Reference record for OID

parent (tmnxSonetPathEntry)
node code
node name
dot oid
asn1 oid
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxSonetPathTable(6) tmnxSonetPathEntry(1) tmnxSonetPathMTU(3)}
  • {iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxSonetPathTable(6) tmnxSonetPathEntry(1) tmnxSonetPathMTU(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxSonetPathTable(6) tmnxSonetPathEntry(1) tmnxSonetPathMTU(3)}
  • {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxSonetPathTable(6) tmnxSonetPathEntry(1) tmnxSonetPathMTU(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxSonetPathTable(6) tmnxSonetPathEntry(1) tmnxSonetPathMTU(3)}
  • {iso(1) iso-identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) timetra(6527) timetraProducts(3) tmnxSRMIB(1) tmnxSRObjs(2) tmnxHwObjs(2) tmnxPortObjs(4) tmnxSonetPathTable(6) tmnxSonetPathEntry(1) tmnxSonetPathMTU(3)}
  • iri oid
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxSonetPathTable/tmnxSonetPathEntry/tmnxSonetPathMTU
  • /iso/identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxSonetPathTable/tmnxSonetPathEntry/tmnxSonetPathMTU
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxSonetPathTable/tmnxSonetPathEntry/tmnxSonetPathMTU
  • /iso/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxSonetPathTable/tmnxSonetPathEntry/tmnxSonetPathMTU
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprise/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxSonetPathTable/tmnxSonetPathEntry/tmnxSonetPathMTU
  • /iso/iso-identified-organization/dod/internet/private/enterprises/timetra/timetraProducts/tmnxSRMIB/tmnxSRObjs/tmnxHwObjs/tmnxPortObjs/tmnxSonetPathTable/tmnxSonetPathEntry/tmnxSonetPathMTU
  • Description by circitor

    The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received
    on the sonet path, specified in octets. For paths that
    are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the
    size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the
    sonet path.

    Setting tmnxSonetPathMTU to a value of zero (0), causes the agent
    to recalculate the default MTU size which can vary based on the
    current setting of tmnxPortMode and tmnxPortEncapType variables.
    Some typical default values are:
    1522 with mode access and encap-type bcp-null
    1526 with mode access and encap-type bcp-dot1q
    1502 with mode access and encap-type ipcp
    1506 with mode access and encap-type mplscp
    1524 with mode access and encap-type atm
    9208 with mode network

    Parsed from file TIMETRA-PORT-MIB.mib

    Information by circitor

    tmnxSonetPathMTU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0|512..9208) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the sonet path, specified in octets. For paths that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the sonet path. Setting tmnxSonetPathMTU to a value of zero (0), causes the agent to recalculate the default MTU size which can vary based on the current setting of tmnxPortMode and tmnxPortEncapType variables. Some typical default values are: 1522 with mode access and encap-type bcp-null 1526 with mode access and encap-type bcp-dot1q 1502 with mode access and encap-type ipcp 1506 with mode access and encap-type mplscp 1524 with mode access and encap-type atm 9208 with mode network " ::= { tmnxSonetPathEntry 3 }

    First Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Marcelo Mourier

    Current Registration Authority (recovered by parent

    Jason Sterne

    Brothers (16)

    OIDNameSub childrenSub Nodes TotalDescription tmnxSonetPathRowStatus 0 0 tmnxSonetPathRowStatus controls the creation and deletion of
    row entries in the tmnxSonetPathTable. The tmnxPortPortID
    for a sone… tmnxSonetPathLastChangeTime 0 0 The tmnxSonetPathLastChangeTime variable contains the sysUpTime
    value of the most recently modified writable variable in the
    tmnx… tmnxSonetPathScramble 0 0 If the tmnxSonetPathScramble variable is set to 'true',
    SONET (SDH) payload scrambling is enabled on this sonet path.
    Both ends o… tmnxSonetPathC2Byte 0 0 The tmnxSonetPathC2Byte variable is used configure the value
    used in the SONET/SDH C2 header byte.

    For paths on an MDA that does… tmnxSonetPathJ1String 0 0 The tmnxSonetPathJ1String variable is used to configure the sonet path
    trace string to be sent in the J1 Path Overhead bytes. Th… tmnxSonetPathCRC 0 0 The value of tmnxSonetPathCRC variable indicates the precision of
    the cyclic redundancy check. A value of 'crc16' is a 16-bit
    CR… tmnxSonetPathOperMTU 0 0 The negotiated size of the largest packet which can be sent on
    the sonet path, specified in octets. For sonet paths that are us… tmnxSonetPathOperMRU 0 0 The negotiated size of the largest packet that can be received
    on the sonet path, specified in octets. tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm 0 0 The value of tmnxSonetPathReportAlarm determines when and if to
    generate tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarm and tmnxEqPortSonetPathAlarmCl… tmnxSonetPathAcctPolicyId 0 0 The value of the accounting policy must be defined prior to associating
    the policy with the sonet path. Accounting policies can … tmnxSonetPathCollectStats 0 0 Enable/disable the collection of accounting and statistical data
    for the network sonet path. When applying accounting policies t… tmnxSonetPathReportAlarmStatus 0 0 The bits in this object are used for indicating the alarms. The bits
    are explained as follows:
    pais(1) Indicates path alarm i… tmnxSonetPathMonC2Byte 0 0 The tmnxSonetPathC2Byte variable reports the value in the SONET/SDH
    C2 header byte. tmnxSonetPathMonJ1String 0 0 The tmnxSonetPathJ1String variable reports the sonet path
    trace string received in the J1 Path Overhead bytes. tmnxSonetPathType 0 0 tmnxSonetPathType specifies if the associated SONET/SDH Path
    is an asynchronous circuit, a virtual tributary group or
    a tributary… tmnxSonetPathChildType 0 0 tmnxSonetPathChildType is used to configure the type of this path.
    Some typical default values are:
    pdhDs3 for STS-1 paths
    pdhE3 f…