standby companion
    in a hardware-redundant pair.
    swActive(4)....the port is the active companion in
    a software-redundant pair.
    swStandby(5)...the port is the standby companion
    in a software-redundant pair.

    The values that can be written, which change the
    redundancy mode, are:
    standalone(1)...causes the redundant pair to be
    broken up.
    hwActive(2).....if the previous value was hwStandby(3),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the active port in the hardware-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.
    hwStandby(3)....if the previous value was hwActive(2),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the standby port in the hardware-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.
    swActive(4).....if the previous value was swStandby(5),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the active port in the software-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.
    swStandby(5)....if the previous value was swActive(4),
    this value will cause the port to become
    the standby port in the software-redundant
    pair, resulting in a switchover.

    To create a hardware-redundant pair, change this object
    to hwActive(2) or hwStandby(3). To create a
    software-redundant pair, change this object to
    swActive(4) or swStandby(5). The same SNMP SET PDU
    must also write to objects s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum
    and s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum.

    Parsed from file S5-ETH-REDUNDANT-LINKS-MIB.mib

    Information by oid_info

    Vendor: SynOptics

    [Automatically extracted from]

    Information by mibdepot

    s5EnRedPortRedundMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standAlone(1), hwActive(2), hwStandby(3), swActive(4), swStandby(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The redundancy mode of the port. The values when written change the redundancy mode, and when read report the redundancy mode: standalone(1)..the port is not in any redundant pair. hwActive(2)....the port is the active companion in a hardware-redundant pair. hwStandby(3)...the port is the standby companion in a hardware-redundant pair. swActive(4)....the port is the active companion in a software-redundant pair. swStandby(5)...the port is the standby companion in a software-redundant pair. The values that can be written, which change the redundancy mode, are: standalone(1)...causes the redundant pair to be broken up. hwActive(2).....if the previous value was hwStandby(3), this value will cause the port to become the active port in the hardware-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. hwStandby(3)....if the previous value was hwActive(2), this value will cause the port to become the standby port in the hardware-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. swActive(4).....if the previous value was swStandby(5), this value will cause the port to become the active port in the software-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. swStandby(5)....if the previous value was swActive(4), this value will cause the port to become the standby port in the software-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. To create a hardware-redundant pair, change this object to hwActive(2) or hwStandby(3). To create a software-redundant pair, change this object to swActive(4) or swStandby(5). The same SNMP SET PDU must also write to objects s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum and s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 4 }

    Information by circitor

    s5EnRedPortRedundMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standAlone(1), hwActive(2), hwStandby(3), swActive(4), swStandby(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The redundancy mode of the port. The values when written change the redundancy mode, and when read report the redundancy mode: standalone(1)..the port is not in any redundant pair. hwActive(2)....the port is the active companion in a hardware-redundant pair. hwStandby(3)...the port is the standby companion in a hardware-redundant pair. swActive(4)....the port is the active companion in a software-redundant pair. swStandby(5)...the port is the standby companion in a software-redundant pair. The values that can be written, which change the redundancy mode, are: standalone(1)...causes the redundant pair to be broken up. hwActive(2).....if the previous value was hwStandby(3), this value will cause the port to become the active port in the hardware-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. hwStandby(3)....if the previous value was hwActive(2), this value will cause the port to become the standby port in the hardware-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. swActive(4).....if the previous value was swStandby(5), this value will cause the port to become the active port in the software-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. swStandby(5)....if the previous value was swActive(4), this value will cause the port to become the standby port in the software-redundant pair, resulting in a switchover. To create a hardware-redundant pair, change this object to hwActive(2) or hwStandby(3). To create a software-redundant pair, change this object to swActive(4) or swStandby(5). The same SNMP SET PDU must also write to objects s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum and s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum." ::= { s5EnRedPortEntry 4 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Perkins David

    Brothers (13)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription s5EnRedPortBrdIndx 0 0 The index of the slot containing the board on which
    the port is located. s5EnRedPortPortIndx 0 0 The index of the port on the board. s5EnRedPortCapability 0 0 The redundancy capability of the port:
    hwRedOnly(1).....hardware redundancy only.
    swRedOnly(2) redundacy only.
    hwAndS… s5EnRedPortOperStatus 0 0 The redundancy status of the port. The values are:
    other(1).............none of the following.
    ok(2) fault
    lo… s5EnRedPortRemoteOperStatus 0 0 This object reflects the real time status of the
    received data from the remote port. The values are:

    snpxFLRemFltCpblPortUp(1)...… s5EnRedPortRemFltSelectMode 0 0 This mode specifies the set of local fault events
    which will cause a switchover. The values are:
    synoptics(1)..The SynOptics Tx R… s5EnRedPortTxMode 0 0 The Transmit Fiber Mode, which determines the
    port transmit idle. The values are:
    autoCfg(1)...The port will auto configure based… s5EnRedPortFaults 0 0 A count of local or remote faults on this port. This
    counter increments on a transition between the fault
    and no-fault states. s5EnRedPortModeChanges 0 0 A count of the number of times this port has transitioned
    from standby mode to non-standby mode (includes active
    mode and standal… s5EnRedPortCompanionBrdNum 0 0 The index of the slot containing the board of the
    other port in the redundant pair.

    If the port (whose slot-port identity is give… s5EnRedPortCompanionPortNum 0 0 The index of the other port in the redundant pair.

    If the port (whose slot-port identity is given by
    the instance) is hardware-re… s5EnRedPortSwitchoverStatus 0 0 The switchover status of the port (and its companion).
    The following values can be written:
    timedSwitchover(2)...cause a timed sw… s5EnRedPortSwitchoverTime 0 0 The length of time between switching over a redundant
    port pair and switching back, when a timed switchover
    is done to the port. …